2012-06-17 16:22:40 UTC
Now when my son was about 3 months old my ex pretending to be me told this friend that I wanted to have sex with her (she's bi) he had a uncanny ability for hacking into my email and facebook and such, anyway I found out what he had done and tried to fix things up with her but needless to say she felt cheap and used and such but told me she'd try to visit me later that week, well she never came and I didn't hear from her again, this was several years ago.
A couple of weeks ago I found her on facebook and added her and we had a huge talk where she revealed to me that she had also received an email from *me* claiming that she was a ***** and hated my kids and blah blah blah and we sort of cleared the air, I explained everything to her, including that my ex was abusive and that my mother had died and she agreed to trying the friendship again, however that's been it, I invited her out to lunch this week, she said she was pretty busy but would let me know if she was free and never did, she ignores messages I send her and I just get the feeling that she only said she'd be friends with me out of pity and really has no intention of doing so (paranoia on my side) and I don't really know what to do, should I say something about how I'm feeling, I'm worried if I do she'll just feel more sorry for me but if I don't then she might just think every things fine, I feel like she's such a huge part of my life and I don't even register in hers! I need advice! help!!!!
BQ: for parenting sake, do your kids have any friends they consider family?