How can i stop my child from skipping school?
2006-02-28 13:54:17 UTC
we had trouble last year, got fined. this year is worse she is in 9th grade, hasn't been to school hardly at all, we have to go to court again. can't drag her there she will just leave. would have to handcuff her and walk her to each class. she wants to drop out and get ged.
Seventeen answers:
2006-02-28 16:20:01 UTC
Say, "You can go to school on your own, or you can go with me and have me sit next to you during every class." What kid would want their mommy or daddy with them all day at school? You have to lay down the law here unless you want to support this kid for the rest of her life because she didn't want to go to school.
2006-02-28 14:13:49 UTC
I guess this must be a 15 year old girl. That was my worst age as far as any goals went but then I wanted to go in the Military and ya had to graduate high school to get in the Navy back then. Does she not have any goals? Does she want to just get pregnant and have kids and stay at home? Does she want to work as a waitress at some truck stop all her life? Does she not want to have a good job and be independent (as she is fighting to be now)? I would ask her all this and see where all her reasoning is. Have you been thru a divorce and she does not like the new guy around the house? There could be a lot of variables here on her rebel issues. I suffered the loss of someone close back then at that age and it rocked my world but I changed around once I had a goal to focus on.

Does she have any interest in the Military? If she has any interest at all... You could call a recruiting office and they will probably send a recruiter out to give her a motivational speach about how she has to graduate to get in to begin with or take her to a recruiting office.

otherwise, i'd run the waitress at the truck stop by her and see how that registers - lol.

On the other hand - I have seen a girl who was forced to leave catholic school cause she was pregnant at 16 years old. She ended up having three kids, worked customer service at a bank, got her GED, later went to school at nights while working at the bank and is now a senior banking officer making over 100,000 a year - but don't show her this cause it's prob rare now.

In any case good luck.
Offended? Aww Have a Cookie!
2006-02-28 13:57:51 UTC
What's wrong with letting her drop out and take her G.E.D.?

It's possible that her decision to continually skip school stems from more than just "Not wanting to go." There could be a genuine problem.

But regardless, isn't it better to get a GED now, than fail out (due to absence/cutting) and take the GED later?

Just because it's not the path you chose, doesn't mean it's not the right thing for her. It's hard to accept it, but sometimes a kid's got to do things their own way, even if it goes against what you believe in as a parent.

It's their life to screw up as they choose. As a parent, you're there to provide guidance, but moreso, to support them in their decisions, and catch them when they fall flat on their face because of a bad one.
Mrs Akin
2006-02-28 17:15:30 UTC
I started to skipping school a lot and my mom went to class with me for a week. I stopped
2006-02-28 14:00:53 UTC
If she doesn't want to stay in school, make her get a job. If possible, deprive her of something she is fond of as a means to get her to change. or, you could go to court; Judge Hatchett (from tv) has the best solutions.
blue bunny
2006-02-28 14:07:30 UTC
Well I think u should just talk to her and see what she is thinking and sometimes that's the best way to get thing sorted out.
2006-02-28 14:02:02 UTC
If she's not 18 you are the boss no questions asked. Take her to school .
2006-02-28 13:55:37 UTC
Let her do it. Some life lessons are best learned on one's own.
2006-03-03 15:19:52 UTC
you should try to show her what might happen to her if she does not stay in school. Example, no job and no money.
2006-02-28 14:02:08 UTC
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH JACQULEIGH!! KICK HER BUTT, OR IF YOU LOVE HER TOO MUCH, LET THE SARGEANT DO IT! (hears cheers in the back round) or, let er get handcuffed. if it continues, put her in an institution!
2006-02-28 15:10:03 UTC
punish him, rewards always work your talking to a 13 year old.
2006-02-28 13:55:25 UTC
sometimes, u just have to let them hit rock bottom before they realize what a mistake they've made.
2006-02-28 14:06:51 UTC
You push hard love, if she skips something you want her to do, you skip something she wants. That way she can see if she wants you to do something for her, She'll do something for you.
2006-02-28 13:59:12 UTC
I agree! Take away everything or beat their butt to begin with and you might not have this problem!
2006-02-28 13:58:28 UTC
Time for tough love. Take away all priveledges.
2006-02-28 13:59:49 UTC
send them to boot camp before its to late!
2006-02-28 14:47:46 UTC
well you can tell him/her to quit

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