2010-03-31 13:08:48 UTC
My MIL is all in a huff because she disagrees with my nightly glass of wine - she's strongly against liquor of any sort. She thinks I'm an alcoholic. Every night once the two youngest are in bed, I poor myself a glass of red wine and relax on the sofa and either watch TV or read (depending on what night it is). According to my MIL, that's poor parenting and neglect of some sort. And that once a night glass of red wine is the ONLY alcohol I drink unless I were to be at a wedding or party of some sort.
She also calls me lazy because hubby does 1/2 of the housework and 1/2 of his share of taking care of the kids, driving to practices and so on. She thinks he should just work and come home.
What do I do ? This woman is nuts .. she even called the AA support hotline (she told hubby this) and asked them what to do in a situation of an alcoholic mother, and claims she is so worried about my kids. Honestly. I think if she were worried she would put down the damn phone instead of trying to get them taken away on me.
Help me ..