2011-02-07 13:17:37 UTC
I was raised by a single, working mother, and I came into my marraige expecting to be a working mother; I went to college and got 2 degrees, and I wanted to put them to use and be a part of the income. But it looks like I'm going to end up a SAHM...for a while anyway...I was never able to find a job after we moved to a different state, and I figured "why not just start the family now!?" (Instead of waiting 3 years: another year searching for a job, then waiting a year so I'd have the rights to maternity leave, then a year for conception, pregnancy, and birth, lol, give or take a month :o)
I don't have anything against either side. I can see the pros and cons of both situations. But I'm curious about other people's opinions.
I see posts where people try and argue that a working parent works twice as hard as a SAHM, since she has to work, then come home and maintain the house and take care of the children, at the same time, making up for the time she hasn't spent with her child. But I can understand that argument; I don't see how it CAN'T be true...she DOES have to come home and do the same amount of work as the SAHM would to cook and clean the house. So I would have to give the "amount of work" vote to the working mom.
But for the child rearing, I can understand the benefits of being a SAHM. Not only does the parent benefit from being able to spend more time with the children and not risk missing out on anything (like the first step, the first word, etc), but the children can benefit too. I can understand the negative arguments about seperation anxiety and not receiving the same amount of social interaction as the child would receive at a daycare...but the SAHM can make up for that easily with a daily trip to the park, babysitting other kids, or spending time with their own adult friends who have children of their own. So I'd give the child-rearing point to the SAHM.
I suppose the phrasing of my title question is poor. Raising a child is hard work no matter how you go about it! And it shouldn't be a matter of whether what's easier for the parent, but rather, what's best for the children.
But still, what's your opinion? Do you think one side has an advantage for the child over the other side? Do you think one side has it any harder than the other side? What do you see as the biggest pros and cons of each side? Which would you prefer?