2009-06-26 23:59:14 UTC
So he and I finally reconnected this year when I came back from Georgia to visit my family after a bit of an estrangement and he kind of found me after looking for A VERY LONG TIME :(. So what I need help with is... he and I are picking up where we left off and he knows about his son now, although he was fairly pissed as he should have been (by the way I was eighteen when I had my son now I am 23, my son is about to turn 5), but we don't know how to tell my son after not having a father for all of his life. He and his father are getting along fairly well and he likes having a boy around, but it's been two months and I still don't know what to do. He's just so young I don't know how to say "By the way, this is your dad :)" Please help and spare me of rude comments unless you find it necessary. I want my son to know that his father is his father but it's hard to tell him. I have been to a therapist about this but only twice and I still have not told him. Help...
Please don't say anything rude. I supported my kid and had to give up my dream of being a professional dancer. I danced since I was 4 and it was my life and I had to give it up. My son's father is still in law school. That was his great future, he got into Cornell, I didn't want him to give it up.
His father and I were very serious before, we would have still been together had it not been for me getting pregnant and being immature. We plan on getting married, not just because we have a son, but because we love each other. He has been trying to get in touch with me since we lost contact and has not been with any other women.
His father is not the kind of man to leave me, that's why I purposely stopped connection with him then, because I knew if I told him he wouldn't go to Cornell and instead he would start work right away. He is a very good and loving man.
But yes, I have told my son a lot about his dad. I told him that his dad was in college right now. And I have a few pictures around the house of his father of me back in high school, but he doesn't recognize him as he looks different (more manly, taller, older) but I never told him his dad would come back , right now he just thinks his dad and I are like together I guess, I don't know. It's good though they are bonding he just doesn't understand or know yet that he is his dad. It's a bit weird though because my son was named after his dad so they both have the same name : /
I am reasking this and answering all other's previous questions because apparently I didn' give enough detail the first time around.