Parents, when you see this, what do you think of it?
Mrs. B
2009-03-23 06:25:34 UTC
Now, I'm not one to speak badly of others most of the time, but....

There is a woman that I work with, who is just slightly over weight, but she dresses in clothes so tight you can see everything. I mean, her pants are always so tight it causes her to have the "muffin" effect, and she wears some pretty revealing stuff sometimes too. She has a small child, and I often think to myself when I see her, "I hope someday her child doesn't think this is the way people are supposed to dress, especially not in a corporate environment".

Do you, as parents, feel like people are just not setting good examples for their kids as far as how they dress, and that this is probably why we see girls these days running around in skimpy clothes? Or do you think girls dress that way for some other reason? I'm just curious as to how others view this. Thanks.
22 answers:
2009-03-23 06:37:33 UTC
I'm guessing she just recently gained the weight and isn't ready to go out and buy new clothes, because that would be admitting defeat.

Been there :-P

Tight clothes are never flattering if you're overweight.

Honestly, I think that young girls tend to follow the examples of young actresses and pop stars. I never remember wanting to dress like my mother when I was a pre-teen or teen.

If you take a walk down any toy aisle and look at the Barbie clothes, that will give you a pretty good idea why some young girls like to dress like street walkers.

I had someone return Barbie clothes the other day because her husband said that he didn't want their daughter thinking that those types of clothes were acceptable for her to wear.
2009-03-23 21:36:39 UTC
Haha! I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and was looking at the baby clothes when this woman with a little girl (about four years old) comes by and I couldn't help but think "DEAR GOD! WHY???" She had these super tight jeans on that gave her the "muffin" effect, and a little black belt that didn't stay in the belt loops, but was riding up her roll. A tight blue tank top that squished her "boob chub" out under arms, and to top it all off, a lacy black thong could be seen above her pants. She wasn't fat, but she did have this roll and she was definitely not showing off to the best advantage.

It drives me nuts when I see women dress like that or even just too tight for their body size! I'm overweight to begin with and I certainly make sure I'm covered where I need to be and that clothing fits comfortably. How can an overweight woman feel sexy when her rolls are on display?

I think a big part of younger girls wearing skimpier clothing these days is due in big part to sexual advertisements. So many things are using "sexy" as their method of selling. Even M&M's! You're supposed to look and act a certain way to be "sexy" these days and younger girls are feeding off of that.
2009-03-23 13:53:07 UTC
I know what you mean...its hard to bring a question like this to light--alot of women could get offended. I do have the utmost respect for all ladies alike but it kinda irks me when I see some ladies wearing clothes that are in no way appropriate for them. I guess "to each their own" can be applied here but when you have others that could get offended or children that lead by example, I think the situation changes. Especially working in a corporate type enviroment...ladies should be dressed respectably and conservatively. I mean to a certain extent anyways. I dont know...I have had some friends that squeeze into some pretty tight outfits and although I am comfortable speaking my mind to them I would never mention it to some one I dont know or work with. Its hard cause if thats the way she likes to dress than there is not much you can do about it unless your company dress code says otherwise. She could also have some insecurities or some issues that cause her to dress in a way that she may draw attention to herself--maybe thats what she wants or maybe she actually thinks she looks good?! Who knows.
Miss Straight Up =)
2009-03-23 13:47:32 UTC
Well, my mum has never worn revealing clothing as far as I can remember, or fashionable or tight clothes. I do though. My mums never influenced me in the way I dress, at all.

I wear what the hell I want to wear. I think I look good in what I wear, and I'm not overweight, and I don't have a muffin top or anything, so I'll wear what I want, thanks.

Just because I've had a child doesn't mean I have to change the way I dress!

By the way - this doesn't mean I walk around in miniskirts and cleavage pouring out of my top!
2009-03-23 14:06:04 UTC
I think that there has always been a 'threat' to how kids think of how it is best to dress. It's everywhere, in the media, with music, with kids at school, with other parents, with other people. As ofr girls running around in skimpy clothes - girls have always tried to reveal more than what their parents want them to show, like decades ago it was inapporpriate to show off your ankles, but that's changed. The generation after the generation that says no will say yes. It's a bunch of social issues tied together, like how parents discipline their children, peer pressure, media pressure, and their own self confidence. I think, to inform children of the way of proper dress, is to boost their sense of self before anything else, and inform them in fashion.
You thought what?
2009-03-23 13:58:45 UTC
Whoa! Wmayers9!! Slow your roll, it's just a question! If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen! Isn't this what YA is all about. Geez!

I think people dress certain ways for all different types of reasons.

I agree that some people are showing the wrong way to go about things, but you have to think, maybe this woman used to be smaller and these clothes she has on maybe all she has now, or maybe she really thinks she looks smoking hot. Maybe she has low self esteem and needs that extra attn. to make her feel better. You just never know.
2009-03-23 14:07:50 UTC
ugh ... I have never talked about it before But I can't stand seeing people dress like that! I knew one girl who managed to get this affect even when she was like the "perfect" weight for her height. She insisted on wearing her stick-person best friend's clothes and they just didn't fit her right.

Anyhow ... I often think about what kind of example people are setting for their and other kids. For me personally, it's like I want to make sure my daughter knows better than to dress that way when she gets older - but at the same time I don't like talking bad about others' appearances. I guess we will talk about it when she's a little older. (She is only 6 now.)

For the girls that run around in skimpy clothes ... I think it's a mixture of things. Yes, part of it is copying the look they see on their parents, friends, neighbors, and other important people in their lives. But a bit of it also comes from just trying to express themselves through their own styles. ... My 6 yr old has come up with some pretty skimpy looks. All clothes are appropriate when worn with the accessories I chose. But when she mixes & matches for herself ... It usually looks good / cute. But I make her change before we go out in public because I don't want somebody getting the right idea.

For girls around 11 + , I think a lot of them that dress skimpy do it either for the attention that comes from looking "cute", because they want to be "sexy", or simply because they know it bugs some people.

Ya know, as much as I hated being forced to take a "home economics" type class in high school, I often think a lot of kids could benefit from more common sense classes like that. (In one I took, we had to cook a few dishes, balance a check book, learn how to conduct ourselves in an interview, and learn how to properly set a table and which fork to use for which dish, etc...)
Tired and Cranky
2009-03-23 15:13:09 UTC
i think it's a mixture of everything really. adults (parents who have kids) that dress inappropriately around their children aer setting a bad example letting their kids think it's ok to look like that. at the same time a parent can dress right and the kids still want to wear 'what everyone else is wearing' or what they see on tv.
Michael T
2009-03-23 13:35:36 UTC
I agree that her dress sounds distasteful and inappropriate. I doubt it will rub off on the small child though. And when the child get older, it will probably have the opposite effect. Children try not to do certain things like their parents.

I think young girls who dress skimpy simply want to get attention from boys. They might also be competing against their girlfriends.
2009-03-23 13:57:14 UTC
Some women can't believe they aren't a "size 8" anymore (or whatever).

But I don't know if kids actually role model after how their parents dress -- in fact, they just as often do the opposite out of rebellion.
2009-03-23 13:34:44 UTC
I think it's not really anyone else's business.

I've been accused of being a *bad horrible parent/example* to my Children and those in my Mother's Groups, because I weigh 92lbs.

I have been attacked so many times over my weight it is unreal, people always think I am starving myself, blah blah blah.

I am not, I just have problems.

Then that throws in my great fashion sense, with ripped jeans and tees.

Parents aren't the only role models. For all we know she might not have the money to buy new clothes, and may still be trying to make her self feel better.

Females have always worn skimpy clothing, it's not a new trend.
2009-03-23 14:04:47 UTC
I don't think anything of it. I'm not really interested in what other people wear, and I teach my child that appearance means nothing, it's what's inside that counts.

I'm not that shallow to judge people by their clothing. And, the woman obviously isn't bothered by her weight, so good on her.
Yorkies are NOT lap dogs!
2009-03-23 14:01:00 UTC
Who is to say she dosn't think she is setting a good example to her kids??

A bad example to me would be to tell your kids (and show your kids) that you have to suppress your individuality to fit in with whats "acceptable".

Let her wear what she wants and don;t judge her, how can you be sure she isn't sneaking looks across at you and thinking "God! Why would anyone dress like that!"

Last I checked its a free country.
2009-03-23 13:33:38 UTC
Nah. I don't think your parents can have that effect. The whole world is our child's example, not just parents.

My mom dresses like a full out hippie. Long flowy skirts, corduroy, NO bra, no shaving, etc. Me? I like shopping at the mall and buying stuff from Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie. Clearly, my mom wasn't an influence. lol
2009-03-23 13:37:27 UTC
I think young girls dress the way they do because MTV says it's "sexy" and they want to be sexy, too.

However, I can't stand seeing a mother out with her kids in shorts that are up her butt and shirts that let it all hang out. It's trashy and shows no respect for her kids. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but what message can a mother be sending her child/ren if she dresses like a stripper? "Son, it's okay for you to stare at women if they are asking for it. They are only as attractive as they are naked." "Honey, dress any way you like, as long as it gets you attention. Boys like it when girls show lots of cleavage".

Obviously no mother would come out and say that, but that's what's being taught if they dress with little respect for themselves.
Brayden's Mommy
2009-03-23 13:38:27 UTC
i am kinda chunky and i wear tightness shirts but nothing that is super tight. i usually wear tank tops cause since my son all i do is burn up. but my clothes fit... she may be trying to wear tight clothes to set out her "Good" looks that she thinks. like her boobs or butt maybe? to get the attraction off her weight. but get your job to do what not to wear lol.... maybe some one needs to point out she will look better in more loose clothes. i see people like that too, but i don't say anything,. but she probably think she looks good. and i dont think what i wear effects my son. im jeans and tank lol. and if what i wear is effecting him,, then i don't think he will like girls when he gets older lol.. he is on the bed trying to put on girls shoes right now though. hahaah
2009-03-23 13:32:48 UTC
I think that things change (or they should) when you become a parent. I would really have to bite my tongue if I saw that woman you are referring to. When you have a child you need to set an example, and I see parents failing to do so all the time. I do not want my son to think that it is okay to dress that way, and that women should let everything hang out (God forbid he brought a hussy home to me and his father!). That woman at your office needs to grow up. She obviously has low self esteem or she would not feel the need to dress that way.
♡little miss sarcasm♡
2009-03-23 13:30:08 UTC
I think that different girls dress for the different reasons.
2009-03-23 13:32:21 UTC
Are you Joan R in disguise? Lol.
2009-03-23 13:31:51 UTC
I agree with you. I don't think people should wear very revealing clothing no matter what size you are, or how pretty you are. I just think it screams "look at me". I think it shows lack of self respect and morals. That is just my opinion.
aunt m
2009-03-23 13:34:29 UTC
i aree with u, parents should be good role models!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-23 13:32:07 UTC
I honestly think you should be minding your own business. Don't you have work to do?

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