"You are a terrible parent" stories?
~babyblue eyes~♥
2009-10-16 15:41:38 UTC
I was at Target today with my 12 week old son, who was sleeping in his carrier and we were checking out. My 4 year old was at school.

There was a pregnant mom behind me with a 3 year old son who was tearing the magazines off the shelves, opening the candy boxes, and screaming. He came up to my basket and started opening a package of those 400 plastic fork/spoon sets. I asked him very nicely to stop, and to please put them down and the mom was like, "OH he likes to play with silverware." I was like, "Oh, well can you please tell your child to leave my stuff alone? I'm sorry but i don't want him to open them, there is about 500 in there." She said, "Oh you can get a new one." Seriously??? I was like, "Um, no. I don't have time to do that i'm in a rush and i can't go get a new one. I'm sorry." I then asked the little boy to give them back to me and the mom went over there and threw them in the cart and was like, "YOU ARE GOING TO BE A TERRIBLE MOTHER! HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST TALK TO KIDS LIKE THAT?" I have a four year and i know for a fact that i would never allow my daughter or son to act like that, ever! I would be absolutely embarrassed if my child ever reached into someones else's basket at a grocery store much less threw magazines down and opened candy containers!! I know she was pregnant, she looked stressed...and kids can be messes but who honestly would ever expect that someone else is going to bend over backwards so your kid can play with their silverware set because that's what he likes???

Any similar stories? I am laughing about this now, it's kind of funny.
Eighteen answers:
Gifted <3
2009-10-16 15:48:39 UTC
What a crazy lady!!!! I would never allow my child to act like that in public much less my own house. This didnt happen to me but to a friend of mine.

Her daughter was 6 months old (or so) and she had the little girls ears pierced. One day they were walking through walmart and some old man went nuts on her telling her what a horrible parent she was because her daughters ears were pierced and that she was setting the little girl up to be a slut, starting with body piercings so early!
2009-10-16 15:53:53 UTC
Ugh what a drag! How can she tell you, you're going to be a terrible mother when SHE can't control her own child. And pregnant or not, my 5 year old would never even THINK to do something like that, because I parent him, not just let him run around all willy nilly.

Parenting is most tested while in the grocery store, but it's also the most revealing. I used to be a checker so I've seen it all.

The worst thing people would do is hand me whatever their kid took off the shelves so the kid would hate me and not their parents. Beyond annoying, I finally got to the point where I said "I'm sorry if this is going to make you child cry, I cannot take it, please purchase it, or put it back." which was against store policy because we have people that run product back but it worked for me so I didn't care. Ugh or the kid that throws himself on the floor when he can't have candy. I'm sure the parents are embarrassed but my son knows better than to do that, and he has since he's been old enough to ask for candy. It's called parenting not, give-your-kid- whatever-they-want- so- they won't-sceam-ing. I swear some people are terrified of their own children.
My kids...gotta love 'em =)
2009-10-16 15:54:24 UTC
Well, you can't blame the little boy for the hellion he is lol...his mom a douche-packer.

I would have handed the boy a can or spaghetti'Os and said, "now go hit mommy with this, and you can have aaaall my plastic forks!"


I was at Target was a few months ago, June-ish? And there was a family, a (mom and dad I assume?) and they had 5 kids with them, all between the ages of 1 (wobbly walking) and 6ish. They were terrible. They were punching each other, taking fruits from the displays and smashing them on the ground, riiiipping pages from the cheepo books in the dollar section...the littlest ones kept gettingknockedd down by the eldest. The kids all wandered so far from their parents...they could have been picked up and snatched in a heartbeat, and the parents were so wrapped up in their conversation (a heated one, from the looks of it) that they wouldn't have even noticed!

Some people just shouldn't reproduce....
2009-10-16 17:24:22 UTC
You were at the checkout, and a kid took your stuff, and the mother saw nothing wrong with it? Is it any wonder that the kid had no idea how to behave?!? Duh!

Honestly, dear Val, how do you attract these people? Do they see you coming and say "Okay, little buddy, go over and get that lady's tableware"?

I learned something from that Dos Equis commercial, "The most interesting man in the world on self-defense", and he says something like "All it takes is a look". I make it a point never to give my personality away in places like a checkout. I make sure that my being psychotic remains a totally unknown possibility. And I stare if I need to. (When the cashier greets me, I become a sweetheart.)

(Side question: If the sign says limit 10 items, why does the cashier process the person in front of you with 29 items? Dont say to not alienate the customer, that's too stupid a policy.)

In closing, you can laugh because little Cooper slept through the night. : )
2009-10-16 15:57:24 UTC
Wow, I laughed at this mom as well. Your going to be the terrible parent?? LOL

But I was at a place like pump it up, and it was free play, with my daughters, who were 4 1/2 at the time, and my niece who was 1 1/2 at the time. One of the inflatables is turned around so the guy watching can't really see it, so it is the one all the kids climb up the slide (which is not allowed). Well I went up with my niece as she needed a little help, and finally when there was enough room to send her down, I did, and this kid jump in the way and they collided. Well the little boy probably 3, was crying, my niece is crying and bleeding (bit her tongue), well I rush to get her, and well barely check on the other kid as my niece is bleeding every where. I did mention when I got out if anyone had a little boy in whatever color shirt he was wearing is hurt or whatever. But I did not stay around to see, and I got all these glares from people. I did not get it, as the mom was the one who was sitting on a bench on the other side of the place with a book, and I was the one who got glares as I was rushing to the bathroom to get the blood out of my nieces mouth.
2016-05-22 02:56:29 UTC
When I was in college, many moons ago, I had a roommate who was a pain! We started off good, but it eventually ended up being so bad that she took her tv (the only one we had) into her room, we divided the refrigerator with tape, as well as the cabinets and even the was ridiculous! Her stuff on one side of the fridge and mine on the other! Every day when she would leave, she'd lock her door so I couldn't have access to the tv...but I was the paying the cable, so I thought I'd show her and ended up shutting it off! Good thing this lasted only one semester!! Good Luck!
2009-10-16 17:55:29 UTC
haha, really, some parents are just so funny!

I was at one of those rest stops along a highway where they have little playgrounds for kids to use up their energy and my three boys (then 8, 6 and 4) were running around playing while I was sitting with their (then) baby sister in the grass. They were playing catch with a tennis ball and another 2 little boys came over and asked to join. A bit later, I heard a commotion, so I looked over to see them arguing. My youngest son came over and told me that the other boys wouldn`t give back the ball, so I told him to go over and ask again nicely. So he ran back over and I looked up just in time to see one of the boys shove my son to the ground. And I know how protective my older sons are, so I rushed over there and after making sure my son was alright, I told the other boys that we`re meant to keep our hands to ourselves and solve our problems with words. Then out of nowhere, a woman came up behind me and started screaming `hey, you don`t talk to my kids like that! If you can`t control your kids that`s your problem, but you have no right to try to control my kids!` Ignoring that, I told her that the boys had taken a ball that belongs to my sons and that they`d like it back, to which she said her sons are not thieves and how dare I accuse them of that and that I must be a terrible parent for not keeping an eye on my kids and keeping track of their toys. (Right). And while this all was going on, my older son had managed to pry the ball loose from the other kid`s hand and the other kid went crazy and started throwing pebbles and grass and whatever he could get his hands on and started throwing a full-out tantrum and the mom just glared at me and said `Great, now I have to deal with a crying kid. Thanks a lot! You know, you could have looked out for someone else`s happiness instead of just your own for once, b****.`` As if I`m supposed to let her boys keep the ball because that would make them happy...Well, at that point I just got us the heck away from there.

After my initial outrage, I was actually laughing by the time we got back in the car, especially when my youngest son said `Those boys were very naughty. I would never behave like that because I`m not a bad boy.`
2009-10-16 15:57:17 UTC
No but I'm sure I look threatening enough that they would be afraid to. I must confess I get the impression that most of the young moms on here are like that woman. They all act like they have perfect children and think it is child abuse to so much as tell a kid no. Some parents today are totally intimidated by their children and are afraid to discipline them. Even if you were willing to get another box of plastic silverware what was going to happen to that box? Was she going to buy it? Would it just get put back on the shelf? Was the store supposed to eat the cost?

ADDITIONAL: Sleeping through the night at 12 weeks is impressive. My one nephew didn't sleep through the night for his whole first year.
Patsy A
2009-10-16 16:31:14 UTC
Years ago I was working in a dept store, and over the loudpseaker came an announcement for a lost child, describing a three year old girl, description of her clothes, etc., then "and riding a tricycle". It was agood thing it was a an enclosed mall, 'cause she was GONE!
2009-10-16 16:03:05 UTC
You wonder what planet these people came from. It's like they let the kid tell them what to do instead of them telling the kids. They think they are being a good parent now by letting their kids get their way, but later their child will have no respect for them and rebel against them. Kids really want discipline rather they express it or not. They feel more loved and do better in life with parents who discipline them and teach them right from wrong, etc.
2009-10-16 16:42:51 UTC
Whenever I see brats like that, and parents refusing to do anything, I demand to see the manager. Sometimes they help, and sometimes they threaten the manager with bogus lawsuits. Worse part is, the workers just watch it happen. No manager unless asked for.
2009-10-16 15:50:13 UTC
We were at a local park one afternoon and my kids were running around and being loud. I didn't see a problem with this since we were at a park. A lady that lived in a house by the park came storming out of the house and told my kids to shut their f***** mouths because people were trying to sleep. I walked up to the lady and told her that kids can play and be loud outside. She told me that I was raising two kids that would end up in jail because they had no respect for other people.
2009-10-16 16:46:47 UTC
YOU'RE going to be a terrible mother?! That's hilarious to me!

This didn't happen to me, but to my aunt. My aunt, my two cousins (both 6 at the time) and I were in Wal-Mart. We were in an aisle and this boy (who looked about the same age as my cousins) came up and snatched my purse out my hand and started going through it. One of my cousins snatched it back and said, "That's not nice. Don't take my big cousin's things." The boy then called my sister a b*tch and snatched my aunt's purse and ran back to his mother (who was on the same aisle). She had saw the whole thing and was laughing. My aunt went up to her and asked what was so funny. The mother said her son was just playing and he likes taking things from people to surprise them. The boy then hit my aunt with her purse and threw it on a shelf. My aunt got her purse and then said to the mother, "Could you at least have your son apologize to my niece and my daughter who he insulted?" The mother then got mad and said, "For crying out loud, he was just playing! I feel sorry for your daughters and your niece! You're one of the worst parents I've ever seen!" And then she took her son and stormed off!

I was trying hard not to laugh. I really couldn't believe she had the nerve to call my aunt the bad parent! When we were about to exit the store, one of my friends came up to me and said she saw what happened. That was her mother and brother and she had gone to the next aisle (which is why I hadn't seen her). She apologized to me, my aunt and my cousins and said she was embarrassed and that it happened so often. She said if her brother took any money from my aunt, she'd pay it back, but my aunt just said to her, "It's all right, sweetie. Go catch up to your mom."

I feel so bad for my friend! I could see why she never wanted me to go to her house!
2009-10-16 15:48:30 UTC
I use to work at chuck e cheese, and some little girl continuously would swing off and onto the carousel. i told her to stop, as she could get hurt. After the third time I shouted, "Please get off of that NOW and do not go back on it again." Mom no where in sight, it was not my responsibility to watch that child like that. Out of nowhere a mom starts screaming at me.
Tammy D
2009-10-16 16:16:11 UTC
LOL I have had so many of those types of stories I will share my two favorites.

I worked at a vet clinic before I had my children and both these stories are about children that came into the clinic with their parents.

I work in the back with the doctor so I came into the waiting room to call the next client into the exam room and there was a little kid standing on the bench pulling down all the display dog toys. I told the kid to get down and asked his mother to keep him down because he might fall. When I came out again to get another client the same boy was pulling all the leashes and collars down and throwing them in the floor. I couldn't believe that this woman was letting her kid act like that. So I told her to make him stop and asked her to pick the leashes up herself she got rude and mouthy with me, and then stormed out the the clinic saying I will never come back here if people are going to be so rude to my children. LOL....the doctor said thank god she's gone.

The second story is even better. The other technician had put a woman and her child in an exam room with their dog to see the doctor. I heard a drawer open and close so I went in to see what was going on (the doctor was not in there yet and myself and the other tech were not in there). I went in to find her kid playing with an otoscope. I told him to give it to me becuase it was not a toy and he shouldn't be getting into the drawers. The mother said "Oh, its okay he is just playing with it" I told her that is cost about $900 and if it is dropped it will break. She suddenly said "put it down" she had to pry it out of his hands and he started screaming and crying. She looked at me and said "are you happy you hurt a little boy's feelings". I stayed in the room until the doctor came in to see them. I had to babysit them because the mother couldn't tell her kid NO.

I hate it when I see these type of things happen. I have 2 yr old twins and I take them out shopping with me every week (after my husband is at work so its just me and the kids) and I have never had a problem in a store. One time my son tried to throw a fit in the store and I recognized that it was about to be a fit so I picked him up and looked him right in the face and said NO, we don't act like that and he stopped. I caught it and stopped it before any screaming or crying started. But I know how he acts and I know when he is about to start a fit.

My daughter never really asks for anything she is pretty quiet. But my son may point at something and make a noise (he can't ask for it yet. but getting closer everyday) if he is nice about it I will usually get it for him before we leave the store. But if he acts up in the store he gets nothing. (p.s. anything my son gets my daughter gets too--she just doesn't usually ask for anything)

Oh and when I was pregnant (i was at walgrens waiting for a prescription) this lady came in with 5 kids and the youngest was about 3, none of the kids had shoes on the youngest started throwing stuff in the floor so the mother told him to come sit in the chair next to her and he threw himself in the floor and starting yelling B**** at her. the grandmother of the kid looked over at me and said "see what you have to look forward to" I laughed at her and said I don't think so.
2009-10-16 16:08:29 UTC
We were at a McDonald's just off of interstate that was busy busy busy and my son thought this was a good time to run through the parking lot. To avoid getting in trouble, he then ran away from us into and around the same busy parking lot. Needless to say, when I caught him, I busted his butt and put him in the car. Just then, Nosy Noserton decided to force his views of morality on me. When I asked "If you're so concerned about him, where the hell were you when he was running through the parking lot?" he used the word "beat" dodging the question, of course. A spanking is not a beating and the bible says to spank them when they've got it coming and that's good enough for me. It's no one else's business. FYI, butting into someone's business isn't always a good idea. When I put my son's bat back in the car, Mr. Buttinsky was still running. What? I was just trying to show him the difference.
2009-10-16 15:55:33 UTC
lol aww. don't feel bad lol

when i went out to eat with my brothers one time, a family of 4 was sitting in back of us. all of a sudden the one boy shouts to his brother "what time is it?!" while he's sniffing and coughing in my ear. then the brother shouts "it's 7 o'clock!" while 'sneezing' in my brother's ear. then they started flicking paper at us and throwing ice too

i got ticked off and turned around and said "excuse me! we're trying to enjoy our dinner!" one of the boys turned around and replied "ok. no one is stopping you"

then the dad turned around and said "is there a problem miss?" i explained what was going on and he said "if my boys are that much of a problem get up and move your seat! the world isn't going to keep quiet just so you guys can eat"

we were so mad we told the manager and left
2009-10-16 15:50:12 UTC
wow!! all I can say is wow! She is going to have a lot of problems with him.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.