Caleb kisses Momma w/that mouth!
2009-05-17 21:16:41 UTC
Do you think users like this take into consideration that everyones circumstances may be different, that with the economy the way it is most mothers don't choose to work... they don't have a choice? My husband has recently been laid off as most of my contacts know and we wouldn't have made ends meet without my job, we're barely making ends meet now. And what about a womans choice to have both, a career and a family? If we take that away aren't we right back where we were hundreds of years ago before we had to fight for our freedoms in the workplace? We've worked hard to get where we are today, what do you think of women judging other women's choices and practically putting us back in the stone age? And can't we be a little bit more compassionate to others around us, simply because we don't know their circumstances!? Truthfully, I'd love to be at home with my son if that was possible and when I see things like this I feel angry that someone would pretty much rub the privileges that they have in my face. I'm sure lots of mothers on here would love to stay at home with their kids but simply can't... what about them?