Okay,gonna try and make a long story short. got pregnant with guy after dating 5 yrs, became abusive and on drugs, left him when my son was just 3 weeks old, he beat me while my son was in my arms, child got hurt in process. He never cared about seeing my son afterwards, met great guy (little bit in future) who is now my son's "father". Takes care of him very well. Last Oct my son's grandparants all the sudden decided that they wanted to be in his life, but they can't make me grant them visits (my state did away with g-parents rights)so they had their son take me to court so that he could recieve his rights, he got suppervised visits. He has since, gone to jail and will be there for a while, his parents are takin me to court again, this time they want to modify the visits where my 2 YEAR OLD son can visit him in JAIL and spend the rest of the weekend with them. My son doesn't even know who these people are. I have a lawyer but I just want some more openions.this family is very rich.