Well, with SIX kids all in school, I think it's so hard to get them in and out of routine, so what I do is wean. About 3 weeks before the first day, I begin the Battle of The Weaning. [I know it sounds dirty, but hear me out!]
First, I cut back on the TV. I let them go out with their friends AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE [as long as I know where they are], and whenever possible, I take them to pizza parlors, the movies, the mall... you name it, we're there! I figure that by upping the activity ante, they'll be too tired to stay up late watching TV, and would instead do productive things like reading, or sorting out their back to school clothes. Anything to keep them busy.
Then, I push bedtime up. My 4 that are under 13 still had a bedtime, but the other 2 [14 and 15] think they can run wild and sleep from 3 to 3. But during my Battle of Weaning, bedtime is strictly at 9:30. Any violators will be prosecuted [a week without phone, computer and TV privileges whatsoever! I'm strict right?]
Once that starts, I begin making breakfast when I can. Instead of putting milk bottles [we still use those!], a cereal box and plastic spoons on the table, hoping they'll get the hint... I make some eggs, some smoothies, and occasionally I'll get off my lazy buttush and make whole wheat waffles with peanut butter and fresh heavy cream. It's like a buffet that ends!
And then, of course, I have to start enforcing the Rise 'n' Shine. It's down at 9:30, up at 8 am. They find it hard at first, and they groan and moan and just don't cooperate. But after 2 days [yes, only 2!], they find themselves getting up at 7, the younger ones even rise at 6:00 sometimes... It's complicated but it happens? And I'm grateful for that!
Obviously, I always have to start getting them into the habit of putting on pants even if they're not going anywhere, and combing their hair. These are easier to do, but the hardest is the most unusual: Getting them to stop SHOWERING. It sounds gross, I know! But they're always at the pool, or going to a party, and they apparently have to shower before and after. And then again when they're done exercising... and then once more before bed. And there's like, six of them. Yeah, I know!
Well, that's what I do. It takes time, and it's long and uninteresting, but I just HAD to answer!
-Molley Macdougall
[They're: Jennie<5 yrs.>, Steve-o<7 yrs.>, Sophia<8 yrs.>, Kylie<9 yrs.>, Abbey<14 yrs.> and Caleb<15 yrs.>]