what do you think a person on welfare is actually getting?
they dont receive money my dear, if thats what you think.
they get financial assistence for food and government/public housing
is this desirable to you or something because i would think there is nothing good about it??????
what do you feel your moral obligation is, to someone who has children who cant afford daycare services, transportation, barely feed their household,buy clothing or whatever else?
some women in the program are receiving welfare due to leaving abusive relationships with nothing but the clothes on their backs and their children.
some because they come from foster homes and never had parents.
some because they lose jobs and have trouble getting back on their feet and they have no money or food to feed thier babies?
there are many different situations for why a person would be on welfare, it is not an honorable thing you don't hear people bragging about it.
i would think that a person who is in the program just needs some help or an easy break to improve the quality of their life and get off welfare.
you said it yourself that you could get a job but daycare would cost to much,
now imagine that your boyfriend who is working soo hard decided to leave........ what would you eventually end up doing if you had no one else to help you financially except that program called welfare?
would you leave your babies at home alone and go to work because of your pride?
or would you do whatever it takes to feed your babies including emergency assistance from welfare?????