Why can't the people on welfare work?
2006-06-19 19:25:42 UTC
Why is it that there are all these teenage girls that go out and mess around, get pregnant, then sit on welfare? I get so tired of this. My fiance works his @$$ off so we can manage. It sickens me that the more he works, the more they take out to support someone else's kids. He works overtime so we can get ahead, not so they can take more out to support some girls kids. Why is it our fault that these women couldnt keep their legs closed?We have 2 kids of our own to support. I could go out and get a job but it would be pointless. I'd pay more for daycare than I would make because we have 2 babies in diapers. Why can't they just let people choose to pay taxes on welfare. I'd have no problem with getting taxed for welfare if it just went to elderly people.Some of these people getting state assistance have never even worked a day in their pathetic lives. Welfare really needs some reforming, don't you think?
36 answers:
2006-06-19 20:25:38 UTC
I'm a teen mom and have been on Welfare one time. I had been out of work for almost a month when I finally had to apply because my money was running out and I wasn't able to get a job. I spent over 60 hours each week filling out applications and submitting my resume. Before I applied and continued after I got on it. I was on it for 3 weeks and made sure the day after I got my employment information that I submitted it to the state to have it stopped. Welfare doesn't automatically mean you're lazy and neither does being a teen mom. If you can only get a job making $8 an hour you must not have a degree. I work 40 hour weeks and go to college. I pay daycare and and can usually only afford the basics for myself but I make sure to give every extra bit I have toward getting my daughter the things she needs and often the things she just wants. I do agree though that there are far too many lazy people on welfare and having children they can't afford. But please don't lump teen mothers and people on welfare in the same low life group you see in some people.
2006-06-19 20:21:17 UTC
As a person that was on welfare I know first hand how it works. I had a full time job, I got pregnant , as soon as my boss found out I was pregnant I got fired all of a sudden i seen everything crashing down on me. I was six months pregnant nobody else would even consider hiring me. My last resort was going on welfare. I was so humiliated to be there. I thought just the same way you did. But either I cared what people thought about me. Or get the money I needed to survive. But as soon as I was given the opportunity to get a job which was 3 months after I had my baby. I took it and I've been working ever since. I asked for all the services to be discontinued. Don't worry people could only stay on welfare for 5 years after that there on there on. Don't just think about the people who abuse the system, Think a bout those children who are hungry who do not have parents that would rather work for a living. I hope that you understand that not all the people on welfare are lazy sluts.
2006-06-19 21:30:33 UTC
Yes welfare does need some re-vamping, but I'd be less worried about the fifteen dollars going into the welfare system and more worried about the fact you are having your man work overtime to support the four of you. He only makes 19.50 an hour working OT, then what is that time and a half? Jobs aren't guaranteed, vehicles break down, people get sick- I agree with the person suggesting to that you get a degree- being that you aren't married and have two dependent children- your education will be paid for- oh, but is that considered welfare for you? Best of luck!
2006-06-19 19:36:04 UTC
I couldn't agree with you more.!!! I've been there done that with 2 kids in daycare. I was making $220 a week and paying $200 a week for daycare. It gave us $20 more a week to buy food or pay part of a bill. It just didn't seem worth it except for the fact it kept us out of the welfare system. I hate sponges! I was a single mom & worked hard to stay off welfare. My babys father was a deadbeat dad. The only time I got child support was when they threatened to throw him in jail. That was about once a year and he'd go get a loan to pay his $100 a month back support. So yes I do know how it is! Don't make excuses for them because they are just plain lazy!!!!
2016-10-31 07:57:03 UTC
finally it is going to likely be the purchasers duty due the mechanics of supply and demand. If the buyer demanded greater welfare and boycotted meat that replace into no longer reared to this wide-spread then it may no longer be produced. even however, it truly is truly effortless to make the excellent determination re: ethically sourced meat once you have a small protecting in Dorset and your guy or woman television series. i wouldn't in any respect darken a food market's doorways back i've got I lived such as you Hugh, why could i ought to? even however, once you survive a council materials in between the main disadvantaged areas of the country and you are the only one working on your loved ones as your companions lost his pastime with the aid of recession, it truly is somewhat harder to decide for the £8 loose variety chicken from the butchers over the £3 one from the food market. I do attempt to take the intense street and flow to my butcher and although i purchase I under no circumstances throw any of it away, it truly is all utilized in stews and soups and frozen if i won't be able to think of what to do with it (even the bones for inventory) yet while i've got have been given £30 to outlive each and every week and a iciness gas bill arising it truly is not so cut back and dried as "Is animal welfare my duty' and regrettably a £3 chicken will feed us for 3-4 days the comparable as an £8 one will.
2006-06-19 19:47:07 UTC
actually in most states you can only be on welfare for 3 months then you must get a job or lose your benefits.

welfare is not the same as social security that old people get or social security disability that disabled people get all three are completely different programs (you don't pay takes on welfare you pay social security tax)

there is a limit on how many children you can get benefits for (usually the cut off is 4 kids) so you cant just keep having babys and getting more money

you could actually get a job and let your boyfriend watch the kids while you work (and you watch them while he does so you don't need a sitter) there is no reason he would need to give up his overtime you would just get a different shift than the 2 he is currently working.

I am in agreement with ally'smom your living off your boyfriend and bitching about people living off the state but its the same thing. except people on welfare HAVE TO work to keep getting help (and no they cant just work a week then quit or they lose benefits) you just sit around and get to apply for pell grants to go back to school at 24 years old and playing with your kids
2006-06-19 20:57:30 UTC
i have a very good friend who was on welfare for a short time her husband worked as a supervisor at a really good factory well the factory shut down and they the factory was not able to relocate them. they have 2 small children, and she was not working at the time. In our community the unemployment rate is rather high,and it was difficult for both of them to find jobs - anyways they recived unemployment but that wasnt enough, so they got some help with insurance and food from welfare ,once they both found mediocre jobs they drasticaly reduced their help- what im saying is these people that stay on welfare for long ammounts of time do it because if you dont have a job the system will help you out so much more. if you have a job they think you dont need help, it should be switched around so there is more help aval. to people who work. --- but to your comment about these young girls out having random sex with whoever having 2 or 3 kids all by different people disgusts me. the thing i really dont understand is why does the government age limit things like smoking, drinking, driving, having a job, or voting. There are huge deals of paper work and evaluations you have to go through if you are trying to adopt a child or even place one for adoption, but any Tom Dick or Sally can go out and procreate, and then not take care of the child properly without any concequences and dont even say CPS can do something because most of the time their case load is to high because a nosey neighbor decided you shouldnt have spanked your child when they decided to go in the street or throw the family cat from the third story of your house. the government sucks and we have to live with it. sorry if anything is mis spelled spell checker wasnt working and im venting about this
2006-06-19 19:33:36 UTC
Some people truly can't work some can. Welfare is supposed to just keep you above water till you can find a job and so on. This is an ideal of course and it doesn't always work that way....

They did reform welfare btw back in 1996. They are supposed to get jobs and training and be limited to how long they can stay on it etc. I think it is a good thing to help people that need it but I agree that the system could be monitored more closely.
2006-06-19 20:17:09 UTC
well, I'll tell you my situation..... I needed cash assistance for a few months. I received a total of 900.00. and now because of that, the welfare dept. TOOK a total of 5,000.00 from me in child support that the father had sent in. DO YOU THINK THAT'S FARE !!!!! I don't !!! that amount that he paid was twice the amount that he is ordered to pay for a year. he is in arearrage but only about 7,000.00 now that he paid the 5,000.00 but I don't get to see any of it just because I got assistance of 900.00. so to tell you what really goes on.... its the father that actually pays for the welfare that the mother gets.

oh, also they do make you go to work its in the program. when I needed cash assistance, I had to be working at least 25-30 hrs. a week at 6.00 an hr. or more and the more I worked the less I got as cash assistance. ITS THE WAY THE PROGRAM WORKS.

and I also agree with ^^^ Nikki^^^..... what if your man left you... what would you do at 19-20 yrs old with 2 kids?????

what you should be doing is going to collage to get a degree for a great career instead of complaining about welfare people.
2006-06-19 19:35:49 UTC
The father of my children died in Iraq while I was pregnant and I wasn't married, so I never got any compensation for it.

Like I said, I'm on welfare and I can't work because

1. I live in a small town with no job opportunities, and I have no car to drive to the nearest town to work.

2. My doctor told me that I should not work because I would go into premature labor if I did, and

3. No body will hire a pregnant lady. Trust me, I tried.

So just to let you know, I did graduate high school, and I have had several jobs, but while I'm pregnant, and can't work, I am on welfare. I didn't' know what I would do without it. I don't plan on being on it forever...there is a limit you know. And just because I'm on welfare, doesn't mean I'm pathetic, or that my children don't deserve food and shelter. It has nothing to do with keeping your legs shut, it's not like I planned this or anything. So keep your rude comments to yourself and don't judge people like that. The only one that's pathetic here is you.
2006-06-19 19:28:13 UTC
The reasons for people not getting married but having kids are complicated, just like the way tax dollars are divided up and spent. There's no quick cure for this sick problem. Reducing out-of-wedlock childbearing alone will not restore marriage rates or reduce divorce rates to the healthier levels of the 1950s. At the same time, the evidence is clear that out-of-wedlock childbearing—among both single persons and cohabiting couples—is the main reason for the lack of family values in children's lives and therefore deserves the nation's URGENT attention. New funding from our tax dollars for marriage and responsible fatherhood programs offers many the potential to learn more about how to strengthen marriage for parents who already have children but there needs to be much more. Federal, state, and community officials are taking the opportunity presented by this funding to intervene earlier by educating teens about healthy relationships and marriage BEFORE they go and end up having children. It is also important to make postponing early, unwed childbearing a goal—especially among teens, Otherwise, these efforts to "fix" relationships may be too little and too late. So you've gotta know that tax money isn't just going to a bunch of fat, lazy bastards and their unwanted brats. It's also being used to fight the $%# problems that cause the situation!
2006-06-19 19:33:21 UTC
because it is not always the girls fault for having dead beat dads that don't help them!!!! walk a mile in some ones shoes before you judge. You have no clue how hard it is to be single mom. And not all those teenage girls got pregnant on purpose. Could you have an abortion or give up a child you have been carrying for nine months I know I couldn't. You really don't know so you shouldn't judge any one you don't know there situation. The system does kinda suck cause in order to get assistance you have to be making so little you can barley get buy that is no fun way to live. Try being a single mom and working and trying to pay all the bills and food and paying for daycare.
2006-06-19 19:53:54 UTC
Maybe BECAUSE PRO LIFE'ers WANT TO SAVE all the teen pregnancy babies. What do you think a 15 year old can do to support her child "that everyone told her not to kill?". People who yell about goverment assistance ARE the same people who want these babies born. My man works his assss off AS DO I !!!!!!!!. nO ONE ELSE PAYS FOR MY KIDS. ALSO I don't feel the need to blame unplanned pregnancy on any of my life problems. Mother MARY was 15 WHEN PREGNANT with jesus! A tEEN has just as much right to keep her own child and raise it however she can as you do to keep your children. Maybe it would be better to start all girls on birth control at age 12. Teens have and will always have unplanned pregnancys that is not the cause of all your tax dollars. Your hubby pays to support the eldery s.s is txed. ALSO IF your man has to work so darn hard to provide WHY DID YOU HAVE YOUR CHILDREN and make him have to work harder/??????????? You need a slap of real life don't toss rocks when you live in a HUGE glass house. Don't work you have children that PREVENT you from woking what makes your shiit smell so much better then a welfare moms? WHAT would you do if he walked out tommorw! You'd have a HUGE wake up call. What annoys me are people who jude when they have NEVER had to be in those shoes.
Holiday Magic
2006-06-19 19:31:14 UTC
You answered your own question: They, too, would pay more for daycare if they went out and worked. Welfare has been very much reformed since AFDC disappeared and TANF appeared. People are required to work, but not when their children are babies. And, as far as your man goes--he made those other children, so he should be working his @$$ off to support them--so should all of them--and let the women stay home and raise their children to be good people (which they won't learn at a daycare center).
2006-06-19 19:35:09 UTC
Im sorry that you feel this way. Im currently pregnant and on "welfare" I get food stamps and medical benefits. I dont work because as you said you would pay more in childcare than would make. I dont know what Id do without the governments help. My husband works 6 days a week, 10 hour days and we can barely pay our bills. If we didnt have the food stamps we would be screwed and without the medical help we would be all the way up in debt. I dont like it when woman pop babies out like changing underwear and not do anything about it, but I see NO problem with getting help if you NEED it.

2006-06-20 04:57:55 UTC
while it seems you are so upset about welfare, here is some food for thought: People in jail are provided clean living quarters, three square meals, heat in winter, a/c in summer, clean clothes, and hot and cold running water. People on welfare do not live this well. And their only crime is being poor. Many welfare recipients work, but do not receive enough wages to meet the poverty line. Get real. No one WANTS to be on welfare. It is NOT FUN. Get some compassion, or someday you might wind up with a mouthful of Karma and then you will understand what is poverty. Give to your local food bank.
2006-06-19 19:35:08 UTC
heres a clue the county welfare programs arent state financed anymore most of that fund comes from the folks that own land and pay land based taxes so your money in other taxes isnt in that figure and most states ended the welfare G_R program under clinton so theres no adult getting acheck for rent or any other purpose the kids are supported for two years in this state then thats it for two years except food programs like food so theres not a lot of help going to the adults but answer this you are an unwed mom and you get two jobs for to feed one child they get 200 dollars for food and you dont you both get two doctors visits a month and then you make 5.25 an hour and that is also to pay rent and then daycare and the meds the health program doesnt cover you and your fiancee shouuld cover your butte by not paying county land taxes
2006-06-19 20:10:56 UTC
what do you think a person on welfare is actually getting?

they dont receive money my dear, if thats what you think.

they get financial assistence for food and government/public housing

is this desirable to you or something because i would think there is nothing good about it??????

what do you feel your moral obligation is, to someone who has children who cant afford daycare services, transportation, barely feed their household,buy clothing or whatever else?

some women in the program are receiving welfare due to leaving abusive relationships with nothing but the clothes on their backs and their children.

some because they come from foster homes and never had parents.

some because they lose jobs and have trouble getting back on their feet and they have no money or food to feed thier babies?

there are many different situations for why a person would be on welfare, it is not an honorable thing you don't hear people bragging about it.

i would think that a person who is in the program just needs some help or an easy break to improve the quality of their life and get off welfare.

you said it yourself that you could get a job but daycare would cost to much,

now imagine that your boyfriend who is working soo hard decided to leave........ what would you eventually end up doing if you had no one else to help you financially except that program called welfare?

would you leave your babies at home alone and go to work because of your pride?

or would you do whatever it takes to feed your babies including emergency assistance from welfare?????
2006-06-20 09:32:46 UTC
being older i can look at both sides but a few generations ago welfare didn't exist and guess what people lived and made an effort to support those they cared about...if you look at the welfare roles though a high number are working and milking the system at the same time and most aren't from here SURPRISE!

but their off spring are citizens. not to be unfair but the arab community have a higher percentage of welfare takers then any other groups {factual} and produce in larger numbers
daljack -a girl
2006-06-19 19:42:34 UTC
Most states require women get a job after the child is a certain age. To make you less p***** off about this maybe you can pretend that the money your boyfriend pays in taxes is only paying for the war, or older people, or new streets, or whatever works for you. You're way too upset about this, you're going to have a stroke.
2006-06-19 19:39:19 UTC
i have a problem with ppl that r on welfare for a long time. some ppl need it for a shot time and that doesn't bother me. i have had to use it once bc my job put me out of work for a while and i was a single parent. i only used it for about 4 months. i could do it any longer then that bc i don't think it's right to use it just bc u don't want to get a job.
2006-06-19 19:54:35 UTC
People that do draw welfare works unless they are disabled...nowadays you can just lay back and draw welfare and not work.

know it is fixed that if you draw welfare you have to get out and work so many hours a week.

2006-06-19 22:02:38 UTC
a handful of people on welfare fit the sittuation you are discribing...

the elderly and the disabled (mentally/physically) tend to get welfare as well.....

and now i think they tend to limit the amount of time those of able bodies can stay on wel-fare

and many single parent families also recieve welfare and many of those single parent families the parent is employed......

Yeah it needs reforming what system doesn't.... stop complaining about your taxes you don't have a choice on this and never will and as your a stay at home mom your finance NOT you should be the one complaing about taxes.....
2006-06-19 20:31:53 UTC
i agree i know this girl that has had 6 kids on welfare and gets food stamps and a medical card sits on her rump and does nothing but yell at her kids all day long !!!!!!! when i lost my job had a mortgage car pymt and medical bills the state said we made too much money $8.00 an hour to help us THAT IS A CROCK!!!!
2006-06-19 19:30:37 UTC
Some people are disabled and can't work. How do you feel about abortion? I've noticed that alot of anti abortion people are also anti welfare. How can a young kid keep her baby when she has no support other than welfare?
2014-09-22 14:09:27 UTC
what I think si wrong is I have been forced to work when people on welfare don't have to work I had to wrok minum wage jobs that are not enough to live on and go without so many things that nbody else is has to go without and then thse welfare people are just plain lazy they don't have to work and get everything for free while I have been forced to wrok and go without things I need that's not fair to me why are thse welfare people so treated better than me
2006-06-19 19:30:55 UTC
they do. its called the welfare to work program... they force you to work 2 jobs I think... I saw it on a documentary about a year ago... they may have changed it since then but I dont think so.
2006-06-19 21:57:00 UTC
why stop having kids when the more kids you have the more welfare gives you they don't make people work that's what is wrong
2006-06-19 19:32:00 UTC
I agree with you. Other than those who are handicap, elderly, and those who have just lost their jobs and in the process of looking for another one, we shouldn't have to pay!
2006-06-19 19:30:30 UTC
good explanation. those good for nothing lazy a%^ people on welfare are leaching off of my tax dollars. really wants to make you work hard everyday, right?
2006-06-19 19:30:08 UTC
on television they see sex and no repurcussions like babies and disease so people forget that it can happen. If sex was shown realisticly then I think alot of that wouldn't happen
2006-06-19 19:28:50 UTC
God, you must be retared. people can only be on welfare if they are activly looking for a job. Its very well documented. not to mension that you fience is only going to put abnout 3,000 dollars into wellfare paying taxes his/her whole life.
2006-06-19 19:29:11 UTC
I think you answered your own question

2 pts
2006-06-19 19:28:44 UTC
You go girl!
2006-06-19 19:35:56 UTC
Care to run for the leftist GREEN party??? IMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOb
2006-06-19 19:29:41 UTC

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