Do you think the government should pay for birth control?
Welcome to Holland
2012-08-19 10:29:09 UTC
Twelve answers:
2012-08-19 11:15:36 UTC
The NHS provides free contraceptives - pills,jabs,implant etc - and condoms can be obtained free from any family planning clinic in the country.However,the UK teen pregnancy rate is still high.Improvement to sex education and free contraception should go hand in hand.The UK does seem to have a lot of financial incentives to actually have more children - a single mother of 3 gets more money weekly than a household with 2 adults working for minimum wage.A single mother of 3 that I know gets the same amount of actual money that comes into my household and my partner works 60 hours a week for just above minimum wage,the only difference being that we pay full rent and council tax whereas hers is paid out on top of her other benefits so at the end of the week we are worse off financially.Obviously providing free contraception would go a long way but more needs to be done
2016-08-01 10:19:46 UTC
The hindrance here is that start manipulate is just not equal to a condom. I undergo from painful durations, and was on start manage years before I ever had sex. Why are not able to I get my remedy protected like every other medicine? Your difficult-earned money already goes to crap you do not approve of. I don't approve of the large amount of army spending. I would so much instead pay for humans's start control and other wellness services. You might be additionally suggesting that each person is the identical as you, claiming that people should just not have intercourse. Human beings are going to have sex, both responsibly and, unluckily, irresponsibly. Young adults are stuffed with hormones that they literally are not able to support, why must they be punished for that? I do know when if i have any daughters, i'll do my first-rate to get them birth manage.
2012-08-20 12:47:33 UTC
The US government has already been providing free (or next to free) birth control to low-income women for decades. Along with other preventive care like cancer screening and other tests. So for those who are SO up in arms... you've likely been paying for "other people to have sex" ever since you got your first paycheck. Clearly, you can still afford a computer and an internet connection to gripe about it, so you can't be that bad off.

The Affordable Health Care Act is making PRIVATE insurance, I repeat, P-R-I-V-A-T-E insurance, cover birth control and other preventive health services with no copay. NOT government-provided insurance. Private insurance that people often pay hundreds of dollars a month for, even if their employer picks up a portion of the premium. All the AHCA is doing is making those hundreds of dollars per month go toward something many women actually need. No one but me was paying for my birth control prior to this, and I fail to see how I'm getting a "handout" now.
Emily-Owen-Aria's mom
2012-08-19 10:39:55 UTC
Yea, i think it would probably benefit everyone in the long run. I think you need to eligible for it...if you can pay for it then you should. But the lower income families that can't afford to buy 45 dollar birth control every month because they are struggling just to pay their car insurance and rent...birth control would lower the risk of pregnancy. This would save the government money because food stamps, wic, medicaid cost a lot more than supplying the pill.

Idk, i wish people could just be more responsible in the first place. If you can't afford a baby, don't have sex. People don't think of the outcome from having sex whenever with whoever...nothing is free in this world.
Allie Q
2012-08-19 11:36:06 UTC
Yes. I do. It's not about sex and being "irresponsible". Married women are allowed to have sex with their husbands, FFS! And women are allowed to have sex with their boyfriends, too!

It's about women's health and the taking care of future generations. And people also seem to conveniently forget that birth control, for many women, is more than just just BIRTH CONTROL. Many women take it for secondary reasons. A friend of mine had no uterus (and therefore no ability to carry children) but took birth control because it reduced her hormonal migraines (she still had ovaries). But she had to pay out of pocket, no matter how she used the medication.

Birth control and education is a hell of a lot cheaper than babies and welfare and government assistance. But no one wants to pay MAH TAX DALLAHS! MAH TAX DALLAHS! on a pack of pills that might go a teenager who might sleep with a boy they might not approve of on no!

2012-08-19 10:39:45 UTC
In Ohio every woman is eligible for free birth control and gynecological care. Maybe its just a state thing but I think it's great and should be nation wide, if it is not already
2012-08-19 10:32:12 UTC
It would save the government money in the long run. Birth control is cheaper than all the food stamps, WIC, health care, etc, for babies that parents can't afford.

*Btw, it's not just having sex willy nilly that causes unaffordable babies to be born. Lots and lots of married/monogamous couples also struggle financially and can't afford another child. It's completely unrealistic to expect everyone who can't afford effective birth control (condoms are not all that effective compared to pills, IUD, etc) to be celibate.
ms manners
2012-08-19 13:29:12 UTC

The government's job is to make roads and provide military protection for our citizens.

It needs to stay the heck out of health care, period.

Everyone has their hands out to see how much free stuff they can get from the government. They don't realize that "free" stuff (which still costs someone money) is just a way for politicians to get more power and take power away from individuals.

Any time you get "help" from the government is not about either compassion or caring - it's all about getting more money and power for the government, itself.
2012-08-19 11:01:53 UTC
It seems like my tax money is paying for everyones stupidity. I have to help pay for food for children that aren't even mine, even though the people knew they couldn't afford them when they had them. My tax dollars pay for people who are on disability from drug abuse, which they choose to do. Now you think my tax money should pay for birth control. Maybe instead of paying for birth control the government should just have their tubes tied. In the long run, that would be even cheaper. Sounds good to me.
2012-08-19 10:35:08 UTC
I agree with Trixie. It would save them money.
2012-08-19 10:37:30 UTC
No. I don't.

If people want to have sex, then they should pay for their own birth control.

It is not the governments responsibility to provide this. If people can't afford it, keep your legs shut.

No one forces you to be sexually active. Part of being mature enough to be sexually active is being mature enough to determine whether or not you can afford BC.
2012-08-19 11:06:26 UTC
Trixie said it best!

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