Is it in bad taste or am I just getting old?
2007-02-21 06:21:34 UTC
This weekend hubby and I went shopping and I spent most of the journey home pontificating about parental responsibility with reference to a young girl's attire (she was out with her parents) who had been walking in front of us on the way back to the car.

She couldn't have been more than 10 and had a bottom scraping mini-skirt, tights, nearly knee high, heeled(a good 2") cowboy boots, a belly showing top and a semi-fitted cropped jacket on.

I have a daughter and while it will be a few years yet it will also be a cold day in hell when she steps out the house looking like that under 18.
And even then she'll have to get past her Dad!
217 answers:
Captain Jack ®
2007-02-21 06:53:46 UTC
It's in bad taste. it's one thing if an adult chooses to dress this way, and another if parents allow a pre-teen to dress like a call girl.

Unfortunately, TV and films have been portraying kids as mini adults for many years now, and this is the point things have corroded to. Kids want to emulate "the cool kids" they see on TV. Too many parents presently let their kids do what ever they want, rather than dealing with the child's dissent from being made to look and act appropriately.

One should allow your children to pick their own clothes, but some things need to be declined at age 10. I let my kids pick their own clothes (Un-like my mother) so they could be 'cool'. I've only had to say 'pick something more appropriate' a few times. They have grown in to fine young women and know how to look 'cool' without looking like a skank.

In short, kids need to be allowed to be kids, but parents still need to draw the line.

Cheers :-)
2007-02-21 15:40:42 UTC
I agree children of today dress far too old for their age.

Yes dress fashionable but draw a line.

How many men have been caught with a girl they have thought to be a lot older than she actually was.

A child should be a child you are an adult for a long time and can never get those years back, enjoy being young while you can, there will be many years ahead when you do want to look young again.

The problem again i think lies with the fashion world, its so cool to wear the latest fashion,whatever it might be.

I'm 50, no not a prude,and think that there are many adults out there that should not wear the skimpy tops either,wear what you look good in, then you will feel good, not just because fashion decrees it so.

If the fashions are out there for the kids then it is down to the parents to control what they dress their kids in.
Melissa R
2007-02-21 10:20:33 UTC
I have a five year old, and I am constantly complaining that stores want my little girl to look like a hooker. It's ridiculous! No ten year old should be wearing an outfit like that. I'm 29, and I would have thought the same thing. Go to the mall and see some of these outfits girls wear today. I feel like I should walk up to them, give them $10 and say thank you for the show. Plus, the sizing they do in the teen department is a joke. A size small shirt could fit my three year old perfectly. No wonder girls these days have a horrible body image. There is a difference between looking cute and looking like a whore. Unfortuately, some parents version of cute is anything but. Yeah, I can hardly wait until my girls are 15, we are going to have some serious fights about clothing, I can tell already. However, I have noticed a trend of longer tops now, especially at Old Navy. Finally, some class.
2007-02-21 08:04:17 UTC
Any responsible parent would be worried about this question. She is still a child and as such should not be dressed as a teenager. I doubt that you will manage to keep her a little girl until she is 18. She will want to dress like the other girls of her age when she becomes a teenager. You still have a good while to think of that problem and hope that the fashions change before then. You don't say if your daughter will be going to a school which advocates uniforms, if so then that is the problem solved during the day. I solved the problem of Dad when my daughter was 14 by going out and buying fashionable clothes for her. When her Dad complained about her skirt being short (above the knees) she told him that I had bought it. It took the heat off her and when I explained to my husband that it was better for me to buy her fashionable clothes instead of her going over the top and wearing microminis he saw sense. As she grew older I bought her classic outfits, trouser suits etc that are never out of fashion for eveyday wear and the more trendy clothes for weekends and evenings. She was happy for me to continue to buy her clothes until she settled down and still goes for the classic outfits now, as well as trendier evening wear.
2007-02-21 10:57:18 UTC
First of all, wow! 144 answers in 3 hrs! Thats gotta be some kind of record! Anyways, rest assured, you are not old, nor are you being a "prude" or a 'fuddy-duddy". Every answer to your question is basically screaming the same thing-

1) Yes its wrong!

2) We agree that slutty clothing is disgusting on anyone under age 18!

3) We as consumers are disgusted and excessively annoyed by the fact that we cannot find modest clothing for reasonable prices for our daughters to wear!

Case in point: Residing in upper NY, Christmastime is obviously cold around here. I shopped at four, yes FOUR major retailers in my area (Wal-mart, Target, JC Penney's, and Gap) looking for a nice, modest dress for my 8 yo daughter to wear in her Christmas concert. Guess what I found? Mini skirts, tank tops and see through jackets! Seriously, I looked EVERYWHERE for something decent. I ended up buying a woman's mid-length skirt and had it altered by my aunt, and I bought a nice velvet long-sleeve shirt that I had to "dress up" a little with sequins! What is wrong with this picture?!

As parents, the only thing we can do is collectively demand that retailers start changing their clothing lines. If you can only purchase "Mary-Kate and Ashley" clothing at Wal-mart, then Wal-mart should be able to say, we want decently designed clothing with young childrens needs in mind. If Wal-mart threatened to pull the line because of the revealing attire, then the designers would surely adjust to meet the criteria. But, also as parents, we need to say, enough is enough! We must let those retailers and clothing designers know that we WILL NOT purchase ANY of their clothes if even some of their designs could be considered "too adult" or down-right "slutty".

If only one or two, or 144 voices shout all this, no one will listen. But if thousands and thousands shout, we can make a difference. Just because we are parents, it doesn't mean we are "past our prime". We can improve our daughters attitudes' towards clothing and dressing approprietly not only by laying down the rules and stressing how bad the consequences can be, but also by example. How can we expect the future generation to believe they can make a difference if they have no model to follow?

I guess this subject pokes needles at me, and obviously at other good parents out there, this has got to be the longest answer I've ever written!
2007-02-23 02:50:19 UTC
I say bad taste! I say let children be children - there's no harm in play dressing up at home, but not out and about. I know she'd probably be safe, but it's not that, it's that she is learning to use her attire / appearance in a way that is usually designed to attract - dangerous in a 10 year old!

Plus as her feet / spine are still growing heels put an unnecessary strain on her posture, which she could damage for good - no fashion trend is worth that!
2007-02-21 11:31:06 UTC
I agree and what a great question.

I used to work in an A& E dept and used to be absolutly horrified when girls in there early teens were brought in (anything from age 12-15)having been drinking and wearing extremly scanty and provocative outfits and thongs.when dressed like this I genuinly feel not only are they at risk of sexual abuse but also hypothermia(thats not a joke they often come in very cold as alcohol lowers body temp)

I would always wait until the mum was present to change them into a hospital gown just so she could be aware of how they were dressed but most of the time the mums wern't bothered.

i think we give an extremly bad message to our young people today.

Once again good point it's obviously generated lots of interest
kevina p
2007-02-21 08:21:23 UTC
Hiya, Well i agree with you 100%, yes children can get dressed up in modern day clothes, but sorry to say some of them look like little "Lolita's". What are parents thinking of at all there are some lovely clothes in the shops and i dont mean long skirt's and high neck tops, i am talking really nice clothing. My daughter was always trendy when she was younger (she still is now) but she never had revealing clothes on. Let children be children. Being an adult comes soon enough. Yes children are pressured into things by their peers, but they are individuals and should be tought so.
natasha *
2007-02-21 07:08:21 UTC
I completely agree, when I was 7-10, I desperately wanted to wear high heels, and I wasn't even humoured with a kids pair. I was told, that they are for adults, which they are.

My sister turned 19 not so long ago, but I remember when I saw her wear a short skirt, and boots, I was horrified, she was my baby sister (she was 17 at the time)

Parents carry on about underage pregnancies, paedophilia etc, but parents who are dressing their kids like this, and lets face it, it is the parents, they buy the clothes, they see their children wearing the clothes, yet still they do nothing about it, are shortening their childhoods.

And I do agree with some of the other comments, that it is impossible to find children's clothes that are still decent for children. Why cant the fashion industry design tasteful, age appropriate clothes. Yes short skirts are OK for 10 year old, but if it is so short you can see her pants, then wear it with jeans!

And a message to all you others who do not agree with this, is I am only 22, I have respect for myself, and when I have children, I will bring them up to be the same, and not be flashing their boobs off before they even have any!
2007-02-24 15:39:46 UTC
I wouldn't encourage it either. To some degree it is about what you see as 'standards'. A lot of people will feel that this young girl is not being given the right messages about respecting herself.

At one level you can 'only weed your own garden' so to speak.

In my view that is best done by engaging your children in a discussion about a wide range of issues and encouraging them to think about things, including questions like 'why do you want to dress like that?' if they express an interest in something a bit 'beyond their age group'.

Of course no one knows how the parents in your story really felt, they could have been horrified and are just trying to work their way through a situation with a child who has entered a rebellious stage. On the other hand they could see this as their little girl being fashionable in which case I wouldn't agree with them.

Too many predators on the block to allow them easy viewing!
Jovi Freak
2007-02-21 12:41:04 UTC
I do agree with you, kids these days look like wannabe prostitues. Im a mum of 3 daughters, 10, 12 and 14, and know from experience (myself growing up) that you have to let them grow up at some point, like it or not, granted some people let their kids start a bit early, What are you planning to do with your daughter, at some point she will want to wear short skirts, short tops, heals and make up, if you say no she will do it behind your back, its a lot better to let them do things in moderation and know what is happening, rather than have her going to her friends house and getting changed there.

Its called fashion, we all went through it, you can't keep kids in their bedrooms until they are 30, With my daughters I will let my eldest wear a short skirt, but in the right weather for it, and with a decent looking outfit, not high heels that she can't walk in or a top that isn't worth putting on lol, she also wears short tops that show off her midrif, again in the appropriate weather and with a suitable outfit, I figure that If I let her do things and let her think that it was all her idea, she'll be ok, but if I say outright NO WAY, she will go to her friends house to get changed, I know I did!!
2007-02-21 08:00:29 UTC
I know what you mean. Luckily I have two boys. Although the baggy jeans round their knees is starting to appeal. Guess the pants boys wear are just as important!

Seriously though I do find the barbie look on little girls quite nauseating. Everything has to be pink- they're mothers cry. It starts young. I've seen who I thought were perfectly sound women, dolling their 5 year olds up for the reception class disco in full make up, heels and boob tube. Why?

We have celeb's vindicating size 0 to vulnerable girls some of whom have had this self image issue forced on them since birth.

No wonder poor Ms Spears is in meltdown at the moment.

As mothers we are the first role models to a future generation of young women. In school I am very aware of the image I give out to teenage girls.

It seems so sad that after such progress (we have achieved much since the seventies in terms of equality with men)

that we are pulled in this self image thing at such a young age.
As You Like It
2007-02-21 07:43:29 UTC
Her parents should be teaching her that looking like that is not good. Just on a style basis alone! It is not just male attention she will need to be worried about, us women react very negatively towards other women, if they project an image that is confrontational (which is what this girl is doing). Showing too much skin, or showing too much leg or cleavage in particular makes others feel uncomfortable because they do not know where to look, they don't want to stare, yet they want to act 'normal' which then puts them under a fair bit of stress!

You are not getting old, I am 22 and I completely agree. Yet I do know that children when gaining their Independence will grab it and do it, whether their parents give them permission or not.

I used to do my make up in car wing mirrors on the way to school and I would roll up my skirt.

I think parents should teach their children good taste rather than, the hard 'you can't wear that!' I think a teenager would react better to someone saying don't wear that it looks cheap and tacky or it doesn't suit you, rather than don't wear that, it makes you look easy/like a tart, because unfortunately that is kinda what they are going for!
2015-12-21 09:20:39 UTC
My sister turned 19 not so long ago, but I remember when I saw her wear a short skirt, and boots, I was horrified, she was my baby sister (she was 17 at the time)

Parents carry on about underage pregnancies, paedophilia etc, but parents who are dressing their kids like this, and lets face it, it is the parents, they buy the clothes, they see their children wearing the clothes, yet still they do nothing about it, are shortening their childhoods.

And I do agree with some of the other comments, that it is impossible to find children's clothes that are still decent for children. Why cant the fashion industry design tasteful, age appropriate clothes. Yes short skirts are OK for 10 year old, but if it is so short you can see her pants, then wear it with jeans!
Lorraine A
2007-02-21 11:39:14 UTC
Totally agree with you on that one! Its scary to think that parents will allow their little girls to go out dressed like that. You dont know who is around or leering at them! Im 30 and dont have any kids yet but if/when I do have a daughter im damn sure they are going to be dressed respectably. Ive been brought up to wear decent clothes and I wouldnt dream of going out myself dressed in such short/revealing clothes. I have a little Niece who is only 8 months old and her dad says he is not letting her out of his sight as she is growing up. I know there has to be a cut off point sometime and I suppose you will never stop worrying! Its how society has become these days and im sure it will get worse. I definately think its the parents fault and obviously peer pressure to wear the "in" thing. I remember not so long ago a big issue over shops selling thongs for young girls. The world is going crazy.
2007-02-21 07:10:37 UTC
My husband and i were having a similar conversation this weekend. We saw a young girl, about 11-12 years with her mum, dressed in crop jeans, a short top showing her belly, and a bohemian style cardigan. OK so this wasn't too bad, but when you saw her make up it was just awful. She had full eyeshadow, mascara, blusher and worst of all bright red lipstick. I don't have a daughter, only a son, but if he bought home a girl dressed like that at that age, then she would not get past my front door. My 10 year old niece is asking her mum to buy mini skirts and make up, and worst of all Playboy bunny stuff! I am only 26 but I think it is disgusting. Kids just aren't kids anymore.
Keira H
2007-02-21 07:06:45 UTC
You're not getting old. I'm 25 and there's nothing I hate more than seeing a child dressed like this - especially when they're wearing make-up too! For god's sake - kids should dress like kids!

It just goes to show kids don't have a proper childhood any more. When I was that age it was dungarees and jeans all the way - all the better for climbing trees and falling off my bike! I suppose if you're sitting indoors playing video games and sat in front of your TV, wearing pratical clothes doesn't matter any more.

Parents who let their kids dress like this should be shot. The irony is they're probably the sort of people who start lynch mobs on paedophile rumours.
2007-02-21 11:19:55 UTC
It is bad taste.

Apart from sartorial issues there is also the question of whether the parents are trying to get their girl to grow up too fast. The parents probably thinks she's being 'sweet' and are proud of being 'grown up for her age'.

The public stage is littered with the (metaphorical mostly) corpses of precocious children who 'grew up' too fast for one reason or another. Most are burnt out, socially inadequate or unbearable by the time they're in the 20's.

A few famous 'early developers' who have come to sad state include Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lena Zavaroni. There are many others especially child prodigies who are a mess as adults.

Also, despite what is said about paedophiles being predatory (which they are) the parents also have a duty to protect their daughter by not teaching (by example) her that provocative dress is 'safe' until she's old enough to cope herself.
Little Bo Peep
2007-02-21 07:19:36 UTC
I completely agree with you. When I went to watch Robbie Williams at Knebworth (a few years ago now - 2004? I was 21 at the time), there was a family sat next to us with a young daughter who could not have been older than about 11, she was wearng a T-shirt which said something along the lines of 'If s*x is a pain in the a*s then you're doing it wrong'. I couldn't believe that her parents had even bought the top for her, let alone allowed her to wear it out in public!
2007-02-21 12:53:53 UTC
I agree completely. Little girls should remain little girls for as long as possible. I find it disturbing that some adults will allow there children to walk around in such attire, especially in this day and age, it is irresponsible and quite frankly dangerous. What i find most disturbing, i was out shopping for my son and in a well known childrens clothes shop i saw some girls underwear, designed to look like bras (with matching adult-looking pants!) for children aged 5 years+. This is shocking! Who the hell buys this stuff and any parent who allows any child to wear these ugly items have warped minds.
2007-02-21 11:51:53 UTC
I completely agree!!! I have a two year old daughter and am often horrified by the clothes which are on sale for her age group. I don't want my daughter to be wearing shorts that show her bottom, whether we are on holiday or not. I don't want her wearing halter neck tops, tiny micro skirts or skimpy vests.

Even when I was 21 and still living with my mother she would say you're not going out dressed like that. If I retaliated I'd get "My house, my rules."

My daughter wears jeans, t-shirts and clothes that keep her covered which are also inkeeping with the fashion trends. A child does not need to show flesh to be fashionable!!!!!
Easy Rider
2007-02-21 08:32:24 UTC
I wonder what was going through her mothers mind when she let her go out like that, does she not care that her daughters state of undress will attract attention from men? Perhaps she pimps her daughter out to any old paedophile who happens to come along.

I guess when her daughter gets herself knocked up in a couple of years time, she'll be wondering how it happened!

Bottom line is, a child of that age is not old enough to deal with the sexual advances that dressing in that way will attract, whether that be from boys a few years older than her at school, or some weirdo that follows her home from the corner shop.

The child should be allowed to be a child!!
2007-02-21 08:27:27 UTC
I'm with you. First the media sexualise young girls at an ever younger age and then create a noise when men react in what is deemed an inappropriate manner. Parents seem to want to be best mates with their children and forget how to parent them. How many 'girlie nights out' do you see 20 year+ females wearing provocative school uniforms, staggering around the streets, clueless and drunk? The whole of society seems obsessed with sexualising females at an ever younger age. Let children be children and dress and act as appropriate.
2007-02-21 07:09:59 UTC
I' with you. I thought that I was getting old, too and I am under 35 also. I do not believe that young girls should be allowed by their parents to be dressed in that manner. You see it at the junior high schools and its scary. There are too many pedophiles and such out there to allow a child to do that. I will however say that when they do get to high school it is the parents responsibility to teach these young ladies how to dress and dress sexy and appealing without being slutty. You can be slutty when you're old enough to go to the bars and buying your own clothes and paying your own bills.
Andy M Thompson
2007-02-21 07:06:55 UTC
It wasn't so many year ago that 10 year old boys weren't ever even seen in long trousers till they were 16 never mind the 'mini adult' outfits you see around the place these days on kids, male and female. Kids don't get to be kids anymore - it straight from toddler to teenager these days. I think it's scary and I worry about what I'll do when I am a parent.

PS - Asker - are you on 360 - I want to see a full version of your profile wedding pic as I'm a forces wife too!
2007-02-22 01:06:45 UTC
Stuff like that should really be for girls say 4 years older when teenagers and inteacting with boys...

not 18 but teenagers who want said from 14 upwards if can handle the attention ie mature enough fine...

For trainee boyfriends not really going full on till mid teens say 15 1/2 to 17

Short skirts are the same as cool trainers and a bad boy motorbike...

10 year olds should not be worrying about expensive trainers

think the 10 year old wants to be like the sucessuful girls who are older.

Reember what you were like as a teenager and how great it was for firstt kiss, firt date first girlfriend? And whilst a short skirt may have got your attention in the end you would be in love and snuggling and happy right?

hence fine for teenager, not fine for 10 year old
Rob E
2007-02-21 14:18:09 UTC
No, decent taste would expect a natural clothing style appropriate for someone's age and maturity level. Tacky, tarty clothing has no place for kids attire.

Sexualising children is not a good thing. They deserve a childhood, through school years. What's missing is enough respect being learned by people, both for themselves and others. Maybe I'm showing my age too.

Good luck! Rob
Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry
2007-02-21 09:02:28 UTC
I think its shocking too and Im only 26 so no one try to blame a generation gap there because its people my age and OLDER dressing their kids this way.

You can get t shirts for toddlers that say things like 'sexy' on them and I think its absolutely disgusting. Kids should be dressed as kids not as mini hookers.

And watch any girls aloud concert (where they are dressed in suspenders and not a lot else) and its all young girls under 16 in the audience (other than the 18-30 men who are there for the semi naked girl band).
2007-02-21 08:47:12 UTC
I agree too, I have a 9 year old neice who dresses like one of those vile Bratz dolls - mini skirts and crop tops with loads of crap cheap jewellery.

she also is allowed to wear make-up SHE IS 9 YEARS OLD.

Not 15, 9. She looks like a little slapper in the making, but her parents think its ok. She has a terrible attitude - copied from the ghetto culture and is gobby and answers back continually.

SHe also copies the dirty bump n grind dancing she sees on the tv, she looks abslutely ridiculous gyrating away in sexual moves at this age, she hasnt even started her periods yet, she doesnt even know what a period is, but she is fully aware of how to gyrate her booty on the dance floor. She is absolutely desperate for a boyfriend (at 9!!!) and I dread to think what she will be like when she hits senior school. She also wears thongs. She hasnt even got a female figure yet - she still has a childs body. Its absurd. She is a teen pregnancy just waiting to happen.

I have a 4 year old who dresses like a 4 year old. She is influenced by her cousin, but I have not let her wear anything remotely like what her cousin wears. My daughter asks to have bratz dolls, but no way in hell is she having them.

Im not a fuddy-duddy, im 35 and can well remember being in my teens, but we didnt have the pressure back then to be sexy and slutty and all the things pre-teens are pushed into nowadays.
2007-02-21 08:42:59 UTC
No your definately not just getting old. I'm 25 and I think its disgusting the way young girls dress these days. I went out for the evening bowling with some friends and was dressed up to go out to a nightclub afterwards. The teenage girls that were there, some even younger were dressed up far more than me and showing a whole lot more flesh !
2007-02-21 06:25:28 UTC
I agree 100%.

Her parents would be the first to complain about unwanted attention their daughter got.

What happened to children having a childhood? They don't seem to have one these days.
2007-02-21 06:25:48 UTC
got to agree the skirt does sound too short however the shorter skirt, thick tights and boots does seem to be a fashion at the moment.
2007-02-21 06:25:58 UTC
No, you are not in bad taste. I am not a prude person. I am 24 and just a classy girl, and let me tell you that I cannot stand how young girls are dressing these days, and even more, I can't believe that their parents are letting them leave the house like that! It's just not right!
2007-02-21 06:26:52 UTC
Most clothes that they make for young girls are tacky and slutty...

They make sexy panties and thongs for elementary school aged kids!

But I agree it's bad taste!
2007-02-21 06:26:57 UTC
Yes it's slutty and weird when young girls are sexualised like that.
Barbara Doll to you
2007-02-21 06:27:02 UTC
I wouldn't blame age for your attitude.
fergie 11
2007-02-21 06:27:14 UTC
i wouldn't say getting old or bad taste more being sensible
2007-02-21 06:27:20 UTC
No cuz i also have a girl and I feel that they look improper for there age to dress like that boys get other ideas of them
Mrs. Always Right
2007-02-21 06:27:23 UTC
I totally agree. I have an 8 year old and it is SOOO hard to find anything modest for her to wear. Either her stomach must show or her chest (flat I must remind you!) I try to find things that are not form fitting. She is just too young for that. I wish people would teach their girls modesty and respect for themselves. Maybe then we wouldn't have the problems we have today.
Chazza xx Baby born 7/11/09
2007-02-21 06:27:29 UTC
I dont think you dont have bad taste or are getting old. I am 23 and think these girls are insane. They dont understand that it looks awful and gives out the wrong message - never mind them being FREEZING!!
Meghan O
2007-02-21 06:28:10 UTC
You are definitely not a prude. pre-teen is completely too young to be wearing mini-skirts. Our society pressures young girls to be socially acceptable by wearing suggestive and shocking clothing, then they seem amazed at the rate of young people having sex, getting pregnant, or (X forbid) being assaulted.
2007-02-21 06:28:25 UTC
I think it is rediculous the way that some parents allow their kids to dress. I dont care if she is 10 or 17, as long as she lives with me, no way in hell will my daughter dress like that. I think that it is skanky, and it is teaching her at a very early age the wrong way to present herself. I am pregnant with my first daughter so I have a while before I will have to deal with these issues, but, I wonder how bad it will be when my daughter gets to that age. I mean the girls now adays already dress half naked, how much more can they leave off? I am not sure how old you are, but I am 27 and I agree that this kind of dressing for girls is entirely inappropriate.
2007-02-21 06:29:04 UTC
no definatley bad taste. i totally agree, i have a 6 year old daughter and some of her friends have make up and nail varnish on when they go to birthday parties. to me at 6 make up is far too grown up!

parents are asking for trouble when their daughters are teenagers when they let them dress grown up at a early age.
2007-02-21 06:29:23 UTC
You will I am sure have noticed that the older you get the bigger the gap between the generations becomes. Whilst the events you describe are offensive to your mature attitudes perhaps the parents (and the child) feel that they are in touch with the modern world and the girl's peers. Different folks. Different strokes.

I hope that your own daughter will be amenable to your views when she decides to strut her stuff!
2007-02-21 06:29:41 UTC
I agree totally! My oldest daughter is 8 and when I'm shopping for her clothes, it's hard to even find her the pretty dresses and little girl's clothes that she still likes - everywhere you go, the shops are filled with mini adult clothes for little girls. I don't like it at all, let them look like little girls while they still are, they grow up far too quickly anyway. Don't even get me started on the concerns that dressing them up provocatively encourages paedophiles fantasies or I'll be here ranting about it all day!
2007-02-21 06:30:25 UTC
If the little girls mother lets her dress that way, then my guess is that the mother is a bit of a skank herself.
2007-02-21 06:30:41 UTC
With all the abductions with small children these days its surprising that some parents haven't wised up yet. I'm with you on this one. I can't believe some people!!!
Miriam Z
2007-02-21 06:30:42 UTC
That is completely inappropriate. You aren't getting old. Some parents are too permissive with their children because they're afraid that they're kids won't like them or they just don't have the patience to correct their behavior. I have a 3 year old daughter and my husband and I would never condone her dressing that way as long as she lives under our roof.
2007-02-21 06:31:38 UTC
she shouldn't be wearing that slutty stuff
2007-02-21 06:31:46 UTC
Gee, I know exactly how you feel. They are dressing in bad taste, but we are mature enough to realize it, and horrified as mothers because other mothers are allowing this.
Nancy S
2007-02-21 06:38:09 UTC

I totally agree! It is sad to see that stores seem to be selling a lot of clothes that promote this type of fashion. My daughter is 5 months and I also know that she will never be wearing those type of clothes! A friend of mine said that it will be a different story when I am in the mall with my 5 year old and she insists on getting something. I let her know that I am pretty sure that I will be the driving and the one paying so it will be difficult for my daughter to buy anything on her own.

Unfortunately there are children who are given free rein on the clothes they wear and when they follow the design styles that are sold, they end up looking older than they are. There are times where I would never wear the outfit myself let alone a 5 year old! We live in a time when children are pushed to look older than they are.

At least I know that your daughter and my daughter will not be looking like the girl you saw!
Traci J
2007-02-21 06:37:51 UTC
I think the styles REALLY push acceptable these days. Especcially for young girls. I don't really have a problem with the denim mini (at an acceptable length) with leggings (they conceal much more than tights, and are more like pants). But short shirts on a child is NEVER a good idea, and the boots while cute on someone older just present a bad image in a child. There is a huge difference in trashy and classy. I have a daughter, and I want to dress her in mary janes and cute little dresses for as long as possible. They grow up so fast.

I think the way some parents dress their children is just asking for unwanted, inappropriate attention that the child is just not ready to handle.
2007-02-21 10:52:02 UTC
Your are absolutely right .the pre-teen and teen clothes are bitty and cheap looking to say the least. What amuses me the top half is barely covered and then i''v seen them wearing those furry boot's . If the parents didnt allow or didnt buy those clothes the fasion industry would have to come up with an anternative .It is up to the parents , the children do not know any better that is the time zone there in . FULL STOP.
francis f
2007-02-21 08:03:32 UTC
it would seem that todays generation of child is being willed to grow up faster than they should, my own brothers child is the same at 11 she trowels on make up has an expensive mobile glued to her ear and cavorts around till the late hours dressed as you have stated.

yet what can we do, nothing is the answer unfortunatley the little girl in question now gets a spotty greasy complection all the time, her answer more make up she doesnt realise that at this young age her skin is still growing with her and that she suffocates it under it all.

my answer let them learn from their own mistakes, when this child is approached by a peadophile let her parents question their decision to allow this child to dress in such a manner, and think carefully before allowing her to do so again
2007-02-21 10:27:54 UTC
You know what-i agree with you 110%. In todays world, children are not allowed to be children past the age of 8. When children dress like that, it removes their innocence, and whilst they are still mentally and physically still a child, they are no longer viewed as such, but are instead viewed as small adults, of which they are definatley not.

This type of clothing are designed to exaggerate the curves and assets which a WOMAN wishes to display. Women understand the ideologies these cloths display and the consequences which go with them, little girls do not; and dressing them like this is turning them into sex symbols without them even realizing. I can't believe there are parents out there who think its actually safe to dress their children like that in this day and age.
Yummy Mummy
2007-02-21 10:27:16 UTC
I am a young mother (mid twenties - so very little generation gap!). I would never allow my girls to dress in such a way! I have taught my girls to feel like beautiful little women who can carry off beautiful, fashionable, yet modest clothes by walking and talking nicely - by allowing young girls to dress in such a provocative manner will not teach children to respect themselves nor will it encourage others to respect them. With all the beautiful, feminine clothes around at the moment there really is no excuse for dressing children to look like a barbie doll.

Definitely bad taste!
2007-02-21 10:18:04 UTC
I agree with you totally. I have a 3 year old and 6 year old both girls, and i cringe at the way most of the kids 6 and above dress, its so unappropriate. I say let your kids be kids, there not mini adults and a lot of people seem to forget this.

I am only 26 and i feel very strongly about this subject.
2007-02-21 09:56:39 UTC
One Christmas my niece came over with her Mother (my sister), she was wearing black lace stockings, push up bra, full make up, the lot, I was horrified. She was 11 years old!. I complained to our Dad along the lines of what her parents were doing.

She had started menstruating at 9 and was having problems with it so the female GP put her on the pill!. What the hell is happening to our children's childhood, too much sexualising of the young.

The other side of this coin, is a woman in her 50's dressed has you described waddling through Wythenshawe, all 22 stone of her. Not a pretty site!.
2007-02-21 07:27:28 UTC
It is a sign of the times we live in unfortunately. Children don't seem to be children anymore. i agree, I wouldn't want my daughter to dress like that but I doubt the child's mother wanted her daughter to look sexual. She probably just wanted her to look stylish and grown up. In children's clothes stores these days you don't see pretty little dresses anymore, rarely anyway. They're smaller versions of adult clothes and shoes. Its the same for boys with their little designer trainers and babies in England football tops before they can even walk let alone kick a ball. It does seem to me like children and less like children now and more like little adults. I help out at a Rainbow guide group (these girls are no older that 7) and was shocked this Christmas when not one of them wanted toys or dolls, it was all CD players, DVDs and computer games. I was also shocked by the amount of homework they used to get - in infants school for gods sake. I think the little girl you saw dressed that way, is just the icing on the cake of what will probably be a rather messed up generation.
Shona L
2007-02-21 07:05:02 UTC
I rant about this all the time. The only girls who should wear this kind of apparel are those who are sure of themselves, can handle the attention, and understand men. My daughters aged 13 and 10 know that I will not allow inappropriate dress, nor would they want to wear it. My daughter once wanted to buy a bustier-style top for a friend's birthday present, (saying her friend was allowed to wear that kind of thing) but I refused to allow her to do so, on the grounds that even if this was so, I could not condone buying something that I would not allow my own daughter to wear.

The kind of people who allow their kids to wear sexualised clothing are also the ones who get all hysterical and talk about castrating and hanging paedophiles! The idiocy of it all is breathtaking!
2014-10-27 11:03:28 UTC
If only one or two, or 144 voices shout all this, no one will listen. But if thousands and thousands shout, we can make a difference. Just because we are parents, it doesn't mean we are "past our prime". We can improve our daughters attitudes' towards clothing and dressing approprietly not only by laying down the rules and stressing how bad the consequences can be, but also by example. How can we expect the future generation to believe they can make a difference if they have no model to follow?
trish b
2007-02-21 10:36:52 UTC
I don't like to see it either..Children should be children and be allowed to appreciate their childhood not become clones of the parents...My youngest daughter was well old enough to make up her own mind when she went out but,one night she put on a skirt and was wearing only a thong (cheesewire) underneath,everything was visible !!! When i told her to go and check herself in my big mirror,she changed !!! All youngsters need some sort of guidance and dressing em up as tarts ain't the way..
2007-02-21 10:06:48 UTC
It's totally inappropriate(in my humble opinion) to children dress in such away,I to have seen an under 10 yr girl dressed like that but with the added "bonus" of having "Sexy Girl" embroidered across her backside!

I can't understand why anyone would want their child to be dressed in such a sexual way,they're little children for Gods sake.
2007-02-21 08:22:26 UTC
well I'm only 27 and find that sort of thing just asking for trouble, especially in todays society there are far too many people out there who would say well she said she was sixteen....

why are all girls in such a rush to dress older? its all down to thoes mags... and celeb's.

I would not let my daughter go out like that at 10 or even 15. (shes 6 at present)

I completely agree with you and me and my parter will say things like ours isnt dressing like that...

Arround 2003 when the cheaky girls were all the rage they produced t-shirts that said spank my bum on the front and dont be shy on the back... I cant belive that these were avalible for 3year olds and up...

We all do what we can to protect and nuture our children and this is one of the things we need to do to make sure they grow up safe and responsible adults.
2007-02-21 08:02:11 UTC
I would be horrified to see my own daughter dressed that way and she is your age!!!

Unfortunately it seems that fashion is important at a very young age and I blame the parents for giving in and allowing the child to choose unsuitable clothing or worse wanting their young girls to be seen as up to date.

It has nothing to do with my age though, I've always felt it wrong to push children into growing up too soon. You've a long time as an adult with all it's responsibilities, so should be allowed to be a child as long as possible!
2007-02-21 07:29:03 UTC
I agree, kids are being dressed in clothes that are way too sexy for their age, and it just encourages the pervs to look at them, if something happened to that child because it had been dressed like a tart then the parents would have learned a very tough lesson at the expense of their daughter. It's wrong to dress kids like that.
2007-02-21 07:27:11 UTC
You are totally right. I'm only 18 and i think that young girls going around like that is sick.

People may think that its "rot", but its like any other behaviour with young children, if they do something and aren't told that its bad, they'll keep on doing it.

I hate looking around my town centre and seeing all these girls much younger than me wearing stuff that makes ME blush!

Sadly there isn't a great deal that you or i can do about it, just make sure that we don't end being the parents of those kids!
2007-02-21 07:03:46 UTC
No this sort of attire is not appropriate for a girl of that age, blame MTV and the things they watch and their peers for the rise in this sort of clothing for youngsters but most of all blame the manufacturers and retailers remember if they we don't buy it they can't sell it. One more thing there are a lot of narrow minded people commenting, don't judge the person without seeing them, words like sluut and ska*k are as inappropriate as the clothing. Wearing certain clothes doesn't make a little girl a sl*t
2007-02-21 06:40:23 UTC
I am 28, my oldest girl is 9- You are being lenient by saying 18, I would say NEVER! I am disgusted with the clothes that they have for girls anymore! I don't care if they are just trying to fit in or if their parents think they are being 'modern' by letting them. Parents should guide their children! There is nothing 'modern' about allowing your child to miss out on being a child! I don't even think a full grown woman should go around dressed like that! I try to remind my kids how beautiful they are every day, and that there's nothing 'cool' about doing things a certain way just because that is what everyone is doing. I hope it sinks in so I won't need to fight with them about mini skirts, mid drifts and God knows what else later on!
2007-02-25 15:13:20 UTC
Yes, I agree little girls are in danger of being made to look adult-sexy and it comes from the fashion houses and the garment makers and the advertisers in the media. I'm always sorry when I see that. You aren't old-fashioned. You are just rewarding the makers of such clothing and the advertisers when you buy their message. I write a letter when something offends me. I state that I will not give them my business and why. I never have a problem staying away from the store or the magazine.
2007-02-27 06:32:54 UTC
I totally agree. I am an 18yr old mum and even I dont go out flashing me bits to the world because its degrading. Whats worse is to see mothers dressing their angles as two bit sl*gs when the poor child doesnt realise that they could be in potential danger from sex hungry predators. I have a cousin who is 13 and she looks older than me. Her mum lets her wear make up but she limits the 'fashionable' clothes that her daughter wears because she knows what could become of her child. In my opinion I think it is the parents fault entirely turning their children into fashion victims before they even hit puberty and I believe it is to do with the parents own insecurities. They must feel that what they missed out on they have to push on to their poor naive children.
2007-02-21 07:20:41 UTC
I'm not a parent, nor do I consider myself old (Im 28) - but I agree with everything you've written.

In response to nicolecarter et al: don't you consider that grown women dress and act a certain way to attract attention from the opposite sex? Short skirts are DESIGNED to expose the legs, tight tops are DESIGNED to show off the chest and stomach - yes, every woman has the right to dress as she wishes and not be at risk of sexual assault, but when children are dressed similarly, in a manner designed to illicit attention (whether they are aware of it or not) that can't be considered a good thing surely?!
2007-02-21 06:32:36 UTC
No thats just a sign of being a parent and not a friend. haha i remember days i seen picture of my mom in short skirts (70's) and i would get so mad that she wouldn't let me wear short skirts when i was 15-16. but now i look back and understand her point of view.
miranda c
2007-02-21 06:33:37 UTC
guys are like that,the only want hoes!
2007-02-21 06:33:40 UTC
damn right

its disgusting how parents let their kids walk around, do they not ealise the rapists and perverts that are on our strrets every day..

i have 2 boys and a third baby on the way,,if it is a girl there is no way she will ever walk around like that..
2007-02-21 06:33:40 UTC
its down to leading by example - if grown ups didnt wear these things in publin children wouldnt want to either, they see the attention adults get from wearing these sorts of clothes and want it for themselves. the ones who dont havent got much choice because in clothes stores the shelves are packed with them.

i agree its the parents fault to let them go out like that but they want to in the first place because of adults leading my example.
2007-02-21 06:34:23 UTC
You'll get no argument from me. I went to a high school basket ball game last week. There was a girl in front of us. She was 13-14 years old. She was wearing hip hugger pants that were below the hips. Her butt crack was showing. Her parents had to see it because she got up to go wherever a couple of times and passed in front on them. No way my daughter would go out like that.

I was also at my step sons basketball game a few weeks ago, he's in 6th grade, there was a little girl that was all of 3-4 and she had the same issue. Her pants were the hip hugging kind and her rear end was literally hanging out of them. The mother didn't seem to notice, but everyone else did.

I can't believe how clueless some parents can be.
2007-02-21 06:34:25 UTC
It's the Britney Spears generation. Today's girls have a lack of respect for themselves and a need for attention. What they don't realize is they are attracting the wrong attention. When a boy/man sees a girl/woman dressed provocatively he thinks sex. Females tend to confuse sex with love.
2007-02-21 06:38:37 UTC
I totally agree with you. It makes me cringe when I see these innocent little girls dressed like teens. My daughter whilst only 4 will dress her age until she is old enough to dress otherwise. She will not wear skimpy tops, high heeled shoes and make up when she is 10 years old. Times have changed I agree but also there are a lot more perverts and peadophiles around now. It is up to us parents to protect our children from the likes of them.
2007-02-21 06:38:58 UTC
Oh I know just what you mean. I have a terrible time trying to find decent clothes for my 9 year old. Sometimes I feel like a jerk telling her "no" when she finds something that she likes that I don't approve of but I just keep reminding her that just because it's there does not mean I have to buy it for her. On the other hand... when I was a teenager & everyone was wearing jeans jackets my mom flat out refused to get me one. She said it wasn't ladylike - and as an adult I have always been complimented on my good taste in clothes. Thanks Mom!
2007-02-21 06:39:44 UTC
I'm with you. When I was a TEENAGER, I loved to dress like a little rock star and the attention I got was not positive. I learned that the hard way.

My 10 year old daughter chooses to wear tomboyish styles or styles that cover her up and are not necessarily "fashionable" much to the chagrin of my b/f and others. I counter this negative attitude with just what you are talking about... It could be worse, she could be dressing like Britney Spears, etc. I am thankful that my 10 year old isn't wanting to dress like a hoochie and thankful she isn't asking me to take her to Abercrombie and Fitch, that will come soon enough!

Let kids be KIDS! Embrace it because it isn't going to last long enough! :)
Lady Trinity
2007-02-21 06:39:59 UTC
I ALSO agree with you 100%!! When I see the way young girls dress I am shocked and sickened! Often they are with their parents and I assume that means that they are dressed that way with their parents approval. I have no doubt that these are the same parents that will scream like bloody murder when their "little girl" ends up pregnant!

I have a 23 year old daughter who was never allowed to dress like that and a 13 year old who will NEVER dress like that!

I think it is just awful that women are dressing their preteen daughters like miniature street walkers. What kind of attention do they think that this garners for their daughter? Do they expect any "nice" boy to want to be seen with someone who looks like that? Can you imagine him wanting to take her to meet his parents?

What are mothers thinking when they let their daughters dress like that?

As you say, it would a cold day in hell when my daughter left the house looking like that! AND she would not only have to get past her Dad and I, but also her big brothers!! I don't think it will happen any time soon!

I could not agree with you more!


Lady Trinity~
2007-02-21 06:43:53 UTC
Makes you wonder, why makes clothes which are designed to be sexually alluring for an age group which should not be viewed sexually at all!?

No, you are not a prude.
2007-02-21 06:44:18 UTC
hey im 28 with a 9 year old daughter and no way would she be able to even have clothes like that let alone wear them in public. ur in neither bad taste or getting old, these children are being forced to grow up way before their time and trust me the thing im guilty of is forcing my child to stay young as long as possible
2007-02-21 06:44:39 UTC
Fashion sense - cute clothes - most girls love it! But there is a definite line between cute and slutty. This poor girls parents must be really stupid, especially in light of all of the predators out there today....I know there are fashion fads that we as older adults may not be "into" - and that's OK - kids like to and need to be different sometimes. But I think that as parents a little authority and common sense should be used when kids go out looking like a hooker. And it frankly looks ridiculous on a kid that young. You will be doing the right thing to closely monitor your children as they get older.
2007-02-21 06:46:29 UTC
Yeah, ten is way too young. 17 is still too young.
2007-02-21 06:47:23 UTC
No you are not getting old it is in bad taste but the fact is that some people dont have any taste. My child would not wear that outfit and I am pretty liberal about letting them wear what they like.
♥ Divine ♥
2007-02-21 06:48:20 UTC
It's shocking the way some parents allow their children, girls especially, to dress. You don't know who'll be looking or what they'll be thinking. I'm not a parent but even I know that some clothes just shouldn't be worn by youngsters.
2007-02-21 06:49:03 UTC
Bad taste.
2007-02-21 06:49:18 UTC
I agree completely - the sexualisation of young girls is wrong and puts them under a lot of pressure. They should be allowed to enjoy their childhood rather than dressing up similar to adults - they only get the one chance to experience it.
2007-02-21 06:53:49 UTC
Its pressure from retailers, celebs, magazines etc that seem intend on trying to force kids to grow up far too fast.

I agree that young girls in particular are getting sexualized earlier and earlier, then we scream and shout when something happens to them. I'm not saying that the clothes one wears give anyone the right to take advantage of you, but it does make it hard for guys to differentiate between under 16's and over 16's. That leads to all sorts of problems.
2007-02-21 07:01:09 UTC
I blame Bratz!
2007-02-21 06:50:17 UTC
totally agree dont these parents see what other people see when children dress like this.?
2016-09-29 14:13:30 UTC
Lol mines no longer. i exploit to hearken to united states of america and Hilary Duff in consumer-friendly college. Then Miley Cyrus and Taylor speedy in 6th. Boys like ladies, undeniable white t's, eco-friendly day, paramore and the pink jumpsuit equipment in seventh. In eighth i've got been given into deliver me the horizon and the devil wears prada and bands like that. And now i pay attention to asking alexandria, deliver me the horizon, blink 182, lamb of god, and so on. not greater united states of america bullshit. So for me that is gotten greater advantageous with age lol
2016-01-30 16:56:40 UTC
One should allow your children to pick their own clothes, but some things need to be declined at age 10. I let my kids pick their own clothes (Un-like my mother) so they could be 'cool'. I've only had to say 'pick something more appropriate' a few times. They have grown in to fine young women and know how to look 'cool' without looking like a skank.
2015-12-20 07:36:50 UTC
You still have a good while to think of that problem and hope that the fashions change before then. You don't say if your daughter will be going to a school which advocates uniforms, if so then that is the problem solved during the day. I solved the problem of Dad when my daughter was 14 by going out and buying fashionable clothes for her. When her Dad complained about her skirt being short (above the knees) she told him that I had bought it. It took the heat off her and when I explained to my husband that it was better for me to buy her fashionable clothes instead of her going over the top and wearing microminis he saw sense. As she grew older I bought her classic outfits, trouser suits etc that are never out of fashion for eveyday wear and the more trendy clothes for weekends and evenings. She was happy for me to continue to buy her clothes until she settled down and still goes for the classic outfits now, as well as trendier evening wear.
2014-11-21 11:37:04 UTC
Suman at Mangang hinog saka Sago at Gulaman...rapsa
2014-11-06 14:55:44 UTC
y by and read your rot! We're not talking a sexual being we're talking a LITTLE GIRL.

Update 3: Silvi04, I had to run the 'Dad gauntlet', it's character building lol

Update 4: AndyM-don't know(not very good at this computing lark).

funandgames55 you read my mind!

Update 5: king-sigh did you actually READ her answer?? how
2014-10-24 02:55:59 UTC
SHe also copies the dirty bump n grind dancing she sees on the tv, she looks abslutely ridiculous gyrating away in sexual moves at this age, she hasnt even started her periods yet, she doesnt even know what a period is, but she is fully aware of how to gyrate her booty on the dance floor. She is absolutely desperate for a boyfriend (at 9!!!) and I dread to think what she will be like when she hits senior school. She also wears thongs. She hasnt even got a female figure yet - she still has a childs body. Its absurd. She is a teen pregnancy just waiting to happen.
2014-10-01 12:00:24 UTC
Christmastime is obviously cold around here. I shopped at four, yes FOUR major retailers in my area (Wal-mart, Target, JC Penney's, and Gap) looking for a nice, modest dress for my 8 yo daughter to wear in her Christmas concert. Guess what I found? Mini skirts, tank tops and see through jackets! Seriously, I looked EVERYWHERE for something decent. I ended up buying a woman's mid-length skirt and had it altered by my aunt, and I bought a nice velvet long-sleeve shirt that I had to "dress up" a little with sequins! What is wrong with this picture?!

As parents, the only thing we can do is collectively demand t
2007-02-26 17:25:59 UTC
2007-02-26 05:31:22 UTC
Under the age of 14-16 if far too young. They should be experimenting sexy lady like dress after this age.

2007-02-24 22:18:04 UTC
Stick with what you believe in.

The sexualization of children is big business and the fashion designers are so removed from reality--it's mandatory that we parents monitor our kids.

2007-02-24 17:53:33 UTC
parents of the girl sound like real!

i feel it's neglectful to allow a child to dress "older, slutty".

my girl is 15 and I'd chain her to her bed before she walked out of the house in attire such as you described. dressing age appropriate is a must, especially in this day and age.
2007-02-24 11:07:53 UTC
Its not an age thing im 26 and wouldnt let my daughter out like that let alone degrade myself by wearing anything like that. There are so many sick people out there that get a thrill out of kids walking round like that, parents should think more carefully about what is appropriate for children to wear and not dress them up like dolls.
kelly anhel
2007-02-24 10:37:10 UTC
It took a realy long time to read your question so i thought i might aswel answer it or realy give you my opinion on it. I blame the clothes shops, magazines, peer pressure and television for turning our children into mini 18 year olds, n thats putting it nicely. Nearly every childrens clothes shop i go into 4 my daughter are filled with "tarty" clothes, as u named in your question. Magazines are also telling children to wear this sort of stuff and there friends are telling them 2 wear the clothes to be "cool". Is this what society has become today, little girls walking about, like lambs dressed like mutton?? It realy isnt a wonder that we have sick men about!! Im glad that there are people like yourself and the many other people on here who agree that this is all wrong n that we dress our children in a dignified way.
2007-02-24 09:39:26 UTC
Make sure to cultivate a great child. DO NOT make fashion priority in your child's life and they will not be like this...

You make your child who they are !
jon h
2007-02-23 14:54:51 UTC
i 1,000,000,000% agree

- it looks sick on young (children) girls!
2007-02-21 07:10:26 UTC
When magazines like Seventeen of articles on how to give a good B Job. The world has gone crazy. Young girls seem to have no embarrassment proudly showing off there often fat guts.

Parental control has seriously gone out the window for the great unwashed.
2007-02-21 13:45:45 UTC
It's bad taste. Those girls are just slutty, and I can't understand why their parents don't say something about, do they think it's normal for a 10 year old girl to dress like a 30 year old whore?

In one way I'm sorry for those girls, where do they grow up and what are they parents like? But at the other hand, they're responsible for it too, they've chosen to look like that, which is really bizarre to me.

I hope they will end up better.

You're right you won't allow your daughter to dress the same way! I would do the same thing.
2007-02-21 08:07:46 UTC
It is and you aren't. She's clearly still a child at that age, why they have to even sell stuff like that's beyond me. It'll be worrying enough for any parent when she becomes a teenager, let alone now. Ours were still in the jeans and sweatshirt mode at that age, easier for climbing trees in! Neither were in the slightest interested in looking like a juvenile tart and not until either was mid-teens did they even consider wanting to dress up - not that they would have got past Mum or me!
Purple 8
2007-02-21 14:51:24 UTC
I agree with you - these parents are playing a dangerous game with their child in this day and age; too many parents regard their children as cute little adults and as their own personal 'dolls' to dress up. So many children are not given the opportunity to enjoy their childhood before being pushed into a psuedo-adulthood.
2007-02-21 12:25:14 UTC
YES. It is in bad taste. NO. It's not you getting old. I have an 8 year old daughter and because I have never 'encouraged' this sort of attire she never requests it. She always (in my opinion and her's) looks modern and trendy, but NEVER tarty. I steer her towards looking 'nice'. I wouldn't allow cropped tops, high heels or any such tat. These children look chavy and cheap through no fault of their own. Mum will look the same too.
2007-02-21 08:13:57 UTC
The parents should be shot for allowing a child or even a teenager to dress like that. It's a shame that these little girls idolize the likes of Brittney Spears, where they learn this behavior.

And it's disgusting that the parents refuse to say NO to their own children. If the parents don't say it, who will?
London Girl
2007-02-21 06:52:02 UTC
Why on earth don't parent allow their child to be children. Don;t they remember that our childhood years are here and gone in a flash of a eyelid? They are not letting the children play silly games that are allowed at that age, or wear clothes that they will never ever be able to wear again when they have grown up. I am 50 and do not considered myself to be old fashioned, but have learnt to like and appreciate each age as it is when it comes and to make the most of it, not to hurry on to the next stage that will come whether we like it or not.

2007-02-21 09:40:34 UTC
totally agree with you. I dont think the odd one thing looks bad - for example i remember owning a top when i was about ten which showed my tummy, but in no way did i look like a sexual object. I can understand that kids may want to choose what they wear at that age, but they should be restricted by their parents!
2007-02-21 09:33:55 UTC
I totally agree, it is'nt the correct attire for a child, it brings to mind a certain paragraph in 1984 when in a sexual chemistry class a young boy is accused of not joining in. Are we heading that way ?
2007-02-21 08:42:18 UTC
nicolecarter I just can't stand idly by and read your rot! We're not talking a sexual being we're talking a LITTLE GIRL.

With reference to the above. I'm sure Peodaphiles and rapists think that all the time.

Let girls be girls and women be women.

If I had a daughter I would want her to have a nice long and happy childhood.
2007-02-21 08:37:49 UTC
If only more parents were like you. I have seen 10 year olds wearing those FCUK tops and I blame the parents 100% for buying them. You don't know what pervs are getting a thrill from looking at youngsters dressed like that. I am a mother of 11 year old and 9 year old girls and I buy their clothes and I ensure they are dressed appropriately for their age.
2007-02-21 08:09:50 UTC
i dont have kids yet and am only 23 but i hate to see hirls so dressed up. When I was that age there wasnt the same kind of market for 'kids fashion' and you would not have been able to get all this stuff top make little girls look like mini-hookers. I think its a disgrace and worry what it will be like when i do have kids....will I be able to find suitable clothes for them or will i have to have constant arguments to make them dress suitably. Scary stuff
2007-02-21 07:58:20 UTC
No, I couldn't agree with you more. I also have a 10 year old girl and when i take her shopping i am amazed at the choice of clothes. what does a 10 year old want with a thong.

I blame the parents, but we have so many uneducated parents from broken families in this country it's hardly surprising.
2007-02-21 07:01:35 UTC
I must agree with your sentiments.

The young girl could grow up to be a decent young lady but I feel that parents should take much more care in allowing the attire.

Perhaps that is why there is so much immorality in this sad country of Blairs.

Children should not have the rights that they have & they should be taught respect.

Unfortunately I cannot afford to leave this sinking ship.
2007-02-21 06:50:22 UTC
G'Day from W.A.R. women against rape!

please see my adults only website on yahoo 360 for what I think people who have that sort of opinion about what girls and women wear.

"people should be able to walk about wearing whatever they want without feeing threatened or be at risk from horrible people regardless of age, or gender."

by having the death sentance for all peadophiles and rapists there would be less people committing these crimes and therefore less worry about what one wears on a night out to a bar or to the school prom.

Q: who is at fault if the child is thought of as looking too "adult" in her attire?


give parents lessons on how to teach their OWN CHILDREN things like sex education and there would be A LOT LESS horrifying crimes committed and people would feel safer.
Jenny S
2007-02-21 06:51:09 UTC
I would agree with you on what you have said. I am 27 and don't feel what they wear is suitable at all. I am sometimes embarrased when very young girls walk past in town dressed pretty much like hookers! It doesn't seem right! Why is everyone so desperate to grow so quickly?
Benny Zuko, The All-Knowing cat
2007-02-21 06:51:51 UTC
This attire is only suitable if it's your ambition to be a grandparent at 35.
2007-02-21 06:52:19 UTC
Young girls attire is in very bad taste these days - dont know how they dont die from hypothermia never mind anything else !
2007-02-21 06:54:23 UTC
Yeah...that's a little out of is in bad taste...Going to guess that her mother probably had quite the reputation in high school as will this poor girl. Even today - and I'm by no means a prude - when I see girls out at the club like that, can't help but thinking they went to the wrong club - they meant to go to the one WITH poles.
2007-02-21 06:55:43 UTC
I think it's bad taste.
2007-02-21 06:57:58 UTC
im 21 and i agree with you 100% kids should be kids i swear at 10 i was wearing t-shirts and leggings. i didnt tart up except at home playing with makeup etc. they got all that to come when there teenagers why do they want to do it now
2007-02-21 06:58:20 UTC
No, it's disgusting, but chances are the mother (and father) are sleazy creatures too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

That's why my kids go to better schools where kids have a little more "class".
2007-02-21 06:59:14 UTC
It's a shame parents are so dense that they can't see what allowing their daughter to dress like that does. I feel sorry for these girls with no guidance and no clue. You're not getting old but getting past Dad after you're 18 because of clothes she may chose to wear is also a bit misguided and extreme.
Sultana Of Swing
2007-02-21 06:59:26 UTC
I have seen children dressed like this and it always, frankly, disgusts me. I would never let any daughter of mine out like that. Teenagers, you come to expect it, but really young girls in tight fitting, revealing attire is just wrong and probably yet another fault of the media.

I'm 24 and think this, so no, you're not just getting old. You're sensible!
2007-02-21 07:02:19 UTC
I have a 10 year old daughter who loves fashion. I was always a tomboy with 4 brothers but she loves all that glitters and will not wear jeans. Whilst I supervise her clothing to a certain extent I cringe at some of the outfits she puts together but it is harmless and she is just growing up. I worry more about these children who are dressed totally by their mothers in the style of their mothers and god forbid sometimes matching their mothers! My daughter has her own personality and is confident and outgoing, she is top of her class and a very sweet natured child, what is wrong with a few fashion disasters?! I have had contact with many conservatively dressed children who are rude, obnoxious and badly behaved. Ever heard of the phrase do not judge a book by its cover?.
2007-02-21 07:03:53 UTC
it is disgraceful how children are allowed to dress.. the parents should be ashamed of themselves.

don't they know how many rapists and paedophiles are out there ????
Andy M
2007-02-21 08:12:38 UTC
"I blame the parents" is an often-heard expression and in this case it's absolutely correct. No parent worth their salt would allow a little girl to dress like that, let alone encourage it.

They obviously had no idea how to be responsible parents: by allowing a little girl to dress like that they are exposing her not only to sexual deviants, but also to premature adulthood of which she has no understanding.

I'm with you on this one: kids should remain as kids until at least sixteen, if not older, and parents should have the sheer common sense to realise that.
2007-02-21 09:38:54 UTC
it's in bad taste, I totally agree with you! Children are treated like mini-adults these days, why cant we let them just be kids?! why do they have to grow up so fast and start wearing adult clothing?! when I see kids wearing clothes that are too old for them it shocks me and I'm only 20!
2007-02-21 07:45:40 UTC
This child appears to be what was once called Jail Bait.I am

astounded that her parents allow this mode of dress for such a

young child.Can you wonder that P.......s are keen to know


More power to your elbow at being concerned.
2007-02-23 03:33:49 UTC
totally agree. i'm really against the sexualized dress on children these days--it's like if they can wear the outfit and look sexy, they put it on their kids.
2007-02-22 14:32:48 UTC
i think that WOMEN should be allowed to choose what they want to wear NOT KIDS they should not be dressed sexually you are right dont listen to anyone that tells you that youre wrong
Jason H
2007-02-22 03:52:18 UTC
I think that it is both down to the parents to stop their children dressing like this, and down to the manufacturers for actually making clothes like this in children's sizes. I also think that the music industry should take a look at how some female singers dress, they are a big role model to young girls. if my daughter dressed like any of the ones from Girls Aloud, she would never be allowed out of the house!
2007-02-21 14:56:10 UTC
I agree young girls need to tone it down a bit and go back to being kids
2007-02-21 14:41:16 UTC
girl over the road from me, 13 year old now but has a 'top end' any woman would be proud of, she went to a friends going away party and her parents showed me fotos from that night, all of us were disgusted at the way some of these children were dressed....and i have told the girl over the road that if she was mine she would not get out of the house in anything less than a baggy polo neck jumper and oversized jeans.

you are not getting old, some parents want the kids mature before they are ready, make up, smoking, drink, drugs, sex, clothes....they get it all too easy.
2007-02-21 14:04:36 UTC
Couldn't agree more. 'Sign of the times' but not a particularly welcome one. Childhood just seems to disappear nowadays. Don't think it is a case of 'getting old' more so our society is geared towards sex and appearance and kids under pressure to grow up and 'keep up' with their peers. Very sad I reckon.
2007-02-21 14:02:49 UTC
Agree with you-there is something in the news about children having psychological problems because of the bombardment of becoming and looking 'sexy' at far too young an age.
2007-02-21 13:49:08 UTC
well, my youngest is 14 and i wouldnt let her go out dressed like that !!!! so no.....youre not getting old, you are just a sensible mother. good on you.
2007-02-21 13:44:34 UTC
If that's what the kid wants to wear and her parents are happy for her wear those clothes what's it got to do with anyone else?

Why should be people conform to others beliefs?

Because some people see something as being wrong maybe ok to others.

How can anyone say that women/girls that wears sexy/revealing clothes deserved to be raped ("They're asking for it"). No one deserves to be raped and everyone is free to wear whatever they like. The girls parents wants the best for her and number 1 is, for her to be HAPPY. She's happy wearing those clothes.

Each to their own!

Get on with your own lives and keep your nose out of other peoples!!!!!
2007-02-21 13:42:36 UTC
i agree with you on everything on this one.let children be children and the parents shouldnt be buying them revealing clothes.If parents didnt buy these type of clothes then the manufacturers wouldnt make them so its down to the parents to stop buying them.another example is when a company started selling "sexy underwear for 5/6 yr olds,thats sad in my eyes,and if anyone thinks im being a prude then for the record im not its just i dont agree with children being dressed up in these type of clothes.
2007-02-21 13:35:09 UTC

i agree with you that its not good for really young kids to be dressed like that

It dosnt help to encorage those amongst us with perverted feelings by giving them this sort of image of young children

the parents are at fault for not seeing what harm they could be putting their child in

They cant have a brain cell between them or been in the real world long enough to realize what they are doing to their child

As parents they are there to protect their children from harm not expose them to it
2007-02-21 13:23:37 UTC
I blame Britney Spears. You are absolutely right. It is not only bad taste, but totally inappropriate for a ten year old. Kids should be like kids and not like a smaller version of sexy adults.

Did her mother look 24 years old, by any chance?
2007-02-21 13:01:29 UTC
Totally agree with you, kids aren't allowed to be just kids these days, it seems like they have to conform to the fashion of the women in all these glossy mags. My dad would have locked me away rather then let me out like that, too many pervs out there for your kid to be running around in revealing cloths thats just tempting fate I think! There is a way of being fashionable without being tarty and revealing! I'm only 23 so still young.
2007-02-21 12:54:32 UTC
No. your not getting old, the clothes are all pushed my peer pressure, if she/he is wearing i want to as well. . You can actually help your child not to wear those clothes by using reverse pschology on her. It's not a matter if she's going to or not, if she respects her parents, and has a drive to please, because how nice and good parenting you have offerd, she might think twice about wearing such clothes.. If ya say no, she just might do it just to spight ya..?? how's that??
pamela g
2007-02-21 12:23:30 UTC
i agree with you totally. my partner and i have debated this many times about kids clothing and i know this sounds stupid but i can't remember little girls dressing like that before the Spice Girls came on the scene. they were on the go before Britney and Bratz. that's my first recollection of such young girls in belly tops etc; that's when "girl power" started and fashion changed for the worst.

little girls dressed in such a way disgusts me as they are open prey for child molesters to leer at, if not worse.
2007-02-21 10:40:35 UTC
Hear Hear I agree 100%, but never mind the children you sometimes wonder who let the parents out, dressed the way they are.No you are not getting old, but you like me share that opinion about there being a lot to be said for presentation.
Black Orchid
2007-02-21 09:41:32 UTC
Its not your age i agree with you 100% i am really grateful i only had boys because there is no way i would allow a daughter of mine to go out half dressed apart from freezing to death they are sending out the wrong signals I know you should be able to wear what you want but there are some bad men out there
2007-02-21 10:17:59 UTC
I agree with you on this

it is a sad reflection on parents who want their children to look like the worst type of 'come on' girls .At such a young age

You show that you care for their welfare .

You show you love them,

by guiding them through, at each step of the way,

to grow to be happy, responsible and decent adults

That is not because, you are old and past it!!!! Far from it !

Good parents, who love their children , try to protect them from harm .

They cherish them, by doing so

2007-02-21 09:48:05 UTC
I don't like to see children dressed like that either

Perhaps we have to look further, though, and wonder if she is getting love and protection at home; caring parents, etc. etc.

That is much more important in the long run.

Too bad people want to dress their little children as adults...but that's the way it is these days with some parents....
Dolly Blue
2007-02-21 07:55:16 UTC
I have 2 small granddaughters aged 7 and 9 and agree with you completely, so does their mother, my daughter-in- law. My son feels the same, nice to see there is still some other sane people left in this mad world.

Let children be children, they grow up quick enough, and until they do you have a responsibility to give them guidance, well done !!!
2007-02-21 07:10:13 UTC
I sympathise with you, but I'm afraid that in the last 20 odd years adults (including the media) have being 'turning' girls under the age of 13 years old into 'mini adults' (including attire).

Children should be left to be children, instead of having the burden of being someone that they are not, biologically/mentally/emotionally.

No, you are not just getting old and it is in bad taste.
2007-02-21 07:44:55 UTC
Morals, in this country flew right out the door. I agree with you. I have a 5 year old, no matter what age....9 or 12 or 18 she will not dare wear anything that ridiculous/daring while i am alive...

2007-02-21 11:51:51 UTC
I completely agree. Completely outrageous to let your kids out dressed like this. And what grotty peado designs this sh%t? I wouldn'tallow my children to dressin this way. read that report about the damage done to young girls by increased sexualisation at a young age. it was on the BBC news website
2007-02-21 09:14:30 UTC
i don't care what age they are, 10 or 20, dressing like that is disgusting, and am not some 80 year old woman, i'm a 16 year old boy!

if i saw a girl my age dressed like that i wud imediatly not like them, girls like that are just disgusting

but for a 10 year old to be dressedl ike that!? that's just stupid

and her wearing make up, ok she may think it looks nice, but when her pores all clog up and she developes a face full of spots she will be the first to complain

our country is falling apart at the moment, and stuff like this is one of the terrible effects
2007-02-21 07:05:08 UTC
I agree with you wholeheartedly, it's bad taste. I am also disgusted by the fact that certain shops sell thongs for the under 12's. Children grow up too quickly these days.
2007-02-21 07:07:08 UTC
I agree with you,some parents dress their kids as adults,they can't seem to see that they are only children and entitled to a childhood,this is disturbing,especially with little girls.
tracy w
2007-02-21 07:07:13 UTC
i dont think you are getting old at all i see young girls dressed like that all the time, i have a daughter myself and theres no way she would be allowed out at that age wearing mini skirts
2007-02-21 07:08:51 UTC
No you are not getting old at all.

I cringe at some of the clothes available for my daughter and she is 3!

I dread the day that she starts to choose her own clothes.
2007-02-21 07:13:16 UTC
ok i'm fifteen and when i was 10ish i kinda followed fashion. well like that. kids want to dress older and older and shops sell them so they're gonna buy them. i think kids do go through a phase where they wanna look older but i don't think she will turn into a **** or anything. it maybe is a bit irresponsible of thr parents but she is just learning to exspress her self.
2007-02-21 07:13:42 UTC
Well the little girl was probably wearing what she wanted to.We all know what it is like when we take kids shopping for clothes and they go into mega sulk mode when they don't get their own way.Oh,and we cant over step the mark and give a slap now can we
2007-02-21 07:15:20 UTC
I think its more disgusting that shops actually sell thongs for kids that age. The skirt you can shrug off as fashion (at a stretch) but thongs on a 10 year old is wrong.
mum 2 Cameron and Ewan
2007-02-21 07:15:35 UTC
it's true and its sad children are growing up faster and who's fault is that; there parents there need to be more of a social responsibility for our children.
2007-02-21 07:17:01 UTC
I'm 18 years old, and I wouldn't even where that =)
2007-02-21 07:19:57 UTC
No it isn't bad taste a little girl shouldn't be wearing clothes like these. When she's older she can have the right to argue a case against anyway questioning her dress but she isn't even old enough to do that. It's just not right.
2007-02-21 12:18:48 UTC
2007-02-21 11:22:20 UTC
I cant understand why the parents want their children to look grown up at such an early age.
2007-02-21 11:18:46 UTC
I agree with you, little girls should be that, children playing children's games, not children trying to be adult. This generation of kids are losing out on the innocence of childhood
2007-02-21 11:06:03 UTC
My daughter's grown up and thankfully I didn't have too much of a problem with her wanting to look like a street walker, but if she was young like your lass it would be battle lines drawn, and she would not get those kind of clothes bought for her. If she managed to get hold of them as they do nowadays she would not get out of the house. She could be a little brat when she wanted but I could be a bigger one.
2007-02-21 11:04:44 UTC
I agree with you, bad taste! I'm 28, no prude, but kids should be allowed to be kids, without all of this peer pressure to be adults before their time.
2007-02-21 10:58:42 UTC
i find myself doing that with young girls especially about appropriate attire. i must be getting old too
julie g
2007-02-21 07:38:57 UTC
I'd agree with you on that one - I've 2 girls ages 4 and 13 and the 13 yr old insists on wearing jeans with her thong hanging out the top - if she does that at home I just give it a pull upwards - haha
2007-02-21 09:42:39 UTC
Nope, your not old. I feel the same when I see little gilrs dressed up as tennagers and I'm only 22! I do think TV and alot of magazines are responsible for this and hope my daughter turns a blind eye to fashion.
2007-02-21 08:50:12 UTC
agree with you entirely. We scream on and on about paedophiles and protecting our children, and then some people choose to send their kiddies out looking like streetwalkers. I have also seen a 'junior' bra and pants outfit for a ten year old ... guess what, there was a padded bra !

I despair of what message we are sending out to the kids ... it's OK to dress like a tart? Woe betide that anyone starts to pay them the unwelcome attention that they are unwittingly inviting.

all the parents' fault !
2007-02-21 07:32:12 UTC
I just wonder if you looked at her parents clothes?

Especially a mother - was she dressed with a taste? Was she looking good in those clothes?

I'm asking because if her mother wasn't looking attractive enough or was but it was in bad style, it would be a reason why that girl was wearing clothes like that.

I suppose little girls try to pretend they are adult and look at their parents first, but if they don't find what they like they look into magazines or other girls.
2007-02-21 09:40:36 UTC
h&pm - your question is perfectly clear to me and I share your concern. I also admire your patience in clarifying your question.

My knee jerk reaction is to say "these people (the parents, obviously) should be arrested" or "shops should not sell clothes like that in sizes that small" but once you start making laws like that, you end up in a place when you're telling people what they can and can't wear. I'm not happy with people who cover their faces (hoodies, hijabs, whatever) but I don't want to live in a country with Clothing Laws, either.

It's a real dilemma, I despise and suspect people who sexualise their children in this way, but I can't think of a democratic way to deal with it.
2007-02-21 09:35:37 UTC
I know what you are saying dressing like this for someone that age should not be allowed, her parents should be ashamed of themselves, kids grow up to quick as it is these days and then people wonder why there's trouble, my daughter would never leave the house like that, and that's her decision, she says it makes them look cheap when she sees someone dressed like that, and she is well in to fashion
2007-02-21 07:27:33 UTC
Its not bad taste or your age, I can't understand why parents allow there children to dress as adults/teenagers do. I don't think its right. Kids should be kids and dress like kids for as long as they can there's plenty of time when there in their late teens and after to dress in short skirts etc.
2007-02-21 10:04:26 UTC
I agree with you. Young girls can look pretty wearing normal length skirts and tops without having show bare flesh.

The main problem is media and fashion industry with peer pressure thrown in!
2007-02-21 09:18:17 UTC
I think you need to realise that this isn't purely the parent's fault. In their heart of hearts, they probably wish she wouldn't demand to wear such clothes, but 'anything for a quiet life' so they give in to her. I don't think they are sexualising her; she has already been sexualised by what she has seen on tv. Childrens' advertising frequently shows very young girls who are acting and dressing in a sexy way. Frankly a lot of this is due to the influence of the US market. And the fact that those clothes actually exist in children's sizes should be telling you something.

Parents ought to be tougher, but they also don't want their daughters looking like prudes in the eyes of their peers and getting picked on. And they don't want their kids hating them for that either.

The whole thing is down to rampant, amoral, commercial profiteering. Corporate greed taking advantage of children's desire to grow up fast.
2007-02-21 07:50:44 UTC
I'm 36 and have a 6 year old daughter, she's into all the usual fancy clothes, but i'll be damned if i let her flash anything.

In todays society u have to be carefull about who is around and whos thinking what etc.
Jane M
2007-02-21 07:26:19 UTC
I couldn't agree more and in fact wrote in my blog about this very issue yesterday - if you have time, please check out:

Hope you get enough reassurance from other Yahoo Answerers that dressing kids up like porn stars on a day out is not quite right!
2007-02-21 07:26:23 UTC
Fear not.

It simply is bad taste. Utterly tasteless.

Low incomes, high taxations, poor education...Bad Taste indeed.
2007-02-21 07:28:33 UTC
CHILDREN should not be sexualised... what more is there to say?!
2007-02-21 07:28:48 UTC
neither getting old nor bad taste.

I agree with u wearing provocative outfits - for just attention

Parents has to be reason with kids.. what implications of behaving that way. Parents has to teach them rights and wrongs...but mind u sometimes they are out of our hands.. :(
2007-02-21 07:39:38 UTC
I agree that it was in bad taste and i'm 15.
2007-02-21 07:54:35 UTC
well, i dont want my daughter to get dressed like that!! i ve got a 9month old bby, and im not that old2 either....
2007-02-21 07:57:37 UTC
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't understand how parents can let their children go out of the house dressed like is very irresponsible.....and downright dangerous in this day and age.....
2007-02-21 10:21:11 UTC
It is not really good my dear and you are not old,children must be taught how to dress up while they are still young coz if they dress like this,they are going to grow up and is going to be difficult for them to change.
2007-02-21 10:14:53 UTC
I totally agree! I find this disgusting as well and I'm only 25! It's disgraceful to see thongs for 10-year-olds or little tiny sweatsuits for grade-schoolers that say "Hot" or "Sexy" across the back. Do parents not care that their young girls are just begging to be kidnapped and raped or worse???
2007-02-21 10:06:14 UTC
Wow! You've really started a debate, i think it's disgusting that parents let their children dress like £10 hookers!

I read this last night:

Really interesting
2007-02-21 10:05:00 UTC
get a grip woman,your daughter will probably hit 18 and go wild after kicking off the restraints you have imposed on her
2007-02-21 10:04:17 UTC
Its madness and it is sad that it usually is the mothers buying these things for them. they forget that what they think is cute, someone else is thinking something more perverted. People forget how sick this world is now. I'm 21 and i feel the same, i don't think its an age view.
2007-02-21 09:57:24 UTC
Oh hell no, I have three daughters and they won't be walking out of my house looking like that either and I'm 32. When they are out on their own and can afford their own place, then they can wear that sort of trashy clothing if they choose. I sure hope they don't choose to. Those parents will probably wonder why their 14 y/o daughter comes home pregnant someday. *DUH*
2007-02-21 08:59:28 UTC
no your not getting today grow up too fast. i applaud your common sense.
2007-02-21 08:59:54 UTC
i am totally with you in heart, what kind of parents let there kids go out like that !! in this day and age as well. they make there kids grow up to fast , and in to baby's next , its all wrong blame the parents , i say
julie wonders
2007-02-21 08:23:27 UTC
I totally agree with you.I have a 14 year old daughter and would not let her go out dressed like that.

You can be fashionable and decently dressed
2007-02-21 08:22:53 UTC
One part of your question is correct - you will make sure as far as any parent can do, to give the best advice to your daughter, I can assure you with my own experience, children are head strong and although will try anything to protect her its a difficult job especially with regard to her peers. You look after your own and never mind others - who knows what problems their parents have had in making sure she is decent. Pray it does not happen to your own.
2007-02-21 09:25:38 UTC
I do not have a particular answer to what is best way to be dressed for girls. Many European countries affected by low birth amongst its natives, so would it be perverted to assume a slutty clothing mean to attract attention of male part for subsequent reproduction. Yes, we are talking of a little girl but again what if parents of those dressed in tacky attire unconsciously provoke their children to get posterity as they themselves became too cautious with age to give birth. Is there sociological research who are the parents of those girls, how many children they already got, their reproduction functionality? I do not think it all just about taste and generation we had grown with, I am 34 btw.

It is proven that during WWII there was baby boom.
2007-02-21 09:25:40 UTC
I agree totally, my daughter wouldn't be out dressed like that. I've seen young girls out and about dressed as you describe and I haven't a clue what their parents are thinks.
2007-02-21 08:04:11 UTC
yes it comes to us all old age .......but with that sometimes comes a great clarity and a sense of responsibility to protect and nurture ...........lets hope for the sake of the child you saw and the parents that they too have that same objective
Jim G
2007-02-21 08:04:13 UTC
Good for you, we should all remember that children are just that children. lets not make them old before their time, I wonder if its the kids idea to dress like they were teenagers, or just mum or dad trying to be trendy.
2007-02-21 08:05:07 UTC
Elegance seems to be a thing of the past in so many walks of life these days. As for subtlety, well............
2007-02-21 08:21:13 UTC
the best we can do is bring up our own children and let others drag theirs up, i know exactly what yuo are saying .
2007-02-21 08:26:17 UTC
no, its not bad taste, i feel the same, i quite often make same comments when i'm out, whats even more upsettin is that they r allowed 2 dress like this from early age, my daughter will b much the same as yours
2007-02-21 08:28:32 UTC
Oh my. It happens more and more everyday and it is down right sickening. No wonder kids get raped and kidnapped. Parents wonder why.
2007-02-21 09:22:31 UTC
You are so, SO right. As a Dad and Grandad I also find this deeply concerning. It must be down to their parents morals, what chance do the chrildren have.
2007-02-21 08:55:58 UTC
i know the school girls are very nauaghty
john w
2007-02-21 08:55:37 UTC
no not bad taste. its no wonder these girls keep getting raped, they just asking for it in my opinion dressing like and i have no sympathy for em when they do.

down to bad parenting...thats gettin worse too
2007-02-21 08:47:49 UTC
i know how you feel i'm only 22 and i think it's horrible when you see little girls as young as primary school age with tiny skirts and tops on
Chianti Man
2007-02-21 08:44:38 UTC
You are not getting OLD, you are a responsible caring parent.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.