My girls are grown, what did I expect out of them well:
I expected them to know that I always will be their Mother and will alwas love them (but would kick their behinds - should need be);
I expected them to do their best, no matter what they were doing;
I expected them to be respectful and to have manners;
I expected them to always use their common sense;
I expected them to know when to stay, when to walk away and when to run;
I expected them to protect themselves if should be, but not to instigate a fight;
I expected them to tell the truth (again I said expected them to);
I expected them to know that they could talk to me about anything - "anything" (and they did);
I expected them to be mindful of their bodies; their surroundings and their friends and associates, at all times;
I expected them to grow up into young ladies who know who and what they are and to have self-respect and self worth;
I expeted them to grow up and take care of themselves and not to depend on anyone (this way no one could let them down);
Now as to my expectations, I have no regrets but then again, "expectations' are things in the present tense to look back and realize that they all came to be - well - I was Blessed.
God Bless.