With that description, I can not answer your question until my guys find something else to do or go to bed (our comp is in the family room where everyone is currently located and considering I have yet to view this video would need to pull it up, not happening w/them here if it's as bad as that).
IF it is as bad as that, and see no reason for you to lie about it, no, definitely not.
Edit: Just watched it, when they are grown?
This video reminded me of the cheesy independent films you see in college. Although much of it I wouldn't care about, the few scenes where it is depicting "relations", with one partner and the last scene where it appears with multiple partners, left me feeling too uncomfortable with the idea any one under 18 ought to be viewing this. Mind you, the Austin Powers knock off of the gun idea, well, that was funny. Somehow, though, I am guessing that was not the intent.