Smacking : Yes or No?
2008-04-02 13:05:07 UTC
Do you agree or disagree that smacking a young child as punishment is the right or wrong thing to do? Also, were YOU smacked as a child?
73 answers:
2008-04-02 13:31:45 UTC
By smacking I am assuming you mean spanking, because smacking to me means like across the face. So no I don't think smacking is right at all, however spanking I can see as acceptable.

My views are that when done correctly and not out of anger it can be effective for many kids. Spanking is just one of the many disciplinary tools out there when disciplining your children. I say do what works for your child and let others do what works for theirs. If not spanking works well, then that's wonderful. If a little swat on the behind works when necessary then that's wonderful.

My girl mostly has time outs, redirection/warnings and losing a favorite toy for the most part and she's 2 years old. On a rare occasion we have given a little swat on the behind and she has never tried to hit us or has been aggressive. We never give any consequence without talking to her about why what she did was wrong and telling him what would be acceptable in place of the misbehavior. Teaching and correction go hand in hand and both are necessary to discipline your children.

My idea of discipline for our home is being open minded to other forms of correction and using them along with the occasional corrective spanking when it's absolutely necessary.

Just for further reference, spanking is always a heated debate. You will get everything from the extreme anti-spanking to the extreme pro-spanking answering this. Me personally? I support spanking, but I know it's not for every family or every child.
2016-04-05 03:09:49 UTC
Depends on the age of the child, but yes, a smack with the palm of the hand either on the hand or bum does not do any harm. Whilst I agree reasoning and explaining to children without smacking is good in theory, I think that most children take being naughty too far and a smack sometimes is the best method of discipline. After a few smacks a child should respond to the 'threat', and smacking should not be necessary. Taking away privileges is also a good deterrant, but it's no good threatening to take away privileges if you don't carry them out, if necessary. Unfortunately, smacking in public can be frowned upon by anti-smacking people. I think it depends on the circumstances as to whether you decide to smack in public. It can be embarrassing for some. But it can be more embarrassing when the child plays up and gets away with it.
2008-04-02 13:17:14 UTC
Well... there are certain times when you should spank them. Not abuse them but just spank them if they are being stubborn or bad.

There are other ways to earn your child respect so you shouldn't only go for the smacking.

I also think that sometimes and this is a matter of opinion but at times your child can have a strong temper where it is almost impossible to get them to do what they are suppose to and that's when I think spanking them helps.

I was raised with spankings and smacking here and there and I don't think my parents abused me whatsoever but I do think that it is probably the reason why today I not only respect them but I turned out pretty decent.

I have a very strong temper and I know that I would probably done very wrong things when I was a teenager if my parents didn't know how to discipline me.

It's a matter of preference and how your child personality fits in the whole process.

Now if you as parent are beating the crap out of your child to the point that they get bruses and once in a while you have to run them to the hospital because the injuries were bad then you are confused. What you are doing is called "ABUSE" and is way different than just a little smacking here and there when your child is not behaving.

Another thing is some parents thing that it is better to verbally abuse the child instead of spanking. Totally wrong. those words will stick in your child's mind and he/she will remember those forever.

For the parents that never spank their children and think that talking is all they need to do. Watch it! you might just be giving your kid the impression that he/she can do whatever she wants and all you will do is a litte talk.

Good luck to all you parents out there. Raising a child is not easy task. =D
2008-04-02 13:24:46 UTC
Smacking as in spanking??

because i consider the two different. i think a smack is to the face.

i was spanked as a child, and i think it helped make my brothers and i more behaved. we never back talked or were rude to adults, because we were taught that they are authorities. if i did backtalk, i got a nice spanking on my butt. i know i deserved it too. it kept my brothers and i out of a lot of trouble as kids, because, we feared getting spanked so much.

i was slapped in my face once when i was a teenager. i told my mom to go to hell. she smacked me across the face. i never got snippy with my mother ever again.

my son is only 7 1/2 months, but i already know that if i feel a spanking is necessary, my son will get one. i hope that until that time, i can raise him well enough to not have to spank him. but, that's just a hope. all kids have temper tantrums, and act out.

so, so yes, i believe in spanking.... not abuse.. there is a huge difference.
2008-04-02 13:12:26 UTC
I don't think "smacking" a child is right, I would pat their butt and put them in time out though. Children do need to be disciplined and will never learn if you let them get away with everything. I was smacked as a child but never beaten or hit with a belt. Doing that to a child is just morally wrong. I think it all depends on how hard you hit them.
2008-04-02 13:13:51 UTC
I believe in corporal punishment for children over the age of 2. A belt, paddle, or open hand across the backside is a very effective punishment for childrens 'indescretions'. I'm assuming that 'smacking', is referring to an open hand strike to a childs face. I believe that this is a viable punishment, in extreme circumstances, IF the adult in question is capable of controlling the strike. NEVER strike your child in anger, you will ALWAYS hit them harder than you intended. Let yourself cool down, think about the situation in a calm manner, then apply the correct punishment. I was smacked across the face once, and once only. Putting it simply, I said something... untoward, to my father, and he punished me for it with a light slap across the face. It stung, and only for a second or two. It was more the shock than anything that told me how wrong what I had said was. So yes, I believe 'smacking' a child as punishment is the appropriate thing to do, in the correct situation only.
2008-04-02 13:12:40 UTC
It depends. When I was younger, way back in the day, I said something to my mother that I knew, even back I knew, I shouldn't have said. I got smacked. Taught me don't do that again.

So, first you have to look at your definition of smack. Is it literally, just a smack? One nice clean smack can be a good thing. Humans are animals and there has to be a leader to the pack. Sometimes you have to establish dominance.

A smack is different from a beating. A beating is messed up. A smack should only be a way of saying "Hey, I am the boss and I am in charge". A beating says "I don't care about you, I am going to physicaly hurt you until you do as your told".
2008-04-02 13:20:46 UTC
Whilst pregnant with my first child, both my husband and I agreed that we would NEVER smack our children, and for a few years that worked, however now my daughter is 4 and sometimes only a smack will work, now im not saying a beating, im saying a very quick shock, the last time I smacked her was when she ran across the road, and she has never done it since. I dont like to smack her as it makes me feel crap, but sometimes its a last resort. I recently done a course with parentline-plus called dealing with anger and it as ace, it told you how to deal with your anger and understanding your kids anger, which makes dealing with tantrums a lot easier.
2008-04-02 13:18:28 UTC
Yes I was smacked as a child. My brother is a policeman and has told me that to smack a child on the butt or hand is fine. You will not get in trouble. Smack them anywhere else and you may have problems. I have gave a hard tap on the hand it did not traumatize anyone.
2008-04-02 13:15:01 UTC
Keeping in mind that a "smack" is not a "beating", and on the butt, never the head or face...

Small children cannot reason. A smack will get their attention and reinforce "things not to do again" whereas spending 5 minutes patiently explaining why putting their hand near the burning oven is a bad idea will leave no lasting impact . . . except the burn marks on their hand.

Yes, I was smacked, and yes, I smacked my son.
2008-04-02 13:26:22 UTC
I was smacked alot but it depends really, if the child is really naughty and telling them No has done no good, then a single sharp smack is OK, to be continually smacked as I was (and worse) is not right I think.
Dalice Nelson
2008-04-02 13:10:08 UTC
Smacking is a word that is really loaded, emotionally speaking. I was spanked maybe twice as a kid. I have not yet had a reason to spank my daughters, and if a reason arose, I am not sure that that would be the route I'd take anyway. I just...can't really imagine laying a hand on them in that way.

But I don't feel spanking, reasonably, is WRONG. Smacking? Sounds wrong.
2008-04-02 13:09:03 UTC
I was smacked as a child....and i say yes it is the right thing to do when nothing else works. There is a BIG difference between smacking a child on the butt or hand for misbehaving, and beating them or hitting them anywhere else but the hand or butt.
2008-04-02 13:11:15 UTC
This is a very sensitive issue for most people, my personal belief is that children need to be disciplined. there are many different form of discipline and to be quite honest I do not think that smacking should be one of them. However; there are very few instanced that a child may need to get a little tap in the booty and i do not think that that is Wrong. ABUSING your child is WRONG - but teaching your child and disciplining them is not. - just my opinion
2008-04-02 13:17:41 UTC
I was hit a lot as a child, my dad used his belt, a bamboo cane, wet hand u name it he used it!

Hence I don't hit my kids like i was treated but if they do something really naughty they would get a tap on the bottom or if they did something dangerous they would get a smack on the hands!

My 17 year old is 2 inches taller than me so if I smacked her she would probably smack me back! lol.
2008-04-02 13:09:39 UTC
I was smacked on the bum when i was little if a did something REALLY wrong, haha. It did me no harm. I think aslong as you don't get in a habit of smacking your child a, and if there is an important reason then it is fine. Well it was for me =] + its okay if you don't spack them too hard!
Florida Kayak Girl
2008-04-02 13:09:05 UTC
A pop on the butt, with clothing on, if the child isn't minding and you've attempting oral communication 2-3 times and received no result. It's more or less to get their attention because they are intentionally ignoring you. That's what we do! It works!

Once a child can communicate their feelings orally without outbursts of anger - or temper tantrums, then spanking should cease.
2008-04-02 13:11:45 UTC
There are a LOT of open ends on this question. Yes I was spanked and I did get my hand slapped. That being said, I do think not used in excess and not abused it can be an appropriate punishment. There are a lot of alternatives before you get to that.
2008-04-02 13:10:30 UTC
Yes kids cannot be reasoned with you need tostimulate the blood flow to the brain causing the child to stop the harmful action and realize they did wrong.

I can't remember getting hit .. maybe once.. yes I believe in putting the fear into a little one so they don't harm themselves especially for harmful activities like running out in the street, playing with matches or electricity.
2008-04-02 15:44:49 UTC
Why on earth do people abuse this question over and over, it's really pathetic that you have to ask this when it's asked a million times.

I was spanked as a child, as were my siblings. We weren't abused in any way, we weren't harmed, we weren't afraid of our parents.

My children are spanked, rarely. They're not harmed, they're not afraid... etc...

A spank is a swat/two on the bottom. It doesn't promote violence, doesn't instill fear, doesn't cause emotional/physical trauma.
2008-04-02 13:25:10 UTC
If you smack them for something dangerous then yes but something little like a tantrum or normal naughtys then no i was only smacked for dangerous things
Dale B
2008-04-02 13:10:10 UTC
I was smacked as a child and although I wish I wasn't and I would never do it to my own when I have them; it did me no lasting harm, and I'm all the more disciplined because of it.

However I would take into consideration the age of the child as younger children would not understand the difference between right and wrong and therefore would not know why their closest relative was hitting them.
2008-04-02 13:14:15 UTC
I was spanked as a child, and so far, I'm not psychologically damaged or anything. If you do in attitude of trying to teach them, it's ok, but if you spank out of anger, that is wrong.
Rican gurl
2008-04-02 14:25:58 UTC
I think that it depends cuz if u gettin smacked 4 a reason den i agree wit yo parent smackin u bt if dey did it 4 no reason den i disagree cuz dat aint rite.
2008-04-02 13:09:36 UTC
If you're referring to smacking their face then thats abuse !

Smacking their butt then that's different but I don't spank my daughter I just put her in time out, no child deserves to be hit, their just children and still learning right from wrong !
2008-04-02 13:11:24 UTC
I was never smacked as a child and I didnt smack my children. I find it difficult to watch a small child being punished that way.
2008-04-02 13:32:21 UTC
If all else fails, then what are you supposed to do? A little smack can't hurt.
just kidding
2008-04-02 13:16:52 UTC
don't smack! i was smacked sometimes as a child and i don't think it right! there are many other things you can do to let your child know what he/ she did was wrong. even when you get so frustrated dont smack and just remember its a kid and doesn't always make the right decisions, and hey even as adults we don't always do the right thing.

hope i helped!

it also says to them that violence solves stuff, which it doesnt
▐▀▀✿▀▀▌ LIL BEAR ▐▄▄✿▄▄▌
2008-04-02 13:09:26 UTC
i believe it is good. Since kids don't understand (nor listen)most of the stuff you try to explain to them, you have to do what they will respond to. Spanking is what kids respond to. Yelling is what they respond to. Is a 5 year old going understand why they are getting in trouble anyways? They will understand when you smakc em. Don't beat on them or anything. Just a rough pat, enough to get em upset.
2008-04-02 13:08:42 UTC
It depends on the severity of the deed, but smacking a kid on the butt doesn't hurt.

Yes, I was smacked, and I turned out very well
2008-04-02 13:17:38 UTC
I believe that spanking does not teach a child anything. It trains a child to avoid a particular action in order to avoid a spanking. It does not teach them anything about what's right and wrong in life.

No, I was not smacked as a child.
marc a
2008-04-02 13:16:06 UTC
on my opinion, physical punishment has never been the best way of of education. sure there can be times when you you get angry and you smack a child ( human after all right?) so, no i don't agree with it and i think if one takes time and patience ti think about it, there can be far more effective non-physical ways of punishment.

i was smaked as a child, not often though, face, butt,... it hurt and then what ? it sure didn't show me what i did wrong. it generated pain, anger, fear, not education.
2008-04-02 13:10:56 UTC
I guess to each his own- we were never "smacked" and I don't discipline that way now. How young are you talking? Children don't always know what is right and wrong. A stern no is what we do, or timeout, but no we never hit, I couldn't imagine doing that to someone so innocent.
2008-04-02 13:36:47 UTC
I was spanked as a child, and I will NEVER lay a hand on my children.
Keligh P
2008-04-02 13:33:30 UTC
I think it is acceptable when a child continuosly disobeys. But not hard and not on the face.
2008-04-02 13:10:11 UTC
Smacking a child in the face is abuse, spanking a child is abuse, laying your hand on a child in a forceful manner is abuse. That's my opinion. I would never lay a finger or hand on my child. There are other ways to discipline a child, not by making them fear you.
2008-04-02 13:08:36 UTC
i wasn't smacked i was taken into the bathroom and spanked reasonably...not just whaled on and no it isn't that is non acceptable to just smack your child!!
2008-04-02 13:10:47 UTC

I think hitting anyone for anything is wrong. Theres other ways to punish a child. And yes i was abused as a child. And i still hate the man that did it. I try not to hate anyone except him. He had no right to hit me. Most kids who do get hit usually its for something stupid. Nobody deserves it.
billy jack lol
2008-04-02 13:12:18 UTC
i believe that smacking is rong b/c the definition of smaking is To collide sharply and noisily: i think its basicly the same as hitting a child i believethan a stirn tap not queite a smack but just enouge to tell the kid it is rong

i was smacked as a young child, im the only one of my sisters that was smacked it happened once and it effected me
2008-04-02 13:10:58 UTC
2008-04-02 14:09:04 UTC
I was hit as a child.

And I very strongly believe that it is WRONG and do not smack my children.
2008-04-02 13:09:10 UTC
first of all how young is the child. 2nd smakcing where. whatever the case, don't ever smack out of anger
Jenni Fraun
2008-04-02 13:10:36 UTC
It teaches them that if they dont like something someone does or they view it as bad, they can resort to violence. many things don't work, but neither does that.
2008-04-02 13:09:14 UTC
I agree with smacking a young child because kids these days are weak. For punishment you should sent them to Neverland and hang out with Michael Jackson.
Frank Is Red Hot
2008-04-02 13:07:29 UTC
Smacking where?
More S
2008-04-02 13:10:05 UTC
It's better to be smart and think of a less caveman way to grow your kid up. Otherwise carry on just know the limits.
2008-04-02 13:08:27 UTC
No smacking...Spanking on the tushie ya. As a kid I was spanked...alot! lol
2008-04-02 13:14:12 UTC
I dont want to be hit so i will not hit my kids I wasnt hit as a kid and became a nice loving person
2008-04-02 13:08:09 UTC
a pop on the hand isnt bad or a little pop on the butt but nothing more then that
2008-04-02 13:08:37 UTC
A swat on the bottom is one thing anything more could be abuse.
2008-04-02 13:10:50 UTC
never should you smack a child
Tennessee Girl
2008-04-02 13:07:58 UTC
I don't think it's right. I got spanked and smacked every now and then. I got spanked with a belt, though, which I think is only needed in severe cases.
2008-04-02 14:12:45 UTC
i agree with it and yes i was.......and this debate is SO OLD!
2008-04-02 13:08:10 UTC
i believe it's right to do so once in awhile and as long as you think your child is learning something from that
2008-04-02 13:09:39 UTC
spanking - yes

smacking - no
2008-04-02 13:45:37 UTC
wrong cause the kid shouldnt learn that way..
2008-04-02 13:08:56 UTC
hmmm child abuse , well its ok to mayb smack a kid in the booty area a lil but not to much and make sure it with a branch it burns more and hurts for less so they lern their lesson ............. good luk
2008-04-02 13:08:55 UTC
NOO! i was hit a lot as a kid and it after awhile got me used to being hit, it doesn bother me. i think the time outs worked better because i hated being excluded from the fun. so i tried harder to be good
2008-04-02 13:08:53 UTC
I was never smacked...I was a very well mannered child though. I would never smack my child if you set them down and talk to them like an adult they will act like one.
2008-04-02 13:09:28 UTC
i dont smack i yell at them
2008-04-02 13:09:02 UTC
Hitting Your kids or anyone else's is wrong

Violence is never the answer
2008-04-02 13:08:30 UTC
yes they need to learn but not abusively
a ninjaa.
2008-04-02 13:09:19 UTC
smack them so hard make them cry!!!!!!



treat people the way you would want to do treated
2008-04-02 13:08:58 UTC
smacking is not the answer...
ninja 2
2008-04-02 13:08:47 UTC
Yes, you may smack me. My day wouldn't be complete without it.
2008-04-02 13:08:00 UTC
I think it is wrong... you teach your children not to hit and then you hit them because they do something you don't want them to do etc??! doesn't make sense to me.
2008-04-02 13:08:40 UTC
I disagree, I dont think you should hit anyone
2008-04-02 13:08:16 UTC
YES slap the hell out of them.
2008-04-02 13:08:12 UTC
noo way
Jessica G
2008-04-02 13:07:56 UTC
no dats so wrong 2 hit ur kid
2008-04-02 13:09:14 UTC
ooooo yehh its right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
f*** Y!A
2008-04-02 13:07:54 UTC
♥Stranger in MJs Heart♥
2008-04-02 13:08:28 UTC
no and no

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