2011-05-01 19:22:29 UTC
So basically my mom regrets her whole life and she is pretty much obsessed with me and my little brother “growing up too fast." She has like a lot of rules.
So I have 2 basic problems I need help with.
Problem 1. I am not really allowed to do much of anything and I feel left out
No makeup at all
Can’t shave (but I do anyways)
Not allowed to have a bra, I have to wear undershirts that don’t do ANYTHING and I am the only girl in my whole grade without one
Not allowed to babysit, she says I’m too “immature”
The only job I’m allowed is mowing lawns and our mower is like impossible to get started (the pull rope thing)
Not allowed to go most places with my friends, last weekend I was allowed my first sleepover EVER
Not allowed to be on computer more than 45 minutes
Not allowed to stay up past 10:00 even on weekends
Not allowed to watch PG-13 or R movies
Not allowed to date or have a boyfriend although I dont really want 1...
2. My mom keeps saying that I’m getting fat.
I have gained like 10 pounds since school started, and a lot of times I eat crappy food (chips and stuff). But I am always stressed out and eating makes me feel better. Also, I am not really that fat (I weigh 92 pounds and am 5 feet 2 inches tall) its just that I used to be a lot skinnier. I hate it because since breasts are fat they just stick out more.
Also the counselor at my school hates me so I cant talk to her...