Few thoughts, 1. America needs something called civil union. If need be I'll explain what I mean by this but it would be two adults regardless of gender who are of a legal age getting a piece of paper that entitled them to certain legal rights, like health care from the one person's employer, etc. 2. The standard for who will adopt needs to be a high one, very high. 3. If the civil union is able to meet this high standard, then they shall be eligible to adopt.
To the person who said if they are raised in a gay family, what will they become, that is just hogwash. My wife's brother is this big fat gay man. His parents were heterosexual. How come he isn't a big fat straight guy?
I am a father to a two and a half year old child. I give my child a few things. The main thing is love, hugs, kisses, smiles. I give him food, last night it was chicken. I give him a bath. I give him clothes. I give him a roof and a bed. I take him to day care. I spent four grand on surgery when insurance wouldn't pay and didn't blink an eye.
If two men or two women are willing to do that, and this is a tough tough thing for all of us to do, than I would welcome it.
The benefits of being a parent, for me, satisfaction that I am doing the greatest thing I will ever do. The right to parent a child should not be denied because someone is not with a member of the opposite gender.
The idea that a child "needs" a mommy and a daddy, with the divorce rate at 50% or higher amougst married couples, please, be intellectually honest, and shut your pie hole.