Is it bad to let my 6 eyear old daughter wear make-up?
2007-12-10 17:35:19 UTC
I wear my 6 year old daughter make-up everyday before she goes to school. I think it's fine to let her wear make-up because it makes her look beautiful and classy.

But today my sister said my daughter looks digusting with adult make-up and I really think that was uncalled for. If she doesn't agree with it, she can keep it to herself. I honestly think that it's ok, but everyone else in my family seems to disagree.

Am I wrong?
57 answers:
2007-12-10 17:39:44 UTC
i wouldn't suggest letting your daughter wear make-up. Six year olds shouldn't be concerned with how they look. If you want you can put a little blush on her and maybe some chap stick but anything else i don't think is age appropriate. But obviously, you are her mother so you will parent her however you want.
nadia f
2007-12-10 17:44:25 UTC
OK . Your daughter is a little bit too young to wear make up. By you putting makeup on her you are hiding what she really loOKs like. Now it may be ok if she has a blemish on her face that she doesn't want anyone to know that she has.Your daughters beauty is a gift so you shouldn't cover it. your sister is right but she could have been a little more nicer with the comment though because she is your daughter and you have the final say so in all of what she does do just do what ever you feel is necessary.

2007-12-10 17:41:57 UTC
I wouldn't personally put make-up on a 6 year old. I'm not a parent but I do have a 6 year old sister. My 16 year old sister put make up on her before and my mom went nuts.

Putting make-up on your daughter wont help with her self-esteem in the slightest. She'll just feel like she has to have make-up to look pretty - she's too young. Let her be a child and grow up in her own time. When she's in her teens and wants to wear make-up then that's fair enough becaus hit's her decision, but don't give her a complex now. You need to make sure your daughter knows that looks aren't everything, being a child and enjoying life come first, having her wear make-up everyday is putting across the wrong message.
2007-12-10 17:40:52 UTC
Does your daughter put on the make-up or do you? If she's putting it on, then it's experimentation. If you're putting it on, then you're dolling her up. There's a reason there's no make-up line for 6 year olds. Disney may put out the "Princess Make-up kit", but for a 6 year old, that's just play. Not reality. What you're doing is turning her into a miniature adult. That's wrong. A 6 year old doesn't need to look beautiful and classy. A 6 year old should look like a 6 year old. Not a runway model. My question is this; who are you putting the make-up on for? Her or you?
2007-12-10 17:41:38 UTC
its ok for your 6 year old to play with her mama's make up and play dress up, its okay for a 6 year old to wear make up on halloween or for a play. its not appropriate for a 6 year old to wear make up out to school or anywhere else. None of the other 6 year olds will be wearing it, it puts her in a position where she may get made fun of. She needs to be a kid. Make up is something that is a coming of age thing. There is a reason you called her make up ADULT MAKEUP. Because that is what it is.
2007-12-10 17:40:01 UTC
I think a 6 year old should be able to look in the mirror at her natural face and see beauty, not be told she looks better with makeup. A 6 year old shouldn't be looking sophisticated, that is just asking for perverts to look at her. I think she should feel beautiful without makeup because it's what's on the inside that counts, especially at only such a young age.

If you took her for a special photo one day, that might be okay, but to go to school everyday, I have to agree with your family.
2007-12-10 20:39:07 UTC
Ya..the keyword is adult. shes not an adult shes a 6 year old. Its fine to put her in pagents and she can wear makeup then..i love the prissy makeup pagents with all the glitter and stuff. But as far as the outside world(outisde of the beuty pagents and stuff) get her the girlie things that are inteneded for a kid her age. The Disney Princess stuff, maybe some sparkly lipgloss,play makeup FOR CHILDREN. not adult makeup. thats bad for her skin. Why do you think she needs to look like shes 16? shes a little girl, and should play with little girl things. Like I said, I love all the cute little girlie things and glittery stuff for a little girl, and i loved it when i was lil. But its not cute or fun anymore if its adult stuff! you want the diisney princess and princess dress-ups, and the girlie stuff. god i wish i was little so i could play with that again.
Guess Who?
2007-12-10 19:13:26 UTC
You bet your sweet bippie you are wrong.

It is very inappropriate for her age, and the fact that you even ask this question let's me know you are either not a good mother and/or a very young mother. You let your daughter run the show instead of the other way around. She needs boundaries and you as the adult need to set those boundaries. You will regret this decision in a few years, I guarantee it. So, go ahead and let her do it, and see what it gets you.
J. Jude
2007-12-10 17:40:41 UTC
I would let a 4 year old wear it AT PLAYTIME every blue moon... BUT I WOULD NOT let a 6 year old b/c they will want to wear it at 7, at 8, at 9, at 10, and then what? At 11 she may look like something you would NOT be proud of. But at that point you will have a hard time saying NO, b/c you allowed it.
♪♫Just Me♪♫
2007-12-10 17:40:18 UTC
I don't thing letting your daughter wear make-up at six years old is appropriate. She is 6. She is not supposed to look beautiful and classy, she's a child, she's supposed to look cute and childlike at this stage in her life. It is like you are forcing her to grow up before her time. If she was in some dance thing where they wore make up for performances ONLY I think that would be okay, but to be sent to school like that, and on a daily basis, no.
christina h
2007-12-10 17:46:30 UTC
Yes at that age a child has a natural beauty. You need to slow down she will grow up soon enough no need to hurry it more than is natural. Besides that crap is going to clog her pores very badly and she could end up with major acne problems before its time to have acne problems. My girls ages 7 and 6 only get to wear makeup twice a year. One is The Nutcracker which they preform every year and the other is the Spring Recital.
2007-12-10 17:40:47 UTC
If your daughter is just doing that to have some fun/act cute. That is fine. I don't think though that she should "pile" on make up. A little lip stick and a tiny bit of mascara is fine, but remember that she is only 6. If any "important" people complain (teachers,etc.) just let her wear it at home and let her take it off at SCHOOL. But I think wearing makeup outside is fine
2007-12-10 18:13:50 UTC
Yes your wrong there's a time and place for her to wear make-up like when she would play dress up.Wearing make-up to school is inappropriate and when she's older she can do that then but not at 6.she has naturally beauty let it shine through.
2007-12-10 18:06:42 UTC
Bad parenting on your part. 6 year olds don't wear make-up. I remember your question regarding pageants. Little girls look like street walkers in them.

If you were a real mom, you would know that it's highly innappropriate for little girls to wear make-up.

Nothing is beautiful and classy about a 6 year old wearing make up. You're pathetic if you're for real.
2007-12-10 17:47:32 UTC
I think its harmful to her self-esteem to allow her to wear make-up because she will eventually believe that she's only beautiful with makeup; in turn, she will believe to hate herself without it. I think you should allow her to play with it @ home. But, wearing it to school is a bit much. She will never be happy with her natural self. She should want to look beautiful and classy @ six. She's only a little girl and let her be little girl. Yes, our society is obsessed with looks. But, let her if only for a few years, see that real beauty is on the inside or her teen years will be unbearable.
2007-12-10 17:39:29 UTC
I think it's okay to wear around the house but at school I think is a little too much. She's young and she doesn't need it. If she's playing with it and wearing it around the house for fun, then it's ok but other than that, I don't think she needs it at school
2007-12-10 17:39:44 UTC
At six years old, wearing make-up to school each day is probably inappropriate. I'm not letting my daughter wear makeup to school until she's 14 or so. Wearing makeup is part of trying to make yourself look more beatiful for men. So that you will be desired by men. Men desire women for mating. Too early for that.
2007-12-10 17:38:29 UTC
Wearing make up around the house for "pretend" is one thing but putting make up on everyday before school?? She is 6 not 16.
2007-12-10 17:41:24 UTC
i think you really are.

i'm sorry to tell you this but i totally agree with your family. for god's sake! she's only 6!

she doesn't need to wear make-up at her age, and haven't you thought on how the other girls will react when she grows a little bit more.

they'll probably tease her about this.

i think you shouldn't use her a barbie but consider and love her as a daughter.

she's not something to show off. just try to learn her something more usefull than how to wear make up

she will discover this later on her self and enjoy it, but her decide when to do it.
Darren L
2007-12-10 17:39:31 UTC
I am a father of 2 girls one 8 and one 3. The 8 year old still don't get to wear make up. Not old enough yet. They grow up quick enough don't want them growing up any faster.
2007-12-10 17:38:18 UTC
i personally don't think adult makeup is appropriate for a 6-year old to wear to school. maybe if she's just playing around the house it would be ok but not in public that seems strange
2007-12-10 18:00:44 UTC
Make-up is used to enhance your features. Why would a six year old need this? A six year old shouldn't have to think that make-up will make her look pretty, she should already feel pretty without it. It's not good for her skin either. If you want your sister to keep her opinion to herself, why are you asking complete strangers their opinions?
2007-12-10 17:40:11 UTC
if she wears little girl's make-up every ONCE in a while just for dress up or stuff like that, then okay. but if your daughter is 6, and wears little girls OR adult make-up every day, then you might want to get her involved with something else :)
I love sushi
2007-12-10 17:41:48 UTC
Why would you want your six year old to present herself as an adult. so men and boys will see her as older than she is? If you are looking for her to be the next Jon Bennet Ramsey, then go right ahead.
2007-12-10 17:38:56 UTC
why would you let your 6 year old daughter wear makeup to school ?? she is not 15 she is 6!!!

i could understand if you were just at home and let her play make up but you dont her wear it everyday!!!!
2007-12-10 17:44:47 UTC
What are you nuts. You want her to grow up to be a whore? If you have to ask this question, the authorities should take away your child and be put in a home where the mother has at least half of a brain, you idiot.
2007-12-10 17:43:25 UTC
My daughter is 11 and there's no way I'll let her wear make up. She's way to young for it.

Playing dress up is one thing but wearing it to school?? That's just not right. Your sister is correct on this one.
Miss Migle
2007-12-10 18:19:52 UTC
i didnt start to wear makeup till i was 10 and that is also the age for makeup with my 3 daughters. however certian events i think it is okay [big partys, out to a fancy dinner, going to a show, halloween]

good luck

2007-12-10 17:44:35 UTC
what you are saying is not true because if she did wear make up she would be teased in school by the other kids.and no it is not a problem for her to wear it.just don't be surprised if some perverted grown up get turned on by it.the reason people find it offensive is because their mind is in the gutter.
♥Ana M.♥
2007-12-10 17:48:10 UTC
My opinion, its not the best choice...

Im 13 and i was allowed to start wearin Make up when i turned 13... turnin 14 in 2 weeks....

Its not lk a HUGE BIG BAD PARENTING PROBLEM, but its not the best choice.
Kirsten J
2007-12-10 18:21:59 UTC
Well when she is young like that its not to good for her skin. I would only let her wear lipgloss and maybe a little natural colors for eye shadow
2007-12-10 17:39:53 UTC
honestly i believe childrren grow up too fast y not just let her be a 6yr old and forget bout the teenage makeup.

you will b worryin bout that stuff soon enuff an wishin she were young again.

but your child do wot u think is right.
2007-12-10 17:38:51 UTC
Oh my god, she's 6. She just is aspiring to be more adult.

Of course, what are you going to say when she wants to start the pill at 13. Better start planning for that one now.

But she's just playing dress-up.

However, I don't really think make-up is appropriate for school at all.
2007-12-10 17:41:07 UTC
i think it is making her too mature for her age. keeping her dressing and acting her age will keep her from becoming too mature and thinking that she is old enough to make disusions. that she can make by herself yet.

if you want her to feel pretty and look nice, all you have to do is put up her hair and paint her nails a pale color. this is something that she can do with her friends too and its not too advanced. of you want something more try lip gloss.
Lesabre P
2007-12-10 17:40:36 UTC
ya datz wrong she must look grown than u den she need 2 stay a child cauze when she get older she gon wish she was little again enjoy childhood 1st then adult hood
2007-12-10 17:46:29 UTC
nope.. if ur daughter wants to she should

shes growing up and will obviously want to experiment with make-up

however.. if the school doesnt think its appropriate.. she shouldnt wear it

so it should be ok
2007-12-10 17:38:41 UTC
6 years is a little young for make up but u don't see the problem if it is not too overdone.
2007-12-10 17:38:15 UTC
I don't see the harm in letting her play with makeup at home, but I think letting her out in public with makeup isn't appropriate for her age.
Miss October 03
2007-12-10 17:39:03 UTC
maybe once in a while for "fun" but not for school! I wonder what her teacher and other kids parents think...

You're sister could have been nicer about it, but she's not wrong, IMO
2007-12-10 17:39:09 UTC
i think you should let her know that make up is only for dress up and not for real life. (at least not at age 6)
2007-12-10 17:39:36 UTC
i think you're in the wrong. 6 is waaaaay too young. they actually have thongs for preteens in the kiddie stores. i'm telling these days are growing up too fast.
2007-12-10 17:38:10 UTC
No one under the age of 15 should wear make up
2007-12-10 17:42:03 UTC
I don't see a problem as long as it isn't like full on make-up.

Lipgloss,slight blush--Perfectly fine.

Eyeliner,eyeshadow,& mascara,to me,would be inappropriate for her age.

But,she is your daughter.

So,if you think it's ok,then continue.
Paul W
2007-12-10 17:38:19 UTC
She'll be hitting the boys by 11 yrs old. You should be a grandma in 6 yrs. Hope you enjoy knowing that the whole football team had her on her 15th b-day!
2007-12-10 17:39:53 UTC
Sorry but I do have to agree that six is a bit too young...
Emma♥'s David
2007-12-10 17:38:10 UTC
i think 6 is a little young to wear makeup..

maybe when shes 10.

thats when i started wearing it.
2007-12-10 18:05:50 UTC
she should be able to wear it around the house but not to school
2007-12-10 17:38:12 UTC
she shouldnt wear it at that age.

its ok if you are just playing around and as a game, but otherwise no
2007-12-10 17:39:31 UTC
yes. shes 6

wat grade is that like first?

she should not be wearin make-up yet
T Leeves
2007-12-10 17:39:32 UTC
what kind of ideals are you putting into her impressionable little mind?

your sister was not wrong for saying something
2007-12-10 17:37:29 UTC
Sounds like you're wrong. . .make-up at 6?? Next it'll be thongs at 8, then a baby at 10. . .is that what you want?
2007-12-10 17:38:30 UTC
At home playing dress up...but not in public, no way!
2007-12-10 17:39:55 UTC
i dont think its bad at all but i think it would be better to let her use things her own age like the bratz make up its more glittery i think its much better for little girls and they look so cute when they try to put it on themselves it shows they are independent
2007-12-10 17:38:27 UTC
I believe it's fine, like some blush and light eyeshadow. Plus she's a little GIRL it's only natural for a girl to want to play with makeup. I think if she comes out with red lipstick mascarra and a cig you're in trouble haha jk :)
jim m
2007-12-10 17:43:40 UTC
great if you live in a trailer park
Turtle luver
2007-12-10 17:39:14 UTC
everyone has a different answer , i say you are wronge.
2007-12-10 17:38:04 UTC
Yes you are.

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