My first daughter is 10 years old my second daughter is 3 years old and my son is 6 months old. There's pros and cons to having them close together and far apart. I like to be positive so I'll tell you the pros. The pros about having them close together are.....1.You have a little bit of help because the older sibling wants to be the big sister/brother and do small things like a feeding or play with the baby so can get a 5 min break.
2. You don't have 2 kids pulling at your shirt when you're trying to do something because ones older and a bit more independent.
3. You don't have to buy double diapers or double formula like you would have to if you had 2 little ones.
Now the pros of having them close together are........
1. You get all the diapers and baby stuff out of the way instead of having one out of diapers and a bit grown and then having to go back to diapers with a new one.
2. You can use the baby things( high chair, walker,rattles,bouncer) you already have instead of going to buy new ones years later. Although you can store these things if you have storage available.
3. Children that are closer together may have similar interest (cartoons, toys, etc) which may make it a little easier to entertain them.
Hope this info helps. Good luck