If you have more than one child, how far between the ages of your children?
2007-07-21 08:27:47 UTC
Would you have changed anything about your timing? My first child will be a year old next month and I'm beginning to want another one!!!!
Nineteen answers:
2007-07-21 08:35:22 UTC
My children are two days short of being a full year apart. I found out I was pregnant with my daughter when my son was only 3 months old. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it, but it was fine. They are very close to each other. They never lacked attention, and getting over the diaper period and not having to start again was great! And all of my baby items were still practically new, so they got good mileage. Now they're 11 and 12, and I've considered having another one, but I dont think I could start all over. :-)
2007-07-21 15:38:15 UTC
We found out we were pregnant with our second child ON our first child's first birthday! We weren't exactly planning on being pregnant again THAT soon, but we knew we did want another one. It worked well for us. My son was 22 months old when my daughter was born. He was/is a WONDERFUL big brother to her.

When my daughter was 5 months old, we found out we were very UN-expectantly expecting. This pregnancy has taken me awhile to come to terms with. We were doing everything a married couple is suppose to do to NOT get pregnant. I can't help but wonder what great things God has in store for this little "oops". lol He was definitely meant to be! So, for roughly two whole months a year, the children will all be one year apart. My son is 2 (3 in September), my daughter is 1 (she's a 6/6/06 baby) and I'll have a newborn by the end of the month! Are my hands full?! YES! I wouldn't change a thing though. I love being a mother. I love that they'll all be so close while growing up.
2007-07-21 17:14:26 UTC
Between no. 1 and no.2 there was 31 and a bit months. No. 2 passed away at birth and I fell pregnant again 3 months later with no. 3. No. 3 was born 3 months premature, so there was a gap of 9 months. No. 3 to No. 4 was 19 months. No. 4 to No. 5 was 31 and a bit months. No. 5 to no. 6 was 37 and a bit months.

19 months apart was a bit too short a gap really. My toddler at the time had JUST been diagnosed with a profound disability at 18 months old, the very next month I gave birth to no. 4. It was a bit hard in the beginning, as no. 3 still had very high needs.
2007-07-21 16:03:54 UTC
My first daughter is 10 years old my second daughter is 3 years old and my son is 6 months old. There's pros and cons to having them close together and far apart. I like to be positive so I'll tell you the pros. The pros about having them close together are.....1.You have a little bit of help because the older sibling wants to be the big sister/brother and do small things like a feeding or play with the baby so can get a 5 min break.

2. You don't have 2 kids pulling at your shirt when you're trying to do something because ones older and a bit more independent.

3. You don't have to buy double diapers or double formula like you would have to if you had 2 little ones.

Now the pros of having them close together are........

1. You get all the diapers and baby stuff out of the way instead of having one out of diapers and a bit grown and then having to go back to diapers with a new one.

2. You can use the baby things( high chair, walker,rattles,bouncer) you already have instead of going to buy new ones years later. Although you can store these things if you have storage available.

3. Children that are closer together may have similar interest (cartoons, toys, etc) which may make it a little easier to entertain them.

Hope this info helps. Good luck
2007-07-21 15:44:11 UTC
our first daughter is 3, will be 4 in October.our newest daughter is just over 6 weeks old, and so far the timing has been perfect for us. Gracie, the 3 year old, is independent enough to do a lot of things for herself, and is a tremendous help to us. we also haven't had any jealousy issues yet. she loves being the big sister and is very protective.

my sister in law got pregnant when her first one was a year old, and her children are 4 and 6, and they play pretty well with each other, and stay out of her hair. but, being closer in age, i think they fight a little more than she expected them to.

now that yours is a year, and has gotten easier, sure you'd want another one, but i would keep in mind the demands of an infant, and maybe wait a while longer, so you don't overwhelm yourself. plus......don't you truthfully enjoy having your body back? i know i do!
2007-07-21 15:45:43 UTC
I have 4... my oldest is 9, and my little ones are 3, 2 and 8 months. The big sister adores her little siblings and the 3 and 2 year old are the best of friends!! They all fuss over their baby brother and give him lots of love, so I wouldn't change their ages for anything!!
2007-07-21 15:35:26 UTC
Well me and my sister are 2 1/2 to 3 years apart. We fight a lot but most of the time we can understand we other more because we are really close in age.
2007-07-21 15:32:59 UTC
I am from a family of 3 kids each six years apart.. That is a too much of a gap... I think 3 years is the best personally. The first kid has been potty trained and can "help " with the new baby.
2007-07-21 15:36:00 UTC
9 years between 1st and 2nd - 1st was living away from me with his father so not a regular situation.

I was definitely ready for my 2nd i was 33.

3 years between 2nd and 3rd , not enough of an age gap for my liking, i find it tough, I think 4 or 5 year gap would have been better.

I absolutely would not have had them closer in years at all. But my hormones start after each one is 2 years!

Guess its down to individual circumstances, and some can do it, i couldnt.
2007-07-21 15:33:14 UTC
we have two daughters ages 5 & 7 they are 22 months apart. we would've liked them 24 months apart but started sooner than what we wanted due to us not getting pregnant for a year the first time. no regrets, both happy and healthy.
Kim B
2007-07-21 15:31:59 UTC
I'm not a mother yet, but my parents have 4 kids. I'm the youngest and there is six years between me and my next brother. Then 3 years between him and the next, then 3 years between him and the oldest. So between my oldest brother and I, there is 12 years! I think my parents liked it that way..
2007-07-23 04:57:32 UTC
1st and 2nd are almost 3 years apart 2nd and 3rd are 7 years apart 3rd and 4th 14 months apart,having the last 2 so close together is HARD work.
2007-07-21 15:35:40 UTC
My kids are 9, 10, 16, 20, and 21..... I think one to 2 years apart is ideal...
Anita G
2007-07-21 15:33:33 UTC
mine are 15,7,4, and 2 months and I would not have changed anything because the time in between each one gave me that extra time with them and the older two are such great help with the smaller two.
living the life
2007-07-21 15:31:26 UTC
well im not the mom im the daughter im 13 my brother is almost 5 and my little sister is 10 months significant age diffrence but i love them both to death
2007-07-21 15:45:04 UTC
We have two girls they are eight years apart, and we would not change anything for the timing.
2007-07-21 15:32:08 UTC
My kids are four years apart I would have had them closer together. I think you are on the right track.
2007-07-21 15:31:43 UTC
mine are ten years about great the big one babysat the little one my daughter was ten when my son was born perfect to close you dont have time to enjoy the first
2007-07-21 15:32:48 UTC
as i say if the lord want then one after one he would give me

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