my 4 years old ask so many questions ....?
2007-11-16 07:00:41 UTC
hello parents! my 4 yrs daughter ask so many questions .. like
y sun is so bright?
y it goes down and moon comes out?
y does a zebra has white/ black stripes , but cheeta has orange /black?
y the trees live outside home in such a cold weather....and on and on...
i hope most of u people has same questions asked.. but does it makes u mad sometimes???
37 answers:
2007-11-16 07:04:07 UTC
Usually children at this age don't need a very thorough answer. They just want to be acknowledged, and are sharing their observations with you. Remember - your little sweetie is only going to be four for a little while longer. Soon she won't care at all what you think and will think she has all the answers, herself. Although it can be frustrating, try to cherish this time.
2007-11-16 07:11:18 UTC
the more questions she asks ,and the more time you give in giving the correct answers ,the better it will be for her future, she is gaining Knowledge and understanding which will also help when she starts education,shes far better asking and getting answers and gaining knowledge than sitting in front of the tv watching cartoons,give her all the help ,time and encouragement as you possibly can ,and you'l end up with a very intelligent little girl.

Edit;-Can you tell me why Zebras have black & white stripes please? I also asked this question when I was about 4/5 yr old,and still not had a decent answer,so maybe after 56 yrs I might get the answer from you ,or anyone else who has answered your question.
2007-11-18 02:12:15 UTC
If your daughter doesn't ask these questions and get answers how is she meant to learn?? At this age children are the most impressionable and absorb so much information. It sounds very 'normal' what your daughter is you read to her?? When my children were younger and I read to them, say a book of 20 pages, it could take a week to read as they were all so inquisitive and every sentence I read them was followed by questions, about the how's where's, when's and why' can always throw some questions back at her say.....if she asks why have dogs got 4 legs?....see if she can work out why that is! Keep it fun but please don't try to get her to stop asking!

Its a wonderful innocent age.....cherish this time because it won't last long! Sounds to me like you have a wonderfully bright girl who just wants to absorb as much information as her little brain can hold.
2007-11-16 07:59:27 UTC
My granddaughter was the same way...but she was so smart and had a really broad vocabulary. I would just answer the questions because if I didn't, she'd just keep asking. One time the weather was bad and I was having trouble seeing the road so I told her she couldn't talk until we got home, as soon as I hit the remote for the garage, she started asking a question and I said "I said no talking until we are home" and she said (at about 3) "technically, the garage is part of the house"....I had to laugh at that one!
2007-11-16 07:16:16 UTC
It's all part of her development and learning.

A child asking a million questions about the world around them is a good thing. It shows that they are observant and confident. If you given them the answers they should grow up to be a healthy, intelligent adult!

As someone else mentioned, get your daughter kids books on how things work or why things are - they're filled with simple explanations and illustrations that are interesting and educational. Given her own time to read them, she will learn lots.
2007-11-16 07:09:57 UTC
No. Their formative years are between the ages of birth and six years. They need to learn as much as possible, including that a voracious curiosity is a valued thing. Get a really good children's encyclopedia or one of those books for young children that explains why things happen and then when it gets 'too much' ask her too look it up for you. When she does it successfully, (which will happen after some coaching), then make a huge deal out of it and read the section to her. You will be teaching her the next important step in curiosity - research.
2007-11-16 07:07:57 UTC
No, it never made me mad. You should be happy that she's thinking about stuff like that. There are plenty of books out there that answer these sort of questions. Don't just ignore her. Give her the right answers. Go to the library. I have a book here called "Why?" It answers questions like that. I've seen many similar books at the library. Don't make up stuff. Tell her the truth about how and why things occur. Encourage her questioning. That's what makes them smart!
2007-11-16 07:13:43 UTC
I think all 4 year old are like this, mine was. Just be patient and answer the best you can. My daughter asked questions like.

Did Dinosaurs eat people?

Where do the Polar Bears live?

Do Polar Bears Eat People?

What do fish eat?

Are there fish in the Ocean?

and on and on

She was very interested in what things ate, Who know what goes through their minds.
2007-11-16 07:06:24 UTC
Yes and it can be irritating sometimes,. But you should be proud that your daughter has such an inquisitive mind and wants to learn, and sees you as a fountain of knowledge to drink from
minnasota mama
2007-11-17 03:30:38 UTC
Yes It Bothers Me A Bit i don't mind though even my older daughters (Mel and Lauren) Don't Mind Answering questions like

How Do You Have Babys
2007-11-16 07:40:39 UTC
Why would it make me mad that my son would want to know the world? and how it works and why things are the way they are? Did you not ASK questions when you were a child? I am pretty sure you did. Most kids do ask questions like that. Be patient with your child. My child asks me questions all the time. Play it a game then. Back and forth. She asks a question and you ask a question. She wants you to INTERACT with her and COMMUNICATE with her. What is wrong with that?????????

I am sick of people on here not interacting with their kids more and they ask questions like this so that they don't interact with them more.
Challah back Girl...
2007-11-16 07:09:52 UTC
It is cute the first 15 questions or so - but it can be annoying after 10 minutes of that... I switch it up and start asking her questions instead. That makes it fun too.
papa t
2007-11-16 09:53:29 UTC
McAnthony my son is 3 going to 4, he always asking such questions...what we need to do is to answer their questions with good explanation in-order for them to know why NIGHT is always DARK and DAY is always BRIGHT.

From our good explanations we are broaden their understanding and sharping their knowledge.

Help your daughter she needs you at this stage.


2007-11-16 07:13:43 UTC
It will continue till even after they turn 5. My dd is one of those too. It does get on your nerves when they keep asking question after question, but it is they way they learn stuff. Enjoy these days cause one day they will think they know it all.
2007-11-16 07:51:51 UTC
I think thats what makes childhood wonderful. They appreciate things and ponder the world. The adults just rush around and never notice all these things
2016-10-02 15:58:04 UTC
do no longer problem approximately whether or no longer your inspired your newborn adequate as a infant. At this age, all babies start to ask your self approximately each and every thing and something. I particularly have 2 boys myself who're 3 and 5 and the two considered one of them have consistently been very inquisitive. Asking questions isn't in basic terms a level, yet think of touching directly to the questions she is calling. She sounds like an extremely sensible little female, and you're able to desire to be pleased along with her! while my babies went with the aid of that degree, I spoke back all of their inquiries to the superb of my skills and in the event that they weren't appeased with my solutions and it exchange into something shall we glance up on line or on the library, we researched it. Asking questions is the way that they learn and you're able to desire to motivate it! i encourage you to bypass on your community library and verify out some books for her that are age suited that answer lots of the questions she is calling. so some distance as why she needs to renowned why you do something diverse from daddy, you need to describe to her how there's no top or incorrect thank you to do something and all people learns to do something a various way. this could ease her problem. It sounds to me like all she is soliciting for is slightly recurring and something out of the norm concerns her. while she asks what's misguided with going any incorrect way, attempt and attitude it in a various way, extremely than answering her, ask her why she thinks you're able to desire to bypass the way she needed to bypass. in line with probability there are attractions she likes that way, in line with probability it makes her sense secure going that way through fact she is familiar with the guidelines that way. If she is particularly bothering you plenty mutually as driving, attempt enjoying a sport along with her. Ask her to hunt for letters or numbers, it may shop her preoccupied.
2007-11-16 07:20:08 UTC
lol bless her.

Yes I have a 3 year old and he asks more questions than Magnus in Mastermind lol.

He likes to correct you as well. He is a know it all.

but it is lovely that they ask questions, because they learn so much more.
2007-11-16 07:05:03 UTC
When my daughter was that age, she was very inquisitive too. I was never mad! I loved that she was interested in everything going on around her and being observant! Made me so proud to be her mommy!
2007-11-16 07:07:12 UTC
on the positive side.. they're just curious and wonder a lot.. and them asking questions mean that they want to learn and so thats good right.. the bad thing was if you dont know the answers on their questions..
2007-11-16 07:03:30 UTC
I would be proud not mad....

It shows she is observant and will grow up to question things rather than take things for granted.

Just don't fob her off with daft answers as this will shape his future!

Maybe get her a child's encyclopeidia as a gift!
2007-11-16 07:21:00 UTC
HAHAHA yes it does get on my nerves.I have a four year daughter who asks me why we have hands, feet...asks why the snow is white and why the rain is wet.its cute for a while then it just gets a little out of hand.
2007-11-16 07:11:28 UTC
No it never made me mad and I miss my children's questions like crazy now that they have grown up and have children of their own. I feel very honoured when my grandchildren ask me questions I find difficult to answer. Please enjoy it becauses it passes so quickly. She sounds very intelligent.
2007-11-16 07:04:00 UTC
Post all the questions here on Y!A for her and then read her all the different answers. That should make her laugh!
2007-11-16 07:06:05 UTC
yes it does annoy the living crap out of me sometimes, but I keep my mouth shut and try to answer as many as I can, when I get frustrated I just change the entire subject or I say "go ask your dad" lol
Sally Anne
2007-11-16 15:09:56 UTC
One thing you don't have to worry about is she definitely not backward is she. Bless her. You will have to find out the answers, can't stunt her education you know. ha ha
2007-11-16 07:56:02 UTC
when my son starts to ask to many questions,, i ask him why he thinks it is ? i have gotten a great many of laughs at his responces ,,, he asked me one time about his privates,,what they were ,,i told him testicals,,he was sitting in the bathtub ,(,he is 5 ) ,, and he repeated what i said and look at me and said ,,hmmm, you know mommy they help me breathe underwater,,,,and took a few deep breaths,,,i almost pee'd myself i laughed so hard,,, will make great stories when he gets older,,,
2007-11-17 10:28:30 UTC
yea it drives me up the wall but they wouldnt be normal if they didnt ask questions so much. lol.
2007-11-16 07:05:02 UTC
Be HAPPY she is a bright healthy child!!That is so normal for her age:D
2007-11-16 07:04:42 UTC
It's good that she asks questions. She'll go far in life....
2007-11-16 07:05:37 UTC
yep. i does get me mad but whatever u do don't lie, cause that won't make things better. If your getting tired, tell her to ask someone else.
2007-11-16 09:10:31 UTC
My reply is usually

To make small children ask questions........
2007-11-16 07:34:20 UTC
please please dont ever discourage your child from asking questions. this will hinder her later in life. teach her to always ask. it may be annoying now but just remember that it is only a stage and it will get better.
Emma P
2007-11-16 07:04:25 UTC
i can see that it can be really annoying but remember its good that your child is so inquisitive. she only wants to learn, she doesn't mean to upset you
2007-11-16 07:11:09 UTC
be proud, she'll grow up to be smart and intelligent, answer all her questions
2007-11-16 07:04:17 UTC
its prob annoying but thats how kids learn..thru their parents!
2007-11-16 07:03:23 UTC
bless she sounds cute !! start worrying when shes 18 and asking you for money !!!
2007-11-16 07:03:25 UTC
I think they invented birth control for this very reason...

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