Yesterday i brought my 16 yo to the doctor because she has bad asthma and allergies this time of the year. The doctor said that she should get allergy shots weekly so she becomes more immune to it, but it will be like 2 shots a week. My daughter has a fear of needles and as soon as the doctor said shots she started crying and said that there is no way she'll get the shot. When i ignored her and started asking the doctor more question about it she got angry and ran out of the doctors office, and we fought thw whole ride home. When we got home she was screaming and crying and going ballistic and started cursing at me. I sent her to her room and she slammed the door and i left her there because i wanted her to calm down when i heard no noise i went in and she was sleeping. When she woke up i tried to speak to her calmly but she wouldn't look at me and she put her blanket over her head when i would try to speak to her. What do i do?? Can i force her to get the shot for her own health?? Every time i try to speak to her she ignores me or she turns out having a tantrum HELP