All children are created equal. It's not very nice to give preferential treatment to one child at the expense of another. Such behavior can be detrimental to a child's self-esteem and may have dire consequences later in life. Parents should stop doing that to their kids because in the long run, they only hurt themselves. If you should love one child more than the other, just keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear it. Such arrogance does not make a person feel very good inside. Further, it is childish.
Life is funny! The rejected child is usually the one that ends up taking care of them later when they get old. Those kids are usually more likely to excel both academically and in life.
I once asked someone why was her grand-mother in a nursing home?
"Her favorite son Tibabou, puts her there."
"How about Pepe and Nana"?
"They 're too angry with her to care." She said.
Action=reaction. Think twice before you tell your Tibabou in front of his siblings that: "You are my favorite." Sooner or later, it will come back and haunt you. You may need Pepe and Nana someday.
My advice to all parents is to love and cherish all of your kids equally no matter what. Because too much is at stake when you don't. THANK YOU!