I stopped nursing a year and a half ago and still produce milk.... is this normal?
2006-02-27 15:59:22 UTC
I stopped nursing a year and a half ago and still produce milk.... is this normal?
Seven answers:
2006-02-27 16:05:25 UTC
Forever you will leak a little drop here and there. If it is more than that talk to your doc.
2006-02-28 05:47:42 UTC
My daughter is 28 months. I stopped breastfeeding at 2 months. I still have milk so, for the last 2 years and 4 months I've had milk for no reason. I sure hope its normal. I don't leak though; I only know its there because my boyfriend mentions it occassionally.
2006-02-28 00:05:37 UTC
Probably. I still leaked milk for about 8 months after I quit nursing. Ask you dr.
2006-02-28 00:09:07 UTC

i never nursed my first child as i couldnt produce enough milk but i still leaked for almost 2 years

i have 3 children now the last one born may last year i still was unable to nusre but i am still leaking yet again

and that was 9mnths ago now

i think it has to do with your hormones but check out the link below it may offer you some more ideas
2006-02-28 02:54:34 UTC
May be I'm not normal because I just stopped nursing and my milk is aready dried up
2006-02-28 00:04:32 UTC
The doc. can give you a pill to dry you up.
2006-02-28 00:05:28 UTC
it is normal, if you leak bad you may need to talk to your doctor

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