My daughter is 13years old and watching **** movies in computer What should i do to avoid this.?
2011-06-30 08:47:21 UTC
My daughter started watching **** movies when v r not at home.I have 2 go out daily 4 my work.
We are not able cut internet connection since we need it. What should i do to avoid this. Any pasword locks available
23 answers:
2011-07-02 14:38:01 UTC
Start by setting up password protection. Acquaint yourself with the parental controls on your computer. They differ from machine to machine, but just about every computer offers some options. If you don’t know enough about computers to do this on your own, talk to a friend who knows, or hire a professional. If your computer’s basic operating system does not provide you with the necessary control, purchase some third-party software, preferably with the aid of a professional who can evaluate, install, and explain it for you.

Most parental-control systems allow you to set up multiple accounts with various levels of access. Your daughter can have her own password and access only the Web sites you permit. Know the capabilities of the system you use, and memorize your password rather than writing it down in a place where your daughter might find it.

Unfortunately, computer systems can only lock up this barn. The horse has long since escaped, and you need to address the pornography issue with your daughter immediately. **** opens up doors in the minds of children, inspiring them to think about things they are too young to understand.

Pornography can be addictive, and your daughter may need your help to break this cycle. Clever children can access pornography in ways other than via the home computer, and preventing her from watching dirty movies on your desktop is only the first step. Begin your education with a trip to****.com, a Web site dedicated to helping people recover from pornography addictions. Even if your daughter is not addicted, the site may help you learn more about pornography and how to cope with the girl’s unfortunate exposure.

In addition, you must establish some punishment for your daughter’s conduct. Even if you don’t have a “no ****” rule on the books, a 13-year-old child knows she should not watch such movies. Cover your bases by offering both the carrot (assistance coping with the effect of pornographic images) and the stick (a punishment severe enough to both remind your daughter of her transgressions and make her think twice before watching **** again).

Pornography can be tough to shake. If you pray, now would be an excellent time to start.
2011-06-30 09:02:34 UTC
I like the idea of moving the computer into the front room of the house and removing all the curtains. Also try facing the screen to a window so everyone can see just watch she's looking at. What you can also do is set up a password and lock it before you leave, or ask an expert how to do this: have him set it up so that by merely pressing a button on your keybord, you are connected to her screen and can see what she's looking at.(This is what my parents did so i couldn't look at anything bad) If these don't work, then wait it out. One of the most likely reasons se looking at it is because it's forbidden and she can. SO let her get bored with it. After a while, it'll become just plain boring. There's only so many **** sites she can access free. And if your afraid she'll steal money to buy access to more sites, take all your cards with you.
Helpful Harry
2011-06-30 10:31:15 UTC
I would get a program called NetNanny. This blocks sites and services on each individual computer. It is very easy to manage when the user is using a limited or standard Windows account. Another thing you can try is a proxy firewall. That is a fancy word for a device that sits before your router (or coupled with your router) and blocks sites that way. However, you will have to pay a annual or monthly fee to block these sites (but not services). Fortigate and Sonicwall are two that are reputable.

2016-03-01 08:19:37 UTC
Few possibilities- 1: shes on a chat room 2: shes on twitter or facebook 3: shes talking to a smexy guy 4: happens to be closing the window 5: shopping for you online My brother had a schedule of when he could watch ****. He did it when no one was around. If you really want to know then do this: open favorites bar on internet explorer, go to history and check the recent websites visited.
2011-06-30 08:52:44 UTC
Virtually any technical solution can be worked around pretty easily. You'd be surprised how resourceful some teenagers are.

It's much better to employ non-technical solutions. Talk to her and explain that you find this aspect of her behaviour unacceptable.

Move the computer into the front room of the house. Ensure that there are no curtains on the windows. She might not be as happy watching **** if people on the street can see her.
2011-06-30 21:30:44 UTC
oh thats a very frustrating situation. You must be one of those parents who raised up his child giving every thing for her physical being and pleasure and but nothing for her soul. Only a good soul can succeed the life in this world and hereafter. As a temporary procedure you can block the sites which she used to visit by using a free service called open dns. Just google it for blocking.

It is not going to stop her, You have to work hard on her moral/soul/spiritual matters. Change the way of thinking and way of this materialistic life style.

I can only say. Rest is with you. May GOD help u and provide with the best of guidance.
2011-06-30 08:59:02 UTC
The answer is not to ban your child from the computer. As society becomes increasingly technology dependent, children will benefit from becoming computer literate at an early age. One option is to find a program or review internet service providers that provide security or monitoring for your internet.
2011-06-30 09:00:16 UTC
Blocking these sites is an excellent idea. But, don't do it all of a sudden. it is when children are restricted from doing something that they tend to move more towards them. try to keep her engaged. call her friends home, or do something so that she won't be alone at home and she would divert her attention to something else. do not scold her or punish her, that would make her more rebellious. meanwhile, keep blocking theses sites one by one. i think Kaspersky provides option for parental control over sites. but installing kaspersky would make your system a bit slow.
2011-06-30 08:51:11 UTC
Well she obviously curious about knowing. Talk to her about the subject...she had to know. Let heer know what u want from she doesn't have sex at a young age. But there's a parental block in every computer. Just go on your computer account and block adult websites
2011-06-30 08:53:08 UTC
The more you try to stop it the more she will want to.

Just let her know that those are fake and not how loving normal married couples act.

They are paid to do that. If still continues to do it, take all the keyboards with you? (kids are smarter than the parents now a days and she will find away to get past the locks im sure!)

For now though, Just be glad if she isnt out having actual sex.. Hopefully!

Check out my website for many personalized items!

Thanks, Madison
2011-06-30 09:02:05 UTC
Put a password on the computer so it comes up asking for a password as soon as the computer is switched on. Then she can only use the computer when you are home.
2011-06-30 09:24:24 UTC
Ground her from the computer for a long long time. How does she even know about that stuff anyways?? Lock the computer
2011-06-30 08:53:18 UTC
Hi! tell your internet service provider to lock them,or you can learn how to lock them by asking some

computer set up a pass word for you.
2011-06-30 08:49:47 UTC
I don't know any specific names, but there are computer programs which will firewall all but a few sites. This way she can't access any site which is inappropriate.
2011-06-30 09:01:57 UTC
if you lock the computer, she'll just find other ways to watch ****. and you locking things up might encourage her all the more. is it an addiction? maybe just let her watch what she wants, then she'll get tired of it on her own.
2011-06-30 08:50:02 UTC
Set parental locks and filter all **** sites from the computer. you can also set up your computer to disallow her access to it when you are not at home.
2011-07-01 03:54:17 UTC
Let her watch free ****


its how you learn
2011-07-01 12:54:32 UTC
i think instead of thinking of cutting off d internet or putting any sort of password wont help...........................instead u should make her sit along n have a nice conversation about it , remember , no scolding or anger.....................she is just being a teenager to her abt the changes during this time of life , attraction to both sex n boys is completely normal for her.......................GOOD LUCK
2011-07-01 03:54:23 UTC
Wtf is wrong with her watching a little ****? At least shes not out having sex already. And she might of even found a career in it. You should do nothing.
Jerseygirls Arebetter
2011-06-30 09:49:57 UTC
Take away her computer.
2011-07-01 04:00:59 UTC
let her, she is going to experience it eventually
2011-06-30 09:34:53 UTC
2011-06-30 08:54:23 UTC
just set password for you pc...................

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