Do you think it's unethical to track the location of your children and teenagers?
2010-03-06 18:44:44 UTC
My parents are able to track my location from the GPS signal on my iPhone on their iPhones or computers, and I can understand doing this when I'm out hiking or traveling abroad on a class trip or something and don't have strong cell reception and they just want to know where I am for their peace of mind, but it's invasive and a violation of privacy to look it up without justification. They'll do this sometimes just to make sure I'm where I said I'd be, and will get on my case if I'm somewhere else. I was diagnosed with a medical problem last year, and they're using that as their excuse for being overly-paranoid, but adults have health issues too and manage just fine without being watched all the time. What I haven't doesn't affect my judgment or mental abilities at all. I'm 17, not 7. To me, this is too controlling, and it's wrong. Do you agree?
21 answers:
2010-03-06 19:20:44 UTC
"they just want to know where I am for their peace of mind"

So why can't you accept this? when you are a parent, you will know what it is like to worry about your kid.Granted you DO have a phone and if they wanted to know where you were, they could just call you.

"They'll do this sometimes just to make sure I'm where I said I'd be, and will get on my case if I'm somewhere else"

Then perhaps obeience and honesty will give you more freedom.

"I was diagnosed with a medical problem last year, and they're using that as their excuse for being overly-paranoid"

Or, they actually care about you and you are trying to down play your condition because you are fustrated.I see that you are a top contributer to cancer and as you mentioned, you were diagnosed with a medical condition...assuming cancer?

Just look at this situation as if the script was flipped.They are already freaked out that you have cancer, their baby girl and the fact that you are roaming about is unsettling to any parent to a teen because the world isn't exactly fantastic.

I think with all the news reports of missing kids, attempted kidnapping, parents are getting more and more worried.This is why I am enrolling each of my children into martial arts so they know how to defend themselves.

I would simply ask your parents for a compromise.If they want to know where you are, you have to promise to answer your phone NO matter how many times they call and it will make them feel a lot safer.

In the meantime, if you don't like it, I suggest buying a phone and paying the bill your own self because "beggars cannot be choosers".
2010-03-06 19:32:24 UTC
I think if parents are just doing it to be nosy and if the 17 year old is responsible and doesn't have a past involving something that should make them paranoid (drugs, sex, alcohol, etc.) then yeah, it's an invasion of privacy. Just because you're a minor doesn't mean that people have the right to sit behind a screen and monitor your every move. If they don't trust you, they shouldn't let you go anywhere. If they say that they trust you, and you know you've earned their trust, then I would definitely have a talk with them about what they're going to do when you turn the magical age of 18 and suddenly they are forced to take your word for it. We've all been 17 and just because someone is older doesn't mean they should look down their nose at you and assume you are a rebellious crazy person who will go screw every random guy in the streets if you aren't kept on a leash. Get a job and buy a different phone, and pay for the plan yourself. This way, they really can't say anything.

Just to add after seeing someone else's comment -

Not just teens are out having unprotected sex. Adults get drunk and have unprotected sex all the time and for some reason people think it's okay. Obviously no one should be doing it, but just saying...and also, people got along just fine in the thousands of years proceeding the invention of cell phones. It's not going to keep her safe. Saying, "God forbid something happened to her and her parents couldn't find her" or whatever is stupid because the screen isn't going to read - 'your daughter got hit by a car' or 'your daughter is being raped'. What is with people talking about teenagers like they are a bunch of rabid animals? I wasn't that way, and I knew a whole hell of a lot of other teens who also miraculously did not act like mindless hormonal junkies. I just think it's a big personal failing when you forget what it's like to be younger. Don't underestimate someone you don't even know, people.
2016-04-12 09:51:52 UTC
Lol. I'm sorry but this question made me laugh slightly, because I am 15 and my parents won't even let me have a cell phone. I have theirs when I go to school in case of emergencies, but I have to give it back to them when they pick me up. They've already said when they do allow me to have a cell phone, it will the GPS locater on it. I accept their right to do that because they are my parents and I respect their decisions. I know you're 17 but still, what is the big deal with them tracking your location? If you have nothing to hide, what is the big deal. You said you have a job. If you don't like your parents rules, just move out or buy your own cell phone without a tracking device. I don't understand why so many teens complain about having so many rules. My parents are probably in the top 2% of strictest parents in America. I am not hyperbolizing here. They limit T.V. time, tell me which shows I can and cannot watch, have blocked myspace, facebook and youtube (among others), won't let me or my sibs stay home or go out without an adult, date, and monitor what kind of music we listen to (which isn't a problem since I only love country). They also have my passwords for email and IM. They are very strict, mostly because daddy's a cop and has seen a lot of bad stuff, but we have a very close and awesome family. My daddy and I could not be closer and I could confide in him about anything. They teach me morals, integrity, and discipline and I will be forever thankful because it's made me well rounded. So, I think you should stop complaining that they have a tracking device on your phone. Complaining isn't going to get rid of the device. Would you rather they just tell you you're not allowed to hang out ever unless they are there with you? No, didn't think so. Just deal with the tracking device and go where you say you are going and it won't be an issue. As it's been pointed out to me many times, you are their child and they own the air you breathe.
Single Mom, No Illusions
2010-03-06 19:04:21 UTC
Not at all.

If they pay for the phone and the bills, they own that thing and can decide how it is used. That's the case even if you're forty years old.

If you are underage (and at seventeen, you are), even if you pay for the phone yourself, they still have the right to tell you if you can use the phone and under what circumstances.

When you are eighteen you can legally leave your parent's home, pretend to be a "big kid," pay for your OWN phone, and either live in poverty with a bunch of other teens, or hook up with some creepy old guy who will let you live in his skeevy apartment in exchange for...ewwwww.

Deal with the "controlling parents" by understanding that they love you enough to worry about you. You have no idea how many parents don't care at all, and no idea how many kids would love to have parents who cared enough to worry about where they were.

The fact that you have a medical condition that plainly could be a problem, and that they let you roam free while taking the responsible decision to keep an eye on where you go, would be a comfort to most people--and just where are you going that you don't want them to know?

Good luck to you, when you're older and more mature you will figure out that your parents love you.
Tit for Tat
2010-03-06 19:01:09 UTC
Who pays for the cell phone? You are a minor so no I don't see it as a big deal. In fact as long as they pay for the phone they can do what they want. Just imagine if yo really needed to be found, that GPS would be a god send. When you start apying for the phone and are an adult then they won't be able to do it anymore.

Being responsible doesn't stop bad stuff from happening to you. Do you watch the news and see all these kids being kidnapped and killed? Its normal for your parents to be a bit paranoid. When you are 18 you can legally enter into a contract. Just put up with it until then. As for having such a great job that you can afford everything on your own.... well in the real world it doesn't always work out like you think.
2010-03-06 18:56:43 UTC
I see both sides. Your parents are overly protective and love you. With things in the news these days who can blame them. Wait until you're a parent. I can understand having that technology and using it in an emergency, but not every move you make.

On the other side, I see your point. I had a friend whose parents were overly protective and strict. She turned into a bad seed because of that - it just made her rebel and make bad decisions i.e. relationships, sex, drugs.

I would suggest talking to them about this. Write up a contract that they agree not to bother you about your whereabouts and you continue to carry the phone (because if it was me I'd leave it at home). At age 18 get one of those Tracphones and pay as you go plans and get off of theirs.
2010-03-06 18:52:35 UTC
I don't think it's unethical if you know they are doing it, especially if they gave you the phone and pay for the service. You accepted it on their terms. At the same time, I agree that it's invasive and I think it's a bad idea. It can destroy trust and lead to resentment - two things that parents and teens do not need if they want to have a good relationship. In my opinion, effective communication is a much better solution. I would never make GPS tracking a condition of my kid having a phone or going out with friends.
2010-03-06 18:59:10 UTC
True, as a minor you are under the jurisdiction and care of your parents. I personally believe tracking your children is slightly unethical because trust issues in any loving relationship causes friction. My parents were very good about allowing me to have privacy and I came out perfectly fine. If you feel this is too controlling, go to your parents and talk about it calmly with a logical argument. Maybe add that even if you have nothing to hide, it makes you think less of them as people or it hurts you that they don't trust you enough. If this doesn't work, you really only have one year left to go before you are legally an adult.
Insert Original Nickname Hereā„¢
2010-03-06 20:03:00 UTC
It's not your phone it's theirs as they pay the bill. You ever thought they were checking on it and not you? :p

And if you were where you were supposed to be, then they probably wouldn't keep checking. Seeing as you lied about where you were, they are justified in checking on their irresponsible (not to mention lying) daughter.


But you DID lie... Need I quote you?

"They'll do this sometimes just to make sure I'm where I said I'd be, and will get on my case if I'm somewhere else."

Well being where you said you would be would be responsible. And if you're "somewhere else", then you're lying aren't you?
Chibi Oka-san
2010-03-06 18:49:04 UTC
They have a right to be worried. So many teens are doing illegal things, having unprotected sex, and getting into all sorts of trouble. Your parents just want to make sure you're going where they say your going to go.
2010-03-06 18:50:22 UTC
I think it's a great idea.

Teenagers are still kids. They can end up in trouble and it's the parent's job to step in and help if needed. If you're a good kid then you shouldn't be worried about anything. Only kids who are doing things they shouldn't (illegal or dangerous) are the ones who wouldn't want this
2010-03-06 18:52:56 UTC
First of all YOU are a minor, of course u think that u have a right to privacy, WRONG, as parents we have the right to when and where u are all the time. When u get to the point when u feel know one should dictate to u then u should have a job and a place to stay other than with ur parents and be able to maintain a lifestyle w/o ur parents help, until then suck it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good One
2010-03-06 19:01:39 UTC
you said it yourself "for their peace of mind". They know that sometimes you say your going one place but friends pull you another way...and with a health condition may just want to know where you are if something happened. Talk to them, see if you can come up with a good balance! Good Luck
2010-03-06 19:28:47 UTC
Ill do it to my kids. definitly. teenagers always lie about their whereabouts. and god forbid something was to happen to you and your parents got worried they would be able to track you for the cops. i know thats a worse case scenario but you should be grateful your parents care about you. This is a cruel world. I dont see how its a violation of privacy. if you are doing what you re supposed to be doing then you shouldnt care. right?
Halo Mom
2010-03-06 19:59:47 UTC
17 year old can still go missing

Not, you are underage and your parents are reasonable for you

A lot of 17 year old go place they should not

It's not controlling, it's parenting

You might understand when you are a parent
Mommy of one with one on the way
2010-03-06 18:53:27 UTC
I think that parents should be able to trust there children. I don't understand what parents are teaching there children by tracking them on there phones. If people don't have trust with there kids to do the right thing then they need to work on some parenting skills or relationship building skills with there kids.
Mr Warrior
2010-03-06 19:14:56 UTC
If u are not where u said u would be then u are lying to them.

That gives them excuse to check on your location now and then.

Parents dont trust lying children.

Now if u displayed a history of being where u said u would be. It would be less likely they would be checking your location.
2010-03-06 18:52:10 UTC
You should feel lucky that ur parents care that much about u. U r 17 and until ur 18 they can do whatever they feel is right to keep u safe.
2010-03-06 18:47:19 UTC
You said it yourself, you're 17. Still a minor child. Still at the mercy of your parents. I agree with them on this one.

PS. Who pays for the cell phone? You or your parents?
2010-03-06 18:56:45 UTC
no i think a child or minor should not have a cell phone i am sure that phone is right up on your ear,,,,,did you know the phone should be 1 inch away from your ear,,,,,,,so, brain tumor is on the way,,,,and no they should not let you leave the home without an adult.......
2010-03-06 18:48:37 UTC
pretty sure thats illegal

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