Dread Head has a pet Zorro
2010-06-15 11:18:26 UTC
she asked if i love my husband more or less than my children. I responded by saying that it's not a more or less thing but rather a different kind of love. I love my children very intensely as a mother and I love my husband very intensely as a life partner.
My friend was very shocked that I felt that way. I think her issue was that I didn't say I loved my kids more then anything. She said that her husband was "nothing" to her and that it should be obvious that the kids come first. To that I said that I thought it was sad that she would talk of her husband like that (being "nothing") and that even if my husband and I were to split i would never consider him "nothing".
Anyways... I went on to explain that if I had to choose then of course my children come first and that yes, i would in fact kick my husband out if need be... but that that still did not mean that I loved my children more, simply that it was different...
she still didn't get my point so i just switched to talking about potty training... lol
so... am I really a horrible mother for not saying that I love my children more?