2011-07-27 10:53:13 UTC
In our case, We have three children, all girls. My husband makes about $38,000 a year. How we make it work is as follows: We found an older home in a decent neighborhood that's about 80 years old and a fixer-upper, it is 1,400 square feet which helps us save on utility costs. We don't have cable. We have one tv that we got used and is 10 years old. We don't have any new furniture, all of our furniture was given to us by family or friends who were giving away old stuff to make room for new - it isn't the most trendy, but it does the job. We don't have a boat or jet ski's or a vacation home or a pool or a big house with a deck or patio or hot tub or any of that. We don't go on vacations - ever. We stick to a very tight budget. We don't have new cars - they are used and paid for. We have a land line phone with an internet package that we pay $50 a month total for instead of having cell phones. We shop for clothes at garage sales, clearance racks, and consignment stores, we don't buy new toys for the kids all of the time - they receive those for Christmases and Birthdays only. We don't go out to eat, we cook meals at home instead. We don't have the latest technological devices which is just fine and we don't miss them either! When my husband and I go out on dates, it consists of a picinic supper, a thermos of coffee or hot chocolate, walks around the lake or fields, sitting on the tail gate of his pickup or long drives down a dirt road and talking and just enjoying eachother's company and not spending a dime! We don't buy new clothes unless we absolutely need them, as when they are worn out and need to be replaced which in reality is only once every year and or so and then it's only to replace the things that are worn out such as one or two pairs of jeans and one or two shirts (and not designer clothes, nothing over $20!) We save cupons for groceries and also shop at the commissary at the nearest military base or at a discount grocer. Our kids' birthday parties consist of a home made cake and icecream at home with family and a few of their friends. How about you moms and dads?