Update: Hey Sully. Your mean-spirited comment doesn't take into account that sometimes people just want to know what others out there in YahooLand think. Sometimes people just want to be reassured. SOMETIMES people just want to rant and blow off steam! What gives you the right to blast this guy for asking his question? I've been told throughout my life (and I firmly believe it) that the only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked.
By the way, since you've taken upon yourself to show how far superior you are in intellect, I'd just like to point out two things to you from your own words.
1) You wrote, "...and i seem smarted then you!" Don't you mean "smarteR thAn you"? If you're going to make the point, then make sure you're above reproach yourself.
2) You pointed out the fact that you're a FORD model who seems "smarted" (sic) than someone else. So are you suggesting that the modeling profession is rife with people of such low intelligence that someone who asks a SUPPOSED dumb question makes you look, by comparison, more intelligent than you really are? Honey, you've just done yourself and everyone within your profession a disservice!
Do yourself and everyone else a favor. Learn to be kind. You can disagree with a person or wish to critically challenge someone, but you don't have to belittle others to get your point across.
Recommended reading: "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie.
Wow...lots going on in your question. There are several things I'd like to respond to (and do so only because you mention them).
1) Marriage isn't reserved for people of faith. Just because you're atheists, that doesn't make you disrespectful or hypocritical if you wish to get married. There are a number of avenues you can take that are devoid of religious content. As long as a person is licensed to marry, you can do so without having it solemnized in a church or religious ceremony. Or you can just continue to live together long enough for your state to recognize your common-law marriage.
2) Welcome to the ranks of "former smoker"!! Good on ya' for quitting, especially since you now have a child. I'd give you a high-five if I could. ; )
3) As someone who looked 16 at the age of 24 (when I got married), I completely empathize with you. But being a woman, I didn't mind so much! hehehe I know it's a bit difficult to deal with now, but you'll be happy when you hit your 30s and 40s and still look like you're in your 20s. It's fun....really! I'm 42 and recently got carded twice within the same day. lol But I understand why you and your girlfriend struggle. It's really rough when people...TOTAL STRANGERS...make snap judgments about you based on what they see. And since you have a child, that only gives people more to talk about. You know what? It's none of their business. You and your girlfriend and the rest of your family and friends know what the deal is. They're the ones who know you all and they're the ones who genuinely care about you. You can't control what others think about you, but you can control your response. I encourage you to just ignore them. Kiss your girl and your baby and smile at those who would disdain you. You know you've got nothing to be ashamed of.
4) The perils of shopping! *sigh* It's a sad reality that retail sales people (especially at the higher-end stores) are conditioned to judge people based on customer image and what they deem as status markers: age, personal hygiene, clothing, jewelry, accessories, etc. The higher the status markers, the more likely they are to believe you've got money to burn...which means a greater profit to the company and a larger commission for the sales person. It sucks. To illustrate this, I did an experiment for a college class many years ago. I enlisted the help of a friend. We went into our town's fanciest retail store one day wearing sweats, jeans, t-shirts, flip-flops, etc. We looked every bit like we were poor college students (which we were, but that's beside the point). We went to several different departments during our 2 hours there. Not ONE person helped us in any department. And when we asked for help, we were given the brush-off. One week later, same day and time, we went back to the store. Only that time we dressed up in our nicest clothes, borrowed some fancy purses, got dolled up with make-up, etc. We weren't in the store more than 5 minutes before we had several salespeople ask us if we needed help. And guess what? They were the SAME PEOPLE we had seen working the week prior. Very sad. But it proved my point, and I got an A on my project.
So, this leaves you with a couple options when you go shopping (since you're likely to experience the same thing). a) You can let it bug you that people judge you but not say anything. b) You can not let it bug you, but still not say anything, and let yourself be led to other departments (even if you don't want the other ones). c) You can kindly, but firmly, inform the salespeople that you'd prefer to look at clothing in a higher price range. If he/she helps you, great...sale made. d) If not, inform them you'll be taking your business elsewhere...after you've flashed your wad of cash or platinum Visa. Then leave. ; )
Again, you can't control what others think, but you can control what you think about yourself. YOU know who you are. Don't let others get under your skin because of their own ignorance or prejudices. And make no mistake...it IS discrimination. I'm sorry you and your girl have to deal with that. Just keep holding your head up. Don't let the lesser behavior of others dictate your feelings or actions. If you want to give your community a chance and perhaps influence their way of thinking, then prove to them you guys are better than they are. Reach out to them in friendship. Show them they're wrong by being friendly, welcoming, accepting, kind, helpful, etc. You'd be surprised at how one little act of kindness can change a person's whole outlook. Not just their opinion about you guys...but about others, as well.
I wish you all the best.
P.S. I'm an upper-middle class, white Republican Christian woman... and I think you're cool. ; )