Do you think dads love there children as much as moms do?
2008-01-19 17:20:03 UTC
I know they love them but like I didn't know how much I could love someone until I had kids and we are the one's that carry them for nine months and do most everything for them. There's just no explanation for a mothers love for her children, so do you think the dads feel the same way?
35 answers:
2008-01-19 18:26:01 UTC
I think dads do love their children (the good dads anyways) but it is a different love.

I believe both parents have a deep love for their children. But a mother is always going to have a deep special bond. She felt that child move around inside of her, she was able to give the child life and bring them into the world.

I will always think a mother's love is the strongest thing there is. No one can understand that deep bond that you share with the little life you helped create.
Kelly M
2008-01-19 17:58:14 UTC
I think that some dads feel a similar love for their children however, I doubt that it is exactly the same as what a mother feels since we go through the physical process and they don't. Unfortunately, there are a lot of men who do not feel something even close to what we feel but I suspect that those men have a distorted view of love in general. If all men felt the same way as mothers do then they would stick around or at least pay their child support.

I always tell new mothers that they may love their parents and they partners and their family members but...when they lay that pink wrinkled infant in your arms and the emotions come over you, that's when you really understand the meaning of what love means. It is so strong that it is scary. Is that how God feels about us? It is something to think about.
2008-01-19 17:24:14 UTC
I think it depends on the dad, some are more loving than mothers, some less and some the same. I do think men can love their children as much. Sure, the mom's carry them and have a special bond but it doesn't mean dad can't love them just as much.
2008-01-19 18:56:11 UTC
If fathers are given the chance to bond as much with their children, as mothers are, then I see no reason that Dads cannot love their children as much as mothers do. If a man is a loving person, it may simply be easier to love for him than other Dads. Most of the men I know who have children, are over the moon about their kids! They are so happy, loving, and proud.
2008-01-19 17:33:11 UTC
That all depends on the individual. Some parents have a father who the daughters, and a mother who favors the sons. Some who the mother shows the majority of the love. Some fathers can show love while some mothers can show regret in having the child. I've known people who fit all of these.
2008-01-19 17:31:34 UTC
i think its a different kind of love to begin with cuz like u said we carry them for nine months. for example men are proud to send their sons off to war and women arent thrilled. if we ran the world i think there would be less wars because we wouldnt want to send them to die. well thats another answer for another question lol but no i do not think that men love their children like a mother does. with a woman its a deeper bond in my opinion. now there is exceptions to this rule cuz there are some worthless mothers in this world and fathers who filled in for both and did a great job but more then not its the other way!!
2008-01-19 19:13:36 UTC
Yes, but usually from a distance since they are out of the house most of the time trying to support those children. But their quality time is just as loving as a mother's.
2008-01-19 19:13:16 UTC
Goodness yes! Fathers may not have birthed the children or spent as much time with them as we moms do, but that does not mean the love is any less. My husband loves our son more than anything (well, besides me lol). He could never imagine loving him any less than he does. There's no explanation for a father's love for their children either. You love them because they are yours.
pam g
2008-01-19 17:49:17 UTC
I think they do but differently. And this is due to society teaching young boys not to show emotion. Many men are not as comfortable showing emotions some women. And then it can be reversed. Some women who grew up in homes where they were taught not to show emotion may not be comfortable either. SO it can go both ways; but for the most part, without sounding prejudice, men love too but often do not feel comfortable really expressing it.
2008-01-19 18:01:19 UTC
Are you kidding? Of COURSE if the dad is present in the kids' lives. Just because mom's carry the kids doesn't mean someone else can't love them just as much.

But it depends on the guy in some cases.
2008-01-19 17:31:31 UTC
Everyone's different. Some dads love their kids very much, and others don't care about them. Same goes for moms.
Fluffy Cheryl♥
2008-01-19 18:35:21 UTC
well i feel my husband loves our girls the same as i do......... I also feel he has more love for his daughter to his ex wife than she does, his ex quite literally threw their little girl out of the house aged 7 yr old,,,,,,,,,,, cos she chose her new boyfriend of 6 weeks above the child.....

i feel the mother feels a different type of love for the baby while pregnant, but once a child is there the love usually equals out

BTW hubs daughter is now 13yrold and still is with us.out of the 2 my hubs is the better parent
2008-01-19 17:39:53 UTC
not sure really my ex and i used to discuss this and we both came to the conclusion that if it was a choice between our children and ourselves we would choose our children over our spouse , so i say yes ,to a certain extent but its not exactly the same way as a mother feels , there is nothing greater than a mothers love x
2008-01-19 18:23:36 UTC
Yes, of course they do. Or, they can.

I know quite a few mothers who don't feel about their children the same as you & I do about our children. I also know quite a few fathers who feel the same awe and attachment to their children as we do, and who do as much for our children as we do. My husband, included.

It's not about gender or even about pregnancy. I know adoptive parents who love their children with a great intensity. It's about attachment, about the heart of the people involved, about the time spent bonding.
Tyler B
2008-01-19 17:28:23 UTC
most do, they just dont show it as much. i love little kids and i cant wait until i am old enough (and financially secure enough) to have some. i know my dad and mom care about me the same, but my mom def shows it more. i know both of them would do anything for me, but my dad is more reserved about emotions like any other guy u will ever meet.
2008-01-19 17:25:23 UTC
My husband does. He's in the military and puts up with alot so that I can stay home with the kids. He sure doesn't do tours to Iraq because he likes the sand! He's a great father and is just as protective of them as I am.
Grandpa B.
2008-01-19 17:33:28 UTC
I'm the dad of 17 children & grandpa of 8. You betcha I love my kids & grandkids as much as their mom (who is my wife) loves our children & grandchildren.

I'd die for my kids & grandkids. The only person in this world that I love more than my kids & grandkids is my wife, the mother of my 17 children & the grandmother of my grandkids.
2008-01-19 19:31:20 UTC
I know my boyfriend love our daughter but I know my love for her is diffrent then his. He's not as empathetic to her as I am. He would like me to leave her more and pay more attention to him, where Im happy when he shines all his attention on her. Although I definatly wouldnt say I lover her more then him. Same with my parents. I know I am the light in my dads eye. I also know my mom loves me to bits. Our relationships are diffrent but I think their love is equal.
2008-01-19 17:29:15 UTC
They love them as much- it's just different. Men show there love primarily by respect and protection. Women show primarily by affection and nurture. This also explains the main problem most men and women have in regards to love and respect in their relationships.
Chantal K
2008-01-19 18:54:36 UTC
Yes and no. My neighbor is an awesome dad. His kids respect him, which most kids don't. However my daughters father has nothing to do with her. It just depends on if he really wants kids or not.
2008-01-19 17:30:18 UTC
yes an in some cases more that is why 24 yrs an my ex is in arizona an my 2 children are with me in georgia
2008-01-19 17:27:53 UTC
I think they care as much as mom does. But sometimes, they dont seem to pay as much attention in different things that are important for the children's future. I know mines both do, but id say my mom is like..too overprotective u know.
Angie M
2008-01-19 17:24:27 UTC
Yes....actually i would say my dad loves me MORE than my mother ever did... but it depends on the person, in both cases.
2008-01-19 17:24:18 UTC
i agreee it think that since the women carry them they may have a certain kind of love that a man may never feel.. but i think that men still love them
2008-01-19 18:50:02 UTC
I do more than my ex-wife and my Dad did probably more than my mom. My brother loves his now grown kids more than his ex-wife...etc., etc.

Does that answer your question?
Cruz and Kinsley's momma
2008-01-19 18:59:02 UTC
Yes I know that my sons daddy loves him just as much as I do. You can just see it in his eyes! He is crazy about him.
2008-01-19 17:24:46 UTC
yah i do but i think it depends the dad becuase my dod loves me as much as my mom or even more
2008-01-19 17:23:36 UTC
yes but most men dont show it as much as women, but behind closed doors they are like kids themselves!
hairy silver
2008-01-19 19:26:18 UTC
i think it is sexist to believe they don't.

I just think since men tend to be more practical minded, they show their love in a different way.
2008-01-19 17:23:25 UTC
My husband dose and he is not the dad of them.
2008-01-19 17:26:35 UTC

All love is different, yah, but..

I couldn't love any two more than those two, nope.
2008-01-19 17:31:14 UTC
My husband loves our four...
2008-01-19 17:22:25 UTC
My husband sure does.
2008-01-19 19:03:59 UTC
heck ya
I*Love*Brooklyn Marie
2008-01-19 18:35:00 UTC
I don't think my husband does.

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