I'm bored too. Then again I have plenty a should be doing, it's just that its boring...
Things for kids to do:
1. Make sock monkeys. I'm sure you can find instructions online - it's not hard. It does require sewing though.
2. Play board games.
3. Read/be read to.
4. Put on a play.
5. Make paper snow-flakes.
6. Build a little boat out of things you have around the house and try to make it float in the bathtub.
7. Make finger-puppets. Put on a puppet show.
8. Build a fort by rearranging furniture and putting sheets over it.
9. Jump on the bed and whack each other with pillows. It's surprisingly fun.
10. Computer games. Or they can do what my friends and I used to do when we were little and sit in front of the computer and watch screen-savers. It might not be as much fun if you don't have a bunch of Disney screen-savers, though.
11. Watch a movie.
12. Slide down the stairs on a sleeping bag. Or better yet a mattress, but that's a bit more work. Or you could try a sled, but I've never done that one so I can't vouch for it's safety.
13. Play don't-touch-the-floor (where you jump around on the furniture and, well, don't touch the floor).
14. Bake something.
15. Play in the rain. If it's warm out, put on bathingsuits and pretend it's a sprinkler.
16. Hide and seek.
17. The potato game. One person asks the other person questions and tries to make them laugh, and they can only answer "potato" and if they laught they lose and it's the other person's turn.
And whatever crazy things your kids might end up doing, remember that it can always be worse... I once helped my little sister and her friend climb down the laundry chute. Actually, it was more than once. I think she was 11 or 12 and I was 14 or 15. So when you read the things about jumping on the bed and such, it could definitely be worse.