OK, please don't thumbs down me, but I actually enjoy doing things around the house. I have a 4 yr. old and a 3 month old. Today, I have: washed 2 loads of laundry, unloaded/re-loaded dishwasher, cleaned the interior of my dishwasher, Swiffered the hardwood floors, vacuumed the carpeted rooms, read several stories to my 4 yr old., played dolls with her, hung out with the baby for a while (she's not too social just yet...lol), cooked spaghetti w/ homemade sauce for lunch (4 yr. old's favorite), chopped veggies for tonight's pork tenderloin w/ roasted veggies. The little ones are napping now. After nap, we're heading outside for some playtime.
Yesterday, I washed, folded/hung and put away 5 loads of laundry, scrubbed the bath tub, along with the usual cooking, playing, book reading activities.
I feel drained all day if I just sit around.