Parents, be honest, what exactly have you?
2009-03-06 11:18:32 UTC
accomplished today? Have you sat on your can at computer or have you actually done something. I can say that I finally found the energy to clean my "traveling trash can". I scraped gummie bears off the carpet and wiped pop off the dashboard. I also found the smell, a lost sippy cup of formula was under the seat. YUMMY!!

So, what have you been up too?
25 answers:
2009-03-06 11:23:11 UTC
Well today I truly feel like a cow. My son wants to be on the boobies all day, I haven't really accomplished anything except take out meat to cook for later on. I admit I've been on here but also doing little odd ends around the house too.

*eta- oh did i mention a leaky cow at that lol!
2009-03-06 15:47:04 UTC
well i am a stay at home mom and the only time i sit around at all is when my daughter is napping. today i woke up changed my daughter, made her breakfast, gave her a bath, did a load of laundry, paid some bills, cleaned the bathroom, dusted, swept and mopped the kitchen floor, vacuumed, cleaned the living room carpet, made my bed, made my daughter lunch, played with her, watched sesame street with her, put her down for a nap, and now on the internet. my house is spick and span by the way to the people who say that all SAHM's do is nothing and sit around. not me. i am very clean and productive:)
2009-03-06 11:28:28 UTC
Well last night i had a dream that my husband told me to get off my fat butt and do some laundry (luckily just a dream because i would have hurt him lol) so im doing some laundry today. im 26 weeks pregnant and have been having some problems so for the past couple days i have been sitting on the couch not doing much besides chasing my 2 year old son around. i also got the energy to clean the hand prints off my tv, and put my dvds in the right cases.
2009-03-06 11:31:08 UTC
OK, please don't thumbs down me, but I actually enjoy doing things around the house. I have a 4 yr. old and a 3 month old. Today, I have: washed 2 loads of laundry, unloaded/re-loaded dishwasher, cleaned the interior of my dishwasher, Swiffered the hardwood floors, vacuumed the carpeted rooms, read several stories to my 4 yr old., played dolls with her, hung out with the baby for a while (she's not too social just, cooked spaghetti w/ homemade sauce for lunch (4 yr. old's favorite), chopped veggies for tonight's pork tenderloin w/ roasted veggies. The little ones are napping now. After nap, we're heading outside for some playtime.

Yesterday, I washed, folded/hung and put away 5 loads of laundry, scrubbed the bath tub, along with the usual cooking, playing, book reading activities.

I feel drained all day if I just sit around.
2009-03-06 11:24:24 UTC
I have actually done stuff,I cleaned(by cleaned I mean dust,wipe stuff off,put things away and vacuumed) the whole upstairs(Bathroom,bedrooms,and game room)Then I came down stairs and cleaned the living room,kitchen and computer room.I have bathed and fed myself and both of the children.I have checked the mail and that is pretty much it....Oh but I need to do laundry but I have to wait until my MIL gets home so she can get their clothes out of the dryer.
2009-03-06 11:29:46 UTC
made the beds

took my daughter to school

help the school do the recycling(that took and hour)

went home and got something to eat

went back to school and got my daughter and took her to the doctor

went to the bank

posted the mail

went the store

made lunch

did the dishes

put on a load of landry

played with my daughter

tidied up

watered the plants

got my daughter a snack

now I am on here

and it's not even 3o'clock yet
June Cleaver Would Be Appalled
2009-03-06 11:38:11 UTC
I got my girls started in their homeschool work and am watching them/helping where needed. I'm multitasking right now - drawing up my week's schedule, on here and helping with school all at once!

Earlier this morning I got out here to the barn at 5:30 and went for a long, relaxing trail ride alone while the sun was just coming up (=

Oh, and I squeezed in an episode of M*A*S*H somewhere.
2009-03-06 11:29:57 UTC
Honestly? Nothing. My place is relatively clean right now, aside from a few toys on the floor. I'm just waiting for my husband to get home from work. I'm gonna take a long hot bubble bath. I take one day a week to be lazy and do whatever I feel like doing. The rest of the week it's all business.
2009-03-06 11:28:44 UTC
We don't have school here today... but i've gotten the kids baths, scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors as well as swept them, took my boyfriend to work, and came back home, and got the kids breakfast and lunch, and just sent them to bed for a late nap! I also changed a few smelly diapers and some crib sheets..
2009-03-06 14:02:02 UTC
Made Breakfast for the kids

Packed lunches

2 loads of laundry

Drove both children to school (separate school)

Paid Bills

Went to bank to make deposit

Went into work for 7 hours
2009-03-06 11:24:12 UTC
Played on the floor with my baby.

Emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher.

Showered and bathed baby.

Cooked breakfast.

Washed some dishes by hand.

Changed three diapers.

I am now nurse and napping. Meaning he eats and falls asleep. Lol.
Baby #3 due 10/13/09
2009-03-06 11:24:23 UTC
I went shopping. And, cleaned up my kitchen. Did a load of laundry. I`m kind of pooped and am off to take a nap. Even though the play room needs picked up. It`s never ending isn`t it?
2009-03-06 12:09:46 UTC
well me and my daughter went outside and all but finished our seeds that we will plant in the spring. we are starting them indoors this year. we drew pictures w/chalk on the cement on and on each other. i found out i live in a stupid state w/stupid made up rules about pre-k and kindergarten. i also found out my dimwit cousin gave birth 10 weeks early to her second son and told only one person in the family. and i found time to yahoo in my free time. :-)

tartism sucks - can you go take care of alexis for us? shes someone who knows nothing about sahms. at least you apperciate us. btw can i call you TS i don't like calling you "sucks" it doesn't sound very nice. can you troll her? she needs a new horse, hers is too high..
2009-03-06 11:55:58 UTC
Exercised, showered, studied for online class BEFORE my Husband even got up for work: coffee/chat/kisses to him, breakfast and lunch for my kids, "Green Eggs and Ham" breakfast at my son's school, dishes, 2 loads of laundry, dusting.

On my way to go get some BonBons now.
Jamie's Mommy
2009-03-06 11:25:40 UTC
Cashed a week old check, went to the chiropractor and visited my mom at work. And nursed the whole time I've been home. So not much...

OH!!!!! And finished my federal tax return!
2016-10-05 04:41:27 UTC
Wow, thats rather thrilling. i do no longer think of my toddler is my obsession yet she rather is the proper concentration in my existence. and that i myself, rather needed a toddler. i does not be no longer basic on your self, anybody has distinctive thoughts and thats ok. yet i could never think of my existence devoid of her, even collectively as she is thoroughly whinning at this very 2d! :) have you ever theory for you to no longer have completely bonded with your toddler yet? in simple terms some thing to contemplate because of the fact it rather took me a pair months to experience the affection I rather have for my daughter now, and it grows more suitable customary. as long as your are a loving and nurturing discern and you provide your toddler the care he desires you're ok in my e book. think of with reference to the bonding element even with the undeniable fact that...and are you a mom or a dad?
2009-03-06 11:46:21 UTC
I've done some...I can't be on the computer when my grandson who is 11 months old is awake, so I sit on the floor with him and play!!
2009-03-06 11:22:22 UTC
I got my kids to school/preschool, worked out at curves and fed the chickens. I sort of got the kitchen clean but lets just say if guests came for dinner, they'd probably cringe;)
2009-03-06 11:39:07 UTC
I made 100 bottles of arthritic lotions scented with golden alexander and other medicines. took kids to the dentist, DMV and shopped
2009-03-06 11:25:13 UTC
I went to work this morning, then I picked my step daughter up from school
2009-03-06 11:35:48 UTC
I did a presentation in work, and got my design got picked for a new candy bar
Dr. Blue Frog, PhD
2009-03-06 13:25:47 UTC
Work, work, work, answer a few questions, work, work, work, ask a question, go to lunch, get question deleted before I can even look at the 29 answers, work, work, ask/answer a few questions, work, work.
2009-03-06 11:44:03 UTC
Most answers are---Oh nothing. Told yall what SAHM do all day. Well, off to work i go, (after i cook dinner) after cleaning for the past 4 hrs.

Thums down me!! i dare you! Nah, just dont care.
Not a prude
2009-03-06 11:26:34 UTC
Not much, we are all sick.

Parents who send 4 year olds to school are lazy BTW.
2009-03-06 11:25:01 UTC
Most SAHMs do nothing all day. Lucky you for not being so lazy.

What have I done? After breastfeeding, changing my baby's diaper and playing with her for a while (newborn), I put her to sleep and started working. I worked (from the internet) until noon. Then I went to pick our 4yo angel from kindergarten. I cooked lunch, then while Kylie did her homework and played and watched TV, I worked. I am still working.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.