Um...."Vagina" is probably the best name for a vagina.
My son is 2 and a half and he knows that he has a "Penis"
I never understood teaching kids silly names for body parts...
We don't tell them to call their head a "Wee woo" or their leg a "Noo Na" ...
Why would we have them call their genitals ridiculous names?
Makes no sense to me...aren't kids confused about their bodies and their functions enough already??
Why make it even harder and confuse them about the names too?
A Vagina is a vagina and a penis is a big deal.
We have actually been in the grocery store and my son has spouted out conversation about his penis while we were shopping in the "wipes & diaper" was friggin hilarious.
Do you really think that people won't know what she's talking about if she starts talking about her "Privates" or her "Who haw"? It's no less amusing (or embarrasing) if they're using the proper terms...