Being a single parent and going to school is difficult, yet you are doing it to better your life and your child's life, keep that in front of all the time! --- You are doing a good thing...---
This is an investment in your future, a very good investment!!! Stay Focused !!!! Don't let anyone talk you out of this or any other of your dreams, especially cuz of there own misery.. wish the best for them, see them being happy and moving on, or helping...
Creating a support network is so important as a single mom!! Maybe you could even find another and you could share/trade childcare, apts, anything to get you into a more positive environment.
There should be support groups for women in similar situations, if not Start One!!!
Check with Student Services, county or state resources, there are usually help for those doing what you are in terms of school, child-care, etc...
If you can not create a way to move out with another more supportive person, try to be somewhere else most the time, with your kid if possible..
Maybe even put an add in the school paper, bulletin board, put it 'out there' that you need a more supportive living environment, it WILL come to you when you believe it, create it, visualize, Know it will happen for you...
Get the movie The Secret should be a good resource for you.
You will find someone else that you can share this time with that will help you and make it fun even!!