Ɓɛɑʋʈifʋl Ɲiɡɦʈɱɑɾɛ
2012-02-23 22:55:46 UTC
ok, at the end of November my brother came over with his friend\roommate to our parents,
& they have been coming over since just playing games & stuff like that.
at the end of december early January we started going out & we go up to his house every weekend& my daughter liked him until that point now she hates him but i tell her i'll get her something if she's nicer
so she acts a little bit nicer around him but is still a little *********.
he does everything to try to get her to like him but nothing works
she has her own room at his house
we do what she wants
he talked to his friend that has horses & they are going to make a stable (sorry not into horses so i don't know what it's called) for her to get her own horse.
she said "i found the horse i want" so i said you need to chill they haven't made the thing for your horse yet & she said ya it'll probably be done when im dead then.
ever since me & him started dating (it's been about 5 weeks) me & her have been fighting alot more (she starts thim all) & she gets mad because "i don't spend enough time with her?" i work from 8am to 7pm & talk to him for an hr after i get him & on weekends is the only time i can see him so i'm going to spend that time with him. (well sometimes she goes to her great-grandma or grandma's house so i can see him during the week) & she always says "well i wouldn't be like this if it was my real dad" or "i'm going to live with my dad & you wont even care" so i say "fine email him on facebook but you can't be friends with him" she doesn't even know her dad, her dad has been in jail for 6yr & she yelled at me for smoking once. she said "kids learn from their parents stupid. good thing i'm not stupid so i don't make the same stupid mistakes you did"
Why the hell is she like this??
what can i do?
i ran out of idea's of what to do, what should i do?