My parents do gift exchanging and dinner on Christmas Eve (always have) and then my husbands parents do theirs on Christmas day. We do our Christmas here with our daughter (she's 3) on Christmas morning. This year we've decided to hit both grandparents house's on Christmas Eve so that we can spend Christmas Day at home just hanging out, watching movies, playing with toys, and so forth. I am kind of exhausted already just thinking about Christmas Eve because my husbands parents live 2 hours away, which means that we'll be leaving early that morning in order to spend some time with them. Then in the late afternoon we'll have to leave in order to make the 2 hour trip back to get to my parents house by 5pm (they live next door to us). After we've done Christmas at my parents house, then its home to get our daughter changed into her pj's and in bed so that the presents can be put under the tree and just make sure that everything is ready for a 3rd Christmas the next morning lol. I love Christmas, but am I the only one who feels really exhausted with all the traveling and different Christmas's? I'm not complaining at all. I love our family and being together is the most important thing and what Christmas is all about after all, but still, I just can't help but feel really rushed about it all.