2010-08-25 07:35:27 UTC
I've started to notice that the ones who, in my opinion, behave awfully are constantly being told by their parents "Do you want a time out?" It doesn't stop the kids at all. Even if they go through with their threat and put them in time out, within 5 minutes they are back to doing what they were doing.
Of course, there are kids who act out and their parents will say "Do you need a spanking?" and they stop pretty much instantly.
Is this just a coincidence? Because I can remember being little and if I acted like these kids act I'd soon enough be on a trip to the bathroom to get a swat on the butt. I've yet to see one kid come back from a "time out" who actually learned from it in any way, shape, or form.
So, what's up with time outs? Why doesn't hardly anyone use real discipline anymore?