have you been spanked or spank your children?
2011-08-25 15:51:01 UTC
I would like to know if you was spanked how did it make you feel? did it make you hate your parents? did you feel embarrassed? how you was spanked? what did you get spanked with? how many times were you spanked? or if you spank your children how do you do it and what are the reasons for it? as i have never been spanked and always been intrested in this topic and i have a 18 month old son who i would like to disipline in this way when he is older all answers would be very much appreciated
Fourteen answers:
2011-08-25 16:02:56 UTC
I was never spanked as a child. I wish I had been. I do spank my daughter.

I spank her for lying, being disobedient or disrespectful. I never yell at her, call her names or belittle her when I spank her.

When I decided to start spanking, she was 5 (I will start earlier with my next child). I explianed to her at which behaviors would earn a spanking. "If you ever lie to me, I will spank you" or "If I call you to come to me and you ignore me and don't come, I will spank you".

They key after that point is consistency. If I said "If you do that again, I'll spank you", I did it 100% of the time. There were NEVER empty threats.

If she lied, then I would calmly explain to her that "I am going to spank you for lying. You will have a very hard time in life if you grow up to be a liar and because I love you so very much, I am going to spank you so you realize how serious it is to lie. I want you to know that I love you very much and nothing is more important to me that you grow up to be happy"

I would give her a hug and a kiss and I would bend her over my knee and spank her with a wooden spoon 3 times (bare bottom). She always cries and is a little mad at first. If she gets an attitude I tell her to stay in her room by herself until she is ready to quit pouting. Sometimes she stops right away. If she does, I hug her and tell her I love her and talk a little more about what she did wrong. "God doesn't like it when people lie/are disobedient to their parents/whatever".

I am very consistent, so I don't have to spank very often. Never spank while you are angry, you could hurt them or all they end up remembering is your anger, not the lesson or what they did wrong.

You spank your kids because you love them and want them to turn out decent; make sure they understand that. If they are young, they may not understand that with words, but they can understand that by your actions.
2011-08-25 16:03:32 UTC
I was spanked as a child. And of course at the time, I hated it and I was very upset. No, I never hated my mother for spanking me. I was upset with her, I might not have liked her for a couple of hours later but I never ever hated her. No, I never felt embarrassed about it. I was never spanked in public, I got my spankings when we were at home so there was no one there who I felt embarrassed by. I was spanked on my but with a belt. And how many licks I got usually depended on the the severity of whatever it was I had done. I can say now, that I'm 22, I absolutely am grateful to my mother for the experience. Most of my spankings came from not making a certain grade in school, some other things, but it was usually about my school work.

The reason my spankings worked was because she never made in idle threats. If she said I was getting a spanking, I usually got one. When I was younger and thought about doing something wrong, I always thought about the repercussions first. As I got older and matured, I thought less about the repercussions and more about if what I was doing was right or wrong. Through those spankings, or maybe the fear of them, I learned to just do right.

There will be people who will tell you that spankings aren't good, you shouldn't spank your children. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, I believe that you can try the less physical approach first. But what works for some might not work for all. And if saying "NO" doesn't work, or if punishments and time-outs don't work, and if taking away things doesn't work, next in line is the spanking.
2011-08-26 06:29:49 UTC
If you don't spank him before he is 7 (age appropriate) then likely by the time he is 12 you will be wanting his dad to spank him.

How does it feel to be spanked? Sure doesn't feel pleasant, Hate parents for spanking? NO. As long as we experience parental love and affection 24/7/365 along with the rare bare warming of the backside. Hot hate parents; but sure 'hate' the paddle. Perhaps that is why it is RARE.


It does worry me, though ... so many moms talk about "my son". I understand there are lots of dads lost in America's wars ... but a guy sure does need a dad to nuture him and teach him all sort of "guy" things. As well as occasionally teaching him a lesson via his butt.
hunter d
2011-08-25 19:38:55 UTC
I was spanked as a child and I have spanked my kids! I got a swift swat on my *** a few times & 1-2 cracks in the mouth (4 disrespecting or using the forbidden "F" word) & I can tell you that it got my attention & made me realize that I had better not do that thing again! I lived w/my grandparents (because my dad was physically abusive towards me) so I grew up "old school" & I thank god that I did! I love the person that I turned out to b! And they had a huge roll in that!
2011-08-25 16:00:43 UTC
i always was. it makes u feel bad, and sorry about what you did wrong, and kind of embarassed if its like bare butt which was usual. But since it was always my mom that spanked not really. mostly u feel like a little kid when u still get them when your older!!!

u dont spank an 18 month old tho. They wont understnad it and its dangerous to them. u have to wait till they are like 3 or something. I love my mom She's the best! she never spanked me with anything except her hand. she didnt abuse me. its JUST a spanking is all.
Your Highness
2011-08-25 16:20:59 UTC
My siblings and I were all spanked when we were little kids. We were always warned before hand that we would get a spanking if we misbehaved again, so when we continued to misbehave, my dad stuck to his word. We learned not to disobey my dad, because we knew we'd get spanked. It was just one smack on the butt. He would take out a belt to scare us more but I don't remember if he actually ever used it.

We were too young to hate our parents, or remember how it felt. It can't have been that bad because my dad always tells a story of how two of my brothers got in trouble, and one brother offered to take two spankings so the older brother wouldnt get one. So he got nothing for being courteous, and the older brother got one anyway...haha
2014-11-24 15:01:03 UTC
Yes I have been soaked I am know. I got spanked in the 5th grade and on. One day I got caught masturbathing in 7th grade. My parents toled me to bend over naked and they started to spank me. It made me feel bad about myself but I knew that I deserved it. Later my dad got out a ruler and started to spank me. After my butt was really red and I get spanked if I do something bad. Everyone in my family gets spanked if they do naughty things. It isn't right to spank a 2 or 3 year old boy or girl
2011-08-25 16:23:46 UTC
My father occasionally spanked me and yes I do have memories of it, I do remember being scared of him sometimes and NO I'm not joking or making this up so don't give me a thumbs down either, just speaking from my own experience. My mother never did spank me though and we avoid spanking our children as well.
Burrito Queen
2011-08-25 16:07:44 UTC
Hi! I was spanked as a child. Only by my dad and with his hand. I didn't hate my parents, I just felt bad for whatever I did because I was a naughty little kid. My dad never spanked us hard, I never cried and I wasn't mad at him. I got a little mad at myself like "Grr why did I do that!" but never mad at my dad because I was the one who was being naughty. I can't remember the last time I was spanked but it was around 6 or 7, no higher than that.

I plan on spanking my children too because I know time outs do not work. I remember as a kid when I got spanked I tried to be good and I listened to my parents, but my mom put us in timeout and when I was in timeout I just thought, "Mommy is so mean!" or "Hehehe I got away with it" Not those exact words but yeah.. I either felt mad or happily evil because all I had to do was sit there for a couple minutes. Spanking only took like 10 seconds and it didn't hurt that bad, just a tiny little bit.

Spanking isn't wrong like many people think it is. Its not child abuse. Spanking your kid a little but on the bum when their misbehaving isn't abuse. When my dad was a kid he was whipped with a belt until he butt was bleeding. He was beat with a wooden spoon. He was punched by his dad. He was tackled to the ground. And my dad still doesn't consider THAT abuse. I would never think badly of my dad for spanking, and my dad doesn't think badly of his dad for doing that stuff to him. He still loves his dad and forgave him for what he did to him when he was a kid. I don't think spanking is bad at all, its a great way to discipline children. It doesn't teach them that its okay to hit unless you spank them 50 times a day every day for no reason. They won't do anything bad because they KNOW that if they do they'll get spanked.

I think you should discipline your son in this way. I think its best to use your hand because it hurts the least. And spoons and belts and other stuff like that hurt badly.
2011-08-25 16:06:23 UTC
I was spanked (more like beaten) as a child. Didn't phase me much, as I knew it meant I had won (they would get angry before they did it, a sign they had been beaten). They gave up trying when I was around 8.

I do hate my parents, but not because I was spanked. I hate them because they are horrible people.

Spanking isn't a bad form of discipline, there are just people that discipline in a bad way (i.e. getting angry will negate it all).
2014-04-20 15:30:50 UTC
I was spanked when I was younger. Most of the time it would be over my mom's knee and bare bottom with her hand, it still hurt though. Sometimes if it was right then and there she would just spank me clothed bottom, but a lot of the time was bare bottom over her knee. To a kid it obviously hurt.
Lisa N
2011-08-25 15:58:30 UTC
i only got spanked once when i was about 10 because i was beating up my older sister i hated my mum for a little while after would but now we have a good relationship and i still remember it after 19 years
2011-08-25 16:00:57 UTC
i was spanked when i was younger with either a belt or a cleaned twig.i understood that my parents spanked me because they love me and want me to behave.they never hit me super hard,and they never left any marks on me.they hit me hard enough to get the point not saying i liked getting spanked but it did NOT make me hate my parents.its been a while since they've spanked me and im 15 years of age.because of them i am a social student who take advanced class and behaves.i wasn't spanked to often,except sometimes when i misbehaved on purpose.
2011-08-25 15:58:55 UTC
i was never spanked. and neither will i spank my children. they do not need to be spanked to be told off if they do something wrong.

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