2012-10-09 08:07:16 UTC
His mother has had custody of him in another state for years, and we have him all summer and during holidays. As such, all we've ever seen is a well-mannered, helpful, respectful kid. He doesn't do drugs, drink, have sex or any other extremely alarming thing.
However, this year, his mom was between jobs and asked us if he could come to school here. This thrilled us, as he's always been a poor student, and because his mom was single and going to school and working, we attributed it to her not having the time to spend with him.
The problem is, this kid just WILL NOT get with the program. His dad wanted to go easy on him the first couple of weeks, because he was in a new school, and we didn't want to be seen as ogres of parents, since next year, he will be allowed to choose with whom he lives. We were really hoping that school would go well, and he'd just love it here, and want to stay.
In the past two weeks, he has begun lying to us about small things (whether he laid his clothes out for school, whether his homework was done, when assignments were assigned and due, whether he'd played on the computer before the homework was completed, etc). He's also dropping the ball on studying for tests (he got a78 on a geometry test and was allowed a retest. He scored a 72 on the retest). This was two days AFTER he'd told me that, while his dad and I were at work on a Saturday, he'd spent ALL DAY looking at fight videos online, because he had nothing else to do. He takes over an hour in the shower every morning (and claims he's not doing THAT, if you know what I mean), then nearly half an hour to dress. Again, when I look in on him, he's walking in circles talking to himself.
Every night, he spends HOURS in his room doing homework that should take maybe 1-2 hours. Every time I open his door, he's walking around with a foam sword or talking to himself or playing with a toy gun. This kid is 15. It bothers me a little that he's so immature sometimes. I know he should be doing homework at the kitchen table or out in the open, but his 2 year old sister is constantly distracting him when he does that.
I feel that there should be consequences for the lying, the screwing around instead of homework, and the refusal to study. But I'm also afraid that he may have some undiagnosed learning disability that is causing some of it. I've always maintained that I thought he was mildly autistic. He's obsessive, he must rock to get to sleep, and he makes strange noises out of nowhere sometimes as if he can't help himself. He's very picky about what textures of food he'll eat and is skittish around loud noises.
I maintain that, even if there's a disability, he should be accountable for certain things, and if he doesn't do them, he should see consequences. Like, if he doesn't get to the breakfast table on time, he has to eat cereal instead of the cooked breakfast I make most mornings. No computer before homework, and if he defies that, then no computer for the rest of that evening or the next. If he didn't lay out his clothes, he doesn't get to take a soda to school (his dad lets him take one every morning).
I know a lot of this is our fault for letting him get away with so much, but how do I convince my husband that it's time to crack down and REALLY get this boy doing what he should? My husband wants to be the nice guy with him, but he's just so frustrated with the shenanigans that he's about ready to explode.
Please let me know if you've had a similar experience and what worked for you to get the child back on track