Do you think christian parents should have the right to choose to have their children baptised?
2007-12-30 14:24:46 UTC
Or to wait until the child is old enough to think for themselves?
38 answers:
2007-12-30 14:27:45 UTC
Well, I think that they should baptize their children if they so choose, but then it is up to the child when he is old enough to be confirmed and accept Christ.
2007-12-30 15:51:12 UTC
Alot of Christian parents have their child baptised when they are a baby. However, they allow them to make the decision on their own when they get older.

I was allowed to make the decision on my own, but I was baptised at 10 because my sister didn't want to do it alone. I had no idea what I was doing at 10. I didn't understand and actually try to live for Jesus until I was 19. That's when I really allowed Him in my heart, so yes. I think parents should let their children decide when they are ready. Wait until they understand what they are doing. It will all happen in time.
2007-12-30 14:51:08 UTC
I think that it should be the children decision when they get older if that what the parents decide to do. But if the parents really want the child to get baptised then they should go ahead and do it. I think that having a child baptisied when there younger is how there parents viewpoint on the religion is.
♥ Mama to Michael + bean ♥
2007-12-30 14:36:13 UTC
I think that parents should have the right to have their children baptised as early as they want them to be.

The children can make choices as to whether they want to take steps to show their commitment to the church/god at a later age, such as choosing whether or not they take holy communion at the age of 8 (approx) or confirmation at the age of 14/15 (again approx).

I doubt that any child has been emotionally scarred by the fact that they were baptised as a child, and i know many non practising christians who are glad they were baptised as infants.
2007-12-30 14:34:03 UTC
The real purpose for baptism is to signify the washing away of the old person and the cleansed new soul emerging. It is just a symbol. I believe if left to someone to choose on their own it should come about after their personal conversion experience which can only be made after the point in life where the child is old enough to think for himself. My opinion of baby baptism is that it is a way of symbolizing that child has been dedicated to God by the parents and the people within the church have promised to help in raising that child up in the knowledge of Christ.
2007-12-30 14:41:32 UTC
My three - year - old will be baptized on Mother's Day of this year. He was supposed to be baptized at 3 months old, but my dear father - in - law was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery just days before the baptism. It was a shock to the entire family, especially when he was diagnosed with cancer. We kept putting off the baptism so "Grampy" could be there. Things kept coming up, especially with taking care of the family while my FIL was sick. Unfortunately, my son's Grampy passed away in July. We do feel sad that he won't be able to attend the baptism, but he was too sick to attend when we tried to schedule it anyway. We decided that since we had already waited so long, we would wait until our son turned three and do it on Mother's Day. That way, he will be old enough to understand the importance of baptism.

I'm currently pregnant, and unless something happens to Baby #2 that will require us to baptize him/her earlier, we will wait until his/her third birthday to have the baptism.

We chose to wait so our children would understand the importance of the ceremony, but I think parents should be able to baptize the child at an early age if they choose. Parents do have to make some decisions for their children; it comes with the territory. The only time I would oppose it is if the child is old enough to understand, and does not wish to be baptized.
2007-12-30 14:29:25 UTC
I think they should wait until the child is old enough to think for themselves, but unfortunatly this wouldn't happen because the parent would end up taking them to church and teaching them their christian beliefs, so they wouldn't have much choice in religion. But they should wait until the child is old enough (after experiencing the religion) to decide whether they want to be baptized or not.
2007-12-30 15:55:01 UTC
I do not think it is right at all for parents to have their children baptized. My parents did this to me and I have never agreed with it. However, since I do agree with the religion I guess it is now no big deal. I did not have my children baptized and they are very happy I did not. They appreciate the fact I left the choice to them.
2007-12-30 14:40:43 UTC
As a catholic, children can be baptized at any time but they don't have to be CONFIRMED. Confirmation happens later in their life (9th to 10th grade) and is entirely up to the child. It requires a lot of work and thought and the child chooses a sponsor to help them through it, rather then have their parents push them into it. This way, the child does have a choice once they have put some thought into their faith, rather then a whimsical descision.
2007-12-30 15:12:51 UTC

Baptism / Dedication is the 1st step of a baby’s journey to God.

It is a promise of the parents to bring up their baby knowing God.

The real question is:

Should parents be allowed to Baptize / Dedicate their infant if they themselves have not made an expressed commitment to serve Jesus Christ & raise their child in accordance with God's Word.

If you have been baptized once, there is no need to be baptized again.

When the child is older and they understand what they are promising - they have choices:

1. They can choose to be Baptized, if they were dedicated

2. They can choose to rededicate their faith if they were baptized
2007-12-30 14:41:27 UTC
Since we're Catholic, we have our children christened/baptized in infancy. We are responsible for bringing up our children as we see fit, so naturally, yes, we have that right. The unfortunate thing is that people see it as something negative, when it's really nothing negative at all. My husband and I were raised in Catholic families, and we are strong in our faith. As Catholics, " e acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins..." (from the Nicene Creed). We take our faith seriously, and do share it with our children because as parents we have a moral and religious obligation to instill the same in our children.

..."Since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized."
2007-12-30 14:43:05 UTC
I think the parents should have the right to choose for baptism. When the child gets older, then they are given the choice to or to not get confirmed which is similiar, but instead, they take on the same responsibilities instead of the parents doing it on their behalf.
Stacy S
2007-12-30 14:31:14 UTC
In our church baptism is a sign and symbol, rather a commitment on the behalf of the parents that they will raise their child in Christ. Teach them to pray, pray for them and set a Christ like example. The church body also commits to pray for that child and support them however they can. Profession of faith is when that child is old enough to make that choice to accept Jesus as their own personal Savior!
2007-12-30 14:29:56 UTC
I think Christian parents should have their children decide that for themselves. Whenever they are ready to be baptized, they should consult with their parents. I am a 13 -year-old Christian myself and am not baptized yet, although I am thinking about being baptized next year.
2007-12-30 14:28:10 UTC
Personally i don't think baby baptism is worth the water in the font. To be baptised/christened is supposed to wash away sin, how can small children sin when they don't know right from wrong?

If it makes them feel good then lts the parents do it, but i think it should be left for the child to decide.
2007-12-30 15:33:18 UTC
I think that as long as they are not abusing or harming their children, they should act out on their religious beliefs as they feel convicted. If the parents believe that it is something necessary, I would be worried if they did not do it as that is a sign of weakness in their faith.
2007-12-30 14:48:19 UTC
I'm a christain, and my parents have not forced me to do anything, because we believe it's the individual's rights to their relationship with god and jesus christ, getting baptised to me signifies that your admitting your sins and you want to change to live a new life, your parents should have no authority over your decisions in any religion may it be.
2007-12-31 05:25:56 UTC
I think children should make an informed choice when they are old enough to understand and decide for themselves. Its the Church's again with their teachings or should I say brainwashing that have babies christened. I was christened as a baby but now I'm witch taking responsibility for my own thoughts and deeds.
2007-12-31 04:42:00 UTC
i think that childrenshould be allowed to make the choice for themselves.
2007-12-30 14:39:33 UTC
Different denominations do it differently.

I personally got my daughter baptized. She will be raised as a Christian, but if, however, when she's older, she wants to explore other relgions on her own, then that's fine, I don't think she will resent me for baptizing her. No harm, no foul.
2007-12-30 14:42:13 UTC
I personally, although im not christian, would like to have my children christened but im going to wait until they are old enough to decide, same as with ear peircing. i think parents should make decitions like this if its in the childs best interest but otherwise wait till the child is old enough to decide. i would hate to get my children christened and then when theyre older hate me for doing it.
2007-12-30 14:31:55 UTC
In our church, we do baby dedications which "introduce" the child to God. Then, you make the decision when you're older as to whether you want to be baptized. I was 21 when I got baptized, my hubby 28.

I think the theory most go by is that they are "protecting" the baby in God's eyes. I believe that babies are born divine and therefore don't need it until they are old enough to make the decision for themselves.
devin .
2007-12-30 14:29:33 UTC
when I was a baby my mom was Lutheran and I was baptised then, but when i was 13 I was baptised again as a Christian (not lutheran anymore) (no offense to anyone) and I actually understood it..
2007-12-30 14:28:58 UTC
Yes i do, it is their child, their child if they do not want to be christian is not really going to care if they were baptised it is not mentally scarring lol.
2007-12-30 14:29:12 UTC
No, i do not think that parents should have the right to have their child babtised. the child needs to decide 2 live for christ on his/her own. The parents can show them a christian lifesyle, but i believe that children need to make the decision of being babtized themself.
2007-12-30 14:34:34 UTC
Well, if their kid turns out not to be a Christian then it's not going to matter. If you don't believe in baptism then all your parents did was dunk you in some water.
2007-12-30 14:28:50 UTC
I feel they have the right to baptised their child.
2007-12-30 14:29:09 UTC

I dont see the rush!

Personally I wouldnt want to be baptised and im glad i never was!

MY cousin made the choice when she was 16... i think its a better idea!

Especially as britain is becoming less or a religion domenated place!

Hopefully we wont be taken over by muslim and all the other forign religions!
2007-12-30 15:52:31 UTC
You do have the right to choose to have them baptized or not.
2007-12-30 14:28:16 UTC
My parents didn't baptise me and I'm 13 now and glad they didn't. I got to choose what I wanted to be!
2007-12-30 15:25:45 UTC
i think parents have the right
2007-12-30 14:41:31 UTC
I think it should be the child's choice when he is old enough to decide for him or her self.
2007-12-30 14:27:34 UTC
they do in most churches, in most churches its up to the child to choose when they're older
2007-12-30 14:28:30 UTC
this is one of those things that a person needs to make their own choice, and hope they do the right thing.
2007-12-30 14:28:03 UTC
i thn kthey doo

but for me.. i want to get baptized cause i havet and my mom is unsure..she ischristian but..its just how e is?
2008-01-01 04:13:50 UTC
all that is , is a silly ceremony involving water and a sort of welcome to the community ceremoney as well.

however kids should be brought you white an honest rational way of think.

Rational would include mentioning all the sexisim, homopbobia. letting them grow up knowing gay people,and nude models, and single mums and finding out they are nice and witches and pagans and haevey metallers. Seeing how sex and sexaulity is a good thing and marriages dont awalys work out and not happily ever after and many unmarried couples are better parents then married ones.

leaning all abou the inquistion, the horrendous damage of the churches ploicy on contrception and sex ed.

How it treats young females who get pregnant, how it has run sectarian wars, terrorisim, the centuries of the inquisition.

how many of the miracles may be misunderstood things and that many of the biblical stories bear an uncanny resembalnce to earlier stories like Gilgamesh was the inspiration for Noah.

And tuaght all about how you get virgin births... 1 month watching the teen section here should give kids a understadning of vigin births theres loads of them there.

How the parting of the red seas sounds just like a tsunamie.

Burning bush? abount the same area cannibia and herion poppies grow.

etc etc...

Oh and how easter , valentines day and sex have a lot in common ie easter or Eosteur the saxon fertility and sex and love god whose symbol was a hair orginially was on easter.

the Horrific abuse of girls and children at the hands of the church and how the popes are evil sons of bit~~es

and all the repression...

How much power sexaulity and being hot, female, young and fertile and single gives girls power therefore why old men hated that and saoid it was immoral

See how ambramic monthestic dominant sexaully repressive relgions actually work

then see how keen they are to be christians...when can think for themselves with the relavant info

Some sources are below

3) More Murder Rape and Pillage (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

What kind of God approves of murder, rape, and slavery?

4) Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

What kind of lunatic would make a rape victim marry her attacker? Answer: God.


Ie quote from bible


4) Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

What kind of lunatic would make a rape victim marry her attacker? Answer: God.;jsessionid=10dHF4CTTJscL8MCC3vMFFM22YvRvGf2K590c3fwYHk85bMQWNvK!-905460309!-1407319225!7001!-1



'The Magdelen Sisters' should be in your video shop but the tv drama 'sinners' was more accurate if you can find it.

over 30,000 were involved up till old were you at that time?

How many of your friends, you or your sister could have ended up here.

Abusing, raping, and ripping the babies from the arms of 30,000 girls up to just 10 years ago

Origonal documentry available from

CHURCH SUPPORT FOR CHILD RAPE'led+cover-up+of+child+abuse+by+priests'/,6903,1020400,00.html,6903,1020400,00.html

2007-12-30 14:44:03 UTC
no - it is the childs right.
2007-12-30 14:27:20 UTC
No it should be your own decision when your older. What if the kid doesnt want to be religous when he grows up?

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