Does anyone here believe that satellite tagging for our children would be a good idea, given what's happened?
2007-05-17 07:43:31 UTC
I'm of course referring to the recent abduction of Maddie McCann from England in Portugal?

Would the price of KNOWING where to find your child at ALL times be worth the minor discomfort of implanting the tag under our kids skins?

I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks...
37 answers:
2007-05-17 07:48:34 UTC
Yes I think it is a good idea ....wonder if they are thinking of anything like this ............
2007-05-17 08:11:53 UTC
Very big brotherish. Also dangerous.

I know it would give some parents peace of mind, but it would also relax them into being less vigilant. People leave their children unattended enough as it is.

Besides, what's to say that tag couldn't be removed by an abductor?

Who would have access to the locater? There are some parents who should not have access to their children FOR A REASON.

According to NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), The largest number of missing children are, from most frequent to least frequent:

1. Runaways

2. Family abductions

3. Lost, injured or otherwise missing children

4. Nonfamily abductions (in these cases, the child is at greatest risk of injury or death).

Picture this: the movie Minority Report where the wall display Ads were tuned to an individual person. How far will they go? Slippery Slope argument, I know, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. We've already got customized ads based on our internet use (if you don't clean out those damn cookies). What's next?
2007-05-17 08:07:14 UTC
Hi, I suppose it does sound like a good idea but It probably isnt right to do this for many reasons. I think every parent would like something like this but I dont think its possble because where your child is is where you are usually and its the whole privacy thing.

But even so having a tag in the children still doesnt stop someone taking the child if there left without a parent and it still doesnt ensure the safty of the child either.

Yes we maybe will know where they are but whats to say the werido who has kidnapped the child in the first place has done whatever they plan to do, it could still be too late. So it doesnt really serve a perpose as for one thing any young child or toddler should always be with the parents or relatives someone they trust at all times, so there shouldnt be need for these in young children as there parents should be looking after them no matter what,

I know her parents were only a few minutes away but anything could happend not nesscary what has happend like a fire or something could of happend etc something that is unlikely but what could happen always should run throguh any parents mind even if they are going back and checking I dont know what her parents where thinking. But its just a parents worst nightmare the this has happend.

Yes I suppose from the ages of 13 upwards so you know whar your child is up to weather going places they shouldnt etc. but no teenager would like that.

I just hope that she is safe and they find her. Everyone is praying for her.
2007-05-17 08:28:32 UTC
Call me overprotective but my 13 year old is limited to where he can be without me having him in my sight so no I do not think this is a good idea..the simple truth is that if these parents would have ordered take out or had a family dinner while on family holiday together then curled up and watched a movie rather then leaving the building with their 3 toddlers in it alone then there would be no tracking necessary. My neighbor lives 50 ft from my house and I would not even go into her house for 5 minutes without bringing my toddler with me even if he were sleeping he could still wake up the second I left...put something small in his mouth and choked to death in that 5 minutes or fallen down the stairs and lost alot of blood in 5 minutes. My dad mad a rude comment to me the other day that my husband works and I stay home so I should do the lawn mowing which takes a few hours even with a tractor. I said I am not putting toddler on a riding mower with me because it is just not safe and he said just pop a movie in and let the tv babysit him basically. Yeah right!! So again my answer is no..parents need to just stop being selfish and think of their children rather then themselves. Do you know how many parents would leave their kids alone if they had something like this?
2007-05-17 12:22:34 UTC
i think this is a proposition that wouldn't be out of place in Orwell's '1984'!

If Maddie McCann was tagged to the hilt, would that have stopped her abductor taking her? Hell no, it would make it difficult but like the proposed Identity cards 'stopping' terrorism this theory was, pardon the pun blown out of the water by ID card carrying bombers in Madrid and 9/11.

Unfortunately thousands of children go missing each day over the world, tags will just mean the government will be getting even more revenue when the only thing that can stop kidnappers etc is vigilance by parents and guardians.

And do you think the govt/private company that runs the kiddie tagging scheme won't be above being sued if little 'tommie' is found dead somewhere, tag in place around leg?
2007-05-17 07:51:48 UTC
I think better parenting would be even more productive. So you can track your cell phone or car if they ever get stolen, but also remember that companies also have the abilities to track this information as well for "statistical purposes".

Imagine what "statistical purposes" could be put to use with your child?


Why do you think Orwell wrote the books he did? Because he saw that society had the tendency to do stuff like this for personal gain. This isn't paranoia and it certainly IS protecting our children so do not even think to assume that we do not care as much as you do.

I still say that better parenting is the key. Of course there's always going to be human error and children will be abducted, but at least parents can lessen the risk the good ol' fashioned way of knowing where their kids are and knowing that they are in a safe place.

No, leaving your 4 yr old in a hotel room alone in a foreign country (or even in your own country/state/county/city) is NOT knowing that they are in a safe place.
2007-05-17 07:50:06 UTC
Personally, I like the idea. But it doesn't replace the burden that parents have to make sound decisions for their children. Look, evil people will find a way to abduct children. But I'm not going to give them an opportunity to get mine. I always know where he is. I would certainly not leave him alone in a hotel room while I go out for dinner or drinks or whatever. Parents needs to make responsible decisions. And then a satellite system such as this would help us in the event a whacko is still able to get a child. Personally, I am 100% for capital punishment when it comes to the abduction of children. They are our future, and a most innocent form of human being. Anyone who abuses that situation - off with their head!!!!
2007-05-17 10:16:46 UTC
I think they are somewhat at fault, they were being targeted because the perpertrator knew they were in the habit of leaving their kids alone!! I think they should have be more mindful of their children. That being said, if this was common practice, ( if we all tagged our children), then I`m sure perverts and sickos would find a way of removing the implant before the kidnapping happened, or they would find some way of deactivating the device..Where there is an invention there is a way debunk it or to deinvent it!!
2007-05-17 08:13:17 UTC
Parenting, thats what child protection is all about.

Like most satellite devices they dont work inside buildings, forest area, high rock formations, inside many vehicles that have little glass area.

Great idea yes, but it still is not full proof. Also a device can be used to locate a chip implanted in a child.

Later in life the power source also has to be renewed.
2007-05-17 08:05:47 UTC
i think its completly sick at whats happend! and i cant believe any parent would leave a child under 13 alone let alone a 4yr old. its wrong and although they are going through a real tough ordeal at the moment, they should feel guilty as **** and b out searching everydamn hour ov the day instead ov gettin up, having breakfast and sunbathing...since this whole situation ive never once seen her parents cry. i would either have killed myself by now or be out every single minute of the day searching the same place 5tyms really winds me up everytime i think ov that poor child absolutly frightened at the moment and her parents are lounging around the appartment and acting so normal. If that child is still alive and her kidnaper has actualy let her watch tv and she has seen the image ov her brother, sister, mum and dad walking around instead ov being hysterical..she'll think they dont care.a childs mind works in a weired way and she doesnt understand whats going on!

its a cracking idea but i think it should be the law only to try to track the child in extreme cases such as this.

i hope the guy rots in hell.all criminals who do this sort ov thing should be locked up in a room tied to a chair with the childs parents and family and let them do what they want to him.
2007-05-17 07:51:38 UTC
Madeleine's parents knew exactly where they thought she was - alone with two 2 year olds in a hotel room while they went out for dinner.

Satellite tagging won't prevent things like this happening - all people can do is look after their children as best they can (not leaving them alone while they go out for dinner is a start) and make sure and remember that incidents like this are very rare.
2007-05-17 13:28:16 UTC
It's not about the discomfort of implanting a chip and later removing it. I can live with that. It's all the other negative consequences of tracking kids that I've got a problem with. (I just answered a similar question a couple of hours ago on that, I'm not going to repeat them here).
2007-05-17 07:55:17 UTC
Not only would it help keep track of our children but it could save lives as well. The chip can be encoded with medical information that hospitals can just scan and get all the information on them. Makes it an important life saving tool as doctors have instant access to chronic problems such as diabetes, heart trouble, and other illnesses. They can see what medications the child is on and thus make sure it is not an allergic reaction. The problem with the chip is that you have to redo it every so many years. They tend to move a little bit as well. Plus the company that supplies them charges a monthly service fee in order to keep track of the information on the chip.
2016-10-05 10:07:47 UTC
besides my inclination to cite William Shakespeare approximately life being a play i'm sitting right here questioning what the actual question in the back of your question is. I for one surely did no longer carry directly to the concepts that my mothers and fathers had and tried to bypass directly to me and my siblings. I probably could have extra income the present day if I had obtained and hung directly to their behavior of thought, yet this is all. whilst i think of of all the reports and adventures that i could have had to omit out on, nicely I nevertheless say `No thank you`. could you p.c. to positioned on an analogous outfits for some hundred years or extra? it could get a sprint uninteresting or `old hat` as they say. individually i could prefer to handle further and further roles. different those I actual have performed in the previous avert or ward off me from experiencing different the others i could opt to stay. i ask your self how i'm going to ever get to them if no longer via taking to the curtains and re-stepping into on the different factor of the degree. i opt to be limitless. i opt to be loose to p.c.. i choose the full manzana.
2007-05-17 11:26:25 UTC
Sadly with reflection of the evil creatures that stalk our children, and I have experienced just how close you can be to loosing your child to a stranger on two occasions!!! They are me!

Yes if it was done under anaesthetic or something, it would help. One child missing is one child too many!

However, a better idea would perhaps be to TATTOO a large "P" on the foreheads of these creatures and leave them to TRY and live in the community, a pretty good deterrent?

I have empathy with what ever and who ever, but NONE whatsoever with anything that is sick enough to hurt a child in ANY way!

Thirdly.... I would LOVE to be the person who treats these creatures who have this CONDITION, (I would do it for free!) preferably with a rusty razor blade and a couple of bricks....Please! Please! Please! My idea of a perfect career!
2007-05-17 12:11:07 UTC
It's very funny you asking this question - I asked a similar one several weeks ago and got many answerers slagging me off for suggesting this terrible infringement of human rights! It's amazing what it takes to get people round to my point of view!

I totally agree with your proposal and having two kids under 5 would very happily tag them if I could. I wouldn't want the hell those people are going through now...
Ivor Hugh G.Rection
2007-05-17 07:47:34 UTC
Are you serious?

You would willingly let a number of faceless corporations (ie government, police etc) know where your child is all their life?!

Believe me you wouldn't be the only one knowing where they were at all times!! I don't trust anyone that much I'm afraid!!

The chances of your child being abducted is very, very small (like millions to one). Yet you would willingly abandon their right to privacy for their entire life without their consent?

If they do do this (and I bet they will), it should at least be VOLUNTARY. Otherwise we will slide into the hellish 'microchipped society' Orwell envisioned in 1984 where everyone is known, tagged and tracked their entire lives....
2007-05-17 07:49:11 UTC
it would be easier and cheaper to tag all the sick perverts but i would willingly pay to have my child chipped so that i knew where she was. only problem would be if someone was to take her they could hack her to bits trying to find the chip so he wouldnt get caught by the police. i think all nutters and pervs want locking up in a cell with no window, bread and water for meals, no tv, no games room, no gym and only let out of their room for 1 hour a day for a wash and to empty their buckets. in fact all criminals should be treated this way. maybe we wouldnt have such a high reoffending rate.
2007-05-17 08:16:34 UTC
No, if you are anything like a good parent, you will know where your child is, and always have an eye on them, never letting them leave your sight, you would not want the government and god knows who else to know where your kids are!!!
Amy A
2007-05-17 07:48:27 UTC
I think this is a great idea but then when they are 16 they would have to be removed and this might be a painful process. It would defo help in these kind of situations, good question!
2007-05-17 07:51:23 UTC
noooo way to big brother for me people SHOULD be able to responsibly look after their children themselves. I'm sure were not to far off if tho with all the CCTV id cards and all other tracking devices now adays
2007-05-17 13:47:51 UTC
If all the recent reports on satellite navigation is anything to go by, then the answer has to be no
2007-05-17 07:49:24 UTC
i would agree with your question tag them so if in any case of sepperation in a busy place or by some scarry case they would get taken. i have heard of cases where the child is taken out of there own home.
2007-05-17 12:58:07 UTC
If they were all tagged, how would you know who's secretly watching and what influence would you have? I attach a link that shows "authority" can't always be trusted.
2007-05-17 08:10:39 UTC
they should fit all babies as standard with a micro chip, which when needed sends out a signal which can be located by a pc. everybody would be given their own number like a national insurance number it might cut down on crime as well because nobody could hide out
Waiting and Wishing
2007-05-17 07:46:35 UTC
There are no more child abductions now than there ever were, I think it's silly and kind of big brotherish.
2007-05-17 07:52:36 UTC
I think that's going a bit far. I don't believe there are any foolproof methods to keep children safe from everything, sadly.
2007-05-17 08:02:48 UTC
That's a great idea, someone should try to make that happen. That would be a huge relief to any parents mind.
2007-05-17 07:46:00 UTC
I do feel sorry for the family - however, I dont believe they are not at fault - never leave your children unattended - even for short periods of time.
2007-05-17 07:52:55 UTC
i really think thats the worst idea ever!! they are just tryin to control everyone

first its the kids from kidnapping then its adults then its new borns then every person in every city state country and continent
2007-05-17 07:55:05 UTC
I would definatly do it, as long as it was reversable after they were adults and it diddnt cause any health problems.
2007-05-17 07:46:57 UTC
I think it's a great idea, I am about to have my first child and would do it in a heartbeat!
Andy K
2007-05-17 07:47:58 UTC
yes, but it doesn't stop parents being dumb.....keep a eye on at all times and never leave them on their own...
2007-05-17 07:45:27 UTC
2007-05-17 07:46:36 UTC
yes at birth.
2007-05-17 07:50:22 UTC
this is wrong don't do it i think this may be the sign of the beast
2007-05-17 07:52:35 UTC
i dont want any of my kids to have this.

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