2007-07-30 04:21:30 UTC
She thinks I am a bad mom because of this, She says I am only do it cause she has a baby and and I am trying to punish her , that she knows lots of teen agers with baby and there parents do not make them buy anything, other then what the baby needs.
Also since I have gotten tired of doing EVERY dish in the house I have given her 1 plate 1 bowl, 1 knife, fork, and spoon and 1 cup. She can have use the pots and pans that are in the kitchen but has to wash them alone with 'her' dishes. She thinks this abuse too.. I have told her is she does not wash out the pots and pans she uses then she will not be able to use them and will have to get her own and wash them or I will leave them dirty in her room.
Wait there is more..................