IS 12 to old to spank?
2007-11-05 16:53:48 UTC
Grounding and taking things away dont work!
36 answers:
2007-11-06 22:22:54 UTC
Not at all. I've never understood why it's supposedly wrong to spank children who are older than a certain age. If you ask me, you aren't too old to get spanked until you turn 18 and are legally an adult.
2007-11-05 19:29:32 UTC
If the behavior is severe enough, then it is not too old to spank. But if it is just a matter of your child not listening (not cleaning up, doing his homework, etc.) then you should find other ways to dicipline him.

I am so sick of all the "spanking teaches children to hit!" so called studies. The studies conducted which stated children became hitters themselves was when hitting was the ONLY form of discipline, not an occassional disciplinary tactic.

Let's see, over the past 20 years or so, americans have decided that spanking is wrong and that children are emotionally injured by it. And over the last 20 years, felonies have increased, many children are selfish and completely disrespectful, and there are more children shooting up schools and ignoring authority. More and more kids are being put on medication because the teachers can't handle them or discipline them, not because they have ADHD (I'm not saying ADHD doesn't exist, because it most certainly does, and for these children, the medicine is a lifesaver!). We didn't hear of nearly as many cases of ADHD and childhood violence back in the days when spanking was used as an occassional method of discipline. I had an occassional spanking as a child, and I definately learned not to repeat such and such behavior. Some children would never have to be spanked, but go work in a daycare where you have a 5 year old child who likes to bite the teacher, hit children over the head, and tell the teacher to "f-off", only to have the parent ground him or take away a video game. This does not stop the childs behavior, and stopping this type of behavior is much more beneficial at a young age, so that children learn what can and can't be done.
2007-11-05 19:26:37 UTC
Most parents are a lot older when they spank.

re you, the one asking the question, the mother or the father or the 12 year old kid?


If the parent ... it does seem there are countries where it is "illegal" to spank anyone 13 years of age or older ... certainly so if the kid will report it. Of course, some kids would reluctantly take a reasonable spanking rather than being grounded or other such non-corporal punishments. BUT, JUST BE CAREFUL. Don't wind up getting into trouble with the "state".


And, if it isn't illegal in your area ... then: NO, 12 is NOT too old to get spanked? Since kids are "maturing" by 12 years of age so spankings of girls probably should be by moms and of boys by dads ... especially if you insist on spanking on the "bare" or, maybe, even on the underwear.


Or maybe you are the kid, the one who is asking. Maybe you are asking whether you can still be spanked even though you are 12. It sure ain't fun ... but go for it if you wish. Better than being grounded or such!! The alternative might be not doing anything that results in your getting punished.


Shawn H
2007-11-07 20:44:11 UTC
Depends on what the person is being spanked for. Major things, maybe, but little stuff, no. I got spanked 5 or 6 times a year till I was 14, and threatened with it till 16.
2007-11-05 23:40:06 UTC
It's getting up there, but I wouldn't hesitate if I think it's necessary.

Until their age ends with at "teen" a spanking is a sure possibility. My oldest is 10 and not in any way immune to a spanking. Granted you hope that a 12 year old wouldn't need that punishment, you hope they would listen to your warnings, but every child is different.

In our home spanking is almost a choice of the child, there are usually so many warnings and other punishments which occur first. If they take it that far, I think they are subconsciously "asking for it"
crazy baby
2007-11-05 18:16:08 UTC
Spankings are acceptable all the way till 14 years of age, but the older they get the less you should need to spank. Meaning there should be less spankings at age 12 than there were at age 7. If you are going to spank you need to do it every time they break the same set of rules. Changing punishments only confuse them. Only tell them once if they do not obey give them a spanking. We use a paddle on our kids give 1 to 3 swats over their clothes.
2007-11-05 19:20:58 UTC
In my family my older sister is 30 and just moved back home after heir Devourers and are Father put her over his nee and spanked her for telling are mom that she did not like what was for dinner and wanted mom to make something new. Dad told her to go out to eat if you did not like what was for dinner. She throw a fit like my 2 year old would so dad got mad and Spanked her and told her if she would like to aced like her nice and she gets the shame punishment as my 2 year old.
2007-11-09 00:13:49 UTC
Only in the namby pamby state of America in 2007 is a twelve year old too old to get a spanking.
2007-11-05 17:28:09 UTC
I just turned 15 and recently got spanked. (seriously, i am the one getting spanked, and i know that it is NOT abuse, i was the one that chose to disobey my mom, and i got punished for it. it is not like she does it all the time, but she said that she had to get to me some how, and grounding wasnt working.) afterwards, my mom and i had a good cry and a heart to heart that we both really needed. I am not saying that i dont get grounded,and that i dont still fight with her some, but she saw me going farther and farther to the deep end and knew that it was time for some drastic changes. I feel that it changed, not only did it show me that my mom was serious, but it embarrassed me, (just the THOUGHT of people suspecting that i got spanked was embarrassing) well, hope that i helped.
2007-11-05 17:15:47 UTC
Well, maybe your grounding and taking away things aren't effective for a reason. My mom always made the mistake of forgetting we were grounded, or what we had taken away from us. Or, you could be taking away the wrong things, or not making the grounding strict enough. Do they have activities they participate in--sports, choir, etc? You could ground them from anything but school and home. Trust me, as soon as you get an entire sports team or choir club mad at them, they'll learn.

Spanking won't work at that age. It will just cause even more preteen/teenage resentment. They are trying to test out what their limits are with you. I remember it well.
2007-11-05 17:24:57 UTC
You haven't told us what you are dishing punishments out for. Do you think it's possible that you are confusing discipline with punishment? Could you be expecting behaviour from your 12 year old that isn't reasonable? It takes such a long time to learn to behave like an adult. In fact there are plenty of adults around who haven't got the hang of it yet.

If he/she breaks a cup, what is a reasonable reaction? Punishment, or a calm "please be more careful next time, now go and sweep it up."

If he/she won't put their dirty clothes in the laundry, don't wash them. If they complain, you calmly say "Oh, I've done all the washing in the laundry, did you forget to put your clothes out? Don't worry, I'm doing some more washing tomorrow, so if you put them out, I'll do them then."

If he/she is being rude, you calmly say "I'm sorry, my ears can't listen to you properly at the moment. Please come and talk to me again when you are able to speak nicely."

Home is not supposed to be a boot camp, after all! If all else fails, you take time out! I know one lady with a very strong willed 4 year old. When they get into a situation, the mum goes out into the garden. When her daughter comes to ask if she's ready to come back in, Mum says "No" and stays in the garden until she's ready!
2007-11-05 17:06:28 UTC
I'm 17 and even though I didnt get beat that often (because I wasnt that bad) mt brother is 15 and he just got done getting beatings. One because he's big for a 15 year old and I dont think it hurts himany more; and because my mom got injured on the job so she cant partake in any physical activities.
2007-11-05 16:59:55 UTC
Make him do community service right there in the home....

1. Rake leaves

2. Take out trash

3. Clean windows on the outside of the home

4. Sweep and mop the floors


You are the judge and jury in your home. If he doesn't like the punishment, he shouldn't get into trouble in the first place!
2007-11-05 22:42:36 UTC
Chilren at any age should not be spanked! Spanking is barbaric, primitive, inhumane, and outdated! Spankign is a brutal form of violence, and if you spank your son, it will only teach him to be violent! If you spank him, he will probably grow up to be a violent criminal as a result. Spanking is also a form of sexual assault. Children should never, ever be spanked and spankign should be illegal everywhere. Parents who spank should get the same treatment as other child molesters. DO NOT SPANK YOUR SON!!! If you do, he will just grow up to be violent, and he may become a spankign fetishist later in life. There is absolutely no worse fate than beoming a spanking fetishist.
Goku Son
2007-11-05 16:58:47 UTC
Now, I don't think you should discipline your child TOO much. But if you need to, as a last resort, then just give him a spank once in a while. I mean they do say kids start going through mood swings every so often. Just sit down with him and try to talk to him. If still not, GO FOR SUPER NANNY! Or some other type of Nanny. :)
2007-11-05 16:58:04 UTC
If he/she is extremely rebelious, and it sounds that way, he/she might report it (to someone at school) and cause a lot of problems for your family. Grounding will work if you stick to it until it does work. Don't give ANY privelages back, once taken away, until the behavior changes. GL
2007-11-05 20:17:18 UTC
12 yrs. old is not to old to spank, at that age you need to keep them in their place.
2007-11-05 17:33:19 UTC
my 12 year old son still gets spanked.
2007-11-05 16:57:17 UTC
If the 12 year old isn't behaving like a 12 year old should and nothing else works, it seems appropriate.
2007-11-05 17:01:10 UTC
yes. i stopped getting spanked at about 5 or 6.
2007-11-05 16:57:10 UTC
no im 13 i still get spanked
2007-11-05 16:59:36 UTC
Yes, you need to put your foot down! If they will not listen to you, you need to show them to obey your rules and guidelines or they will always think they can challenge you and win. THis also shows that you are the authority.
2007-11-05 17:13:11 UTC
yes it is. You need to strip the room of everythin but the matteress and blanket and make them earn everything back through good behaviour
2007-11-05 19:03:43 UTC
yes, try more chores without allowance
ted j
2007-11-05 17:33:46 UTC
These days it's illegal. Your kid can have anyone that touches him thrown in jail. They are learning this at school. It costs a lot of money to get out of jail. If your kid goes to foster care, it can get expensive for you.

You're forced to negotiate with your kid.
just duky
2007-11-05 17:35:09 UTC
depends on your techniques and your childern largely yes it is too old....
2007-11-05 16:57:37 UTC
I think you need better communication between your 12 yr old. work things out... maybe see a family therapist communication is the success that works best.
2007-11-07 06:44:56 UTC
no, smack that naughty butt till its bright red
2007-11-07 15:59:32 UTC
no way
2007-11-05 18:11:24 UTC
Yes I think it is.
2007-11-05 17:23:42 UTC
in my opinion, YES
2007-11-05 16:56:59 UTC
Yes... think of other ways then!
S. kiD
2007-11-05 16:56:21 UTC
lil ol me
2007-11-05 17:01:27 UTC
no not at all if its well deserved.
2007-11-05 17:04:24 UTC
I don't think you should hit your children for these reasons:

1. Hitting children teaches them to become hitters themselves. Extensive research data is now available to support a direct correlation between corporal punishment in childhood and aggressive or violent behavior in the teenage and adult years. Virtually all of the most dangerous criminals were regularly threatened and punished in childhood. It is nature's plan that children learn attitudes and behaviors through observation and imitation of their parents' actions, for good or ill. Thus it is the responsibility of parents to set an example of empathy and wisdom.

2. In many cases of so-called "bad behavior", the child is simply responding in the only way he can, given his age and experience, to neglect of basic needs. Among these needs are: proper sleep and nutrition, treatment of hidden allergy, fresh air, exercise, and sufficient freedom to explore the world around him. But his greatest need is for his parents' undivided attention. In these busy times, few children receive sufficient time and attention from their parents, who are often too distracted by their own problems and worries to treat their children with patience and empathy. It is surely wrong and unfair to punish a child for responding in a natural way to having important needs neglected. For this reason, punishment is not only ineffective in the long run, it is also clearly unjust.

3. Punishment distracts the child from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. As the educator John Holt wrote, "When we make a child afraid, we stop learning dead in its tracks." A punished child becomes preoccupied with feelings of anger and fantasies of revenge, and is thus deprived of the opportunity to learn more effective methods of solving the problem at hand. Thus, a punished child learns little about how to handle or prevent similar situations in the future.

4. The phrase "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is not from the Bible but from Samuel Butler's "Hudibras", a 17th Century satirical poem. The poem, like his novel, The Way of All Flesh, was written to expose and denounce violence against children.

While the "rod" is mentioned many times in the Bible, it is only in the Book of Proverbs that this word is used in connection with parenting. The book of Proverbs is attributed to Solomon, an extremely cruel man whose harsh methods of discipline led his own son, Rehoboam, to become a tyrannical and oppressive dictator who only narrowly escaped being stoned to death for his cruelty. In the Bible there is no support for harsh discipline outside of Solomon's Proverbs. By contrast, the writings in the Gospels, the most important books in the Bible for Christians, contain the teachings of Jesus Christ, who urged mercy, forgiveness, humility, and non-violence. Jesus saw children as being close to God, and urged love, never punishment.3

5. Punishment interferes with the bond between parent and child, as it is not human nature to feel loving toward someone who hurts us. The true spirit of cooperation which every parent desires can arise only through a strong bond based on mutual feelings of love and respect. Punishment, even when it appears to work, can produce only superficially good behavior based on fear, which can only take place until the child is old enough to resist. In contrast, cooperation based on respect will last permanently, bringing many years of mutual happiness as the child and parent grow older.

6. Many parents never learned in their own childhood that there are positive ways of relating to children. When punishment does not accomplish the desired goals, and if the parent is unaware of alternative methods, punishment can escalate to more frequent and dangerous actions against the child.

7. Anger and frustration which cannot be safely expressed by a child become stored inside; angry teenagers do not fall from the sky. Anger that has been accumulating for many years can come as a shock to parents whose child now feels strong enough to express this rage. Punishment may appear to produce "good behavior" in the early years, but always at a high price, paid by parents and by society as a whole, as the child enters adolescence and early adulthood.

8. Spanking on the buttocks, an erogenous zone in childhood, can create in the child's mind an association between pain and sexual pleasure, and lead to difficulties in adulthood. "Spanking wanted" ads in alternative newspapers attest to the sad consequences of this confusion of pain and pleasure. If a child receives little parental attention except when being punished, this will further merge the concepts of pain and pleasure in the child's mind. A child in this situation will have little self-esteem, believing he deserves nothing better. For more on this topic, see "The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children" (also in French).

Even relatively moderate spanking can be physically dangerous. Blows to the lower end of the spinal column send shock waves along the length of the spine, and may injure the child. The prevalence of lower back pain among adults in our society may well have its origins in childhood punishment. Some children have become paralyzed through nerve damage from spanking, and some have died after mild paddlings, due to undiagnosed medical complications.

9. Physical punishment gives the dangerous and unfair message that "might makes right", that it is permissible to hurt someone else, provided they are smaller and less powerful than you are. The child then concludes that it is permissible to mistreat younger or smaller children. When he becomes an adult, he can feel little compassion for those less fortunate than he is, and fears those who are more powerful. This will hinder the establishment of meaningful relationships so essential to an emotionally fulfilling life.

10. Because children learn through parental modeling, physical punishment gives the message that hitting is an appropriate way to express feelings and to solve problems. If a child does not observe a parent solving problems in a creative and humane way, it can be difficult for him to learn to do this himself. For this reason, unskilled parenting often continues into the next generation.
2007-11-05 16:56:10 UTC
no ....not at my house

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