Should we vaccinate our children?
D. N
2011-12-01 23:42:33 UTC
This video scared me into thinking that the vaccines we arwe givingour kids may not be that good for them
Fifteen answers:
2011-12-02 08:46:50 UTC

As you say, that video has SCARED you into thinking......

You've replaced logical thinking with emotion and fear. Ignore cranks on youtube.

Vaccines save lives. Nothing in those vaccines are in harmful amounts. Mercury is no longer in the required vaccines and you are exposed to far more aluminium in the environment than is contained in any vaccine.

And Katzeye08? You have been rated down because your "research" is wrong. You haven't made an informed decision; you've made a misinformed decision. All you've "researched" are lies and propaganda. Anyone who claims vaccines cause more harm than good are either ignorant, lying or deluded.

And to the chick above who thinks vaccines cause autism; that link has been debunked ad nauseam. SIDS has actually decreased with the expansion of the schedule: Contrary to what the Antivaxxers claim, there are no studies showing that vaccines cause SIDS. Just because something occurs *after* vaccination does not mean it occurred *because* of vaccination.

Sanitation does little to halt the spread of airborne pathogens. Take chicken pox for example; this vaccine was introduced in the 90s. It lead to a steep decline in rates of chicken pox. What significant improvements in sanitation were made then? Anytime vaccines are introduced, those disease plummet.

The OPV is no longer used in the US. The IPV is used.

Much of the increase in autism can be attributed to broadening on the definition.

Even if an autistic child is deficient in vitamin A, that don't mean vitamin A deficiency causes autism. The MMR does not lead to depletion of Vit.

Vaccines aren't "toxic poisons".

There is no antifreeze in vaccines. Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. 2-phenoxyethanol is found in some vaccines. While both part of the glycol ether family of hydrocarbons, they are entirely different. You've been lied to by the antivaxxers.

Edit: Er, no they didn't. Overwhelming data from numerous studies show no link.

VAERS is there to pick up trends. It's not designed to establish causation.

Serious adverse reactions are more likely to be reported.

No live animal cells are injected into your body.

Mercury isn't in toxic amount- the dose and type matters.

Your own body produces more Formaldehyde on a daily basis than is present in any vaccine. It's not carcinogenic in that amount.

Again, sanitation works for cholera and diseases like that. It does nothing to halt the spread of airborne pathogens. Measles is endemic here in the UK because the uptake dropped. We are a developed country.

You fail.

Edit: Your evidence is lacking. You are demonstrably lying. Vaccines work. Vaccines are far safer than the diseases they prevent. Overwhelming evidence support this. It's not just the evidence that disagrees with your position- basic science does too. Get an education.



You haven't proved anything with the CDC

Wakefield? Yes I am familiar with him! He committed science fraud. He had undisclosed conflicts of interest. *his results were never replicated in larger studies* this means he was wrong.

Saying there is no safe dose for mercury is a scientifically vacuous statement. Water and oxygen can kill you in excess.

You don't understand how science works. People check results you know.

And you're a germ theory denialist? Wow. When people reject reality to this extent, there is no point. You clearly cannot be reasoned with. You haven't "seen the light" you've been duped. You blindly believe everything you've been told by the lying antivaxxers.

Edit: Err, I've presented evidence. May I recommend an eye exam?

"Well the last time I checked water and oxygen weren't poisons"

It is in *excess*. I could give you an overdose of water and O2 and kill you. Excess water would cause a fatal electrolyte imbalance. Google Hyponatremia.

And no, amongst his many claims, Wakefield claimed that the MMR hadn't gone through enough testing (which is false), he also claimed the single vaccine is safer (again, false). He ignored all current data showing the safety of the vaccine.

The presence of the virus in the gut does not mean the MMR causes autism.

The only vaccines the US gives that we don't routinely here in the UK are chicken pox, rotavirus and HepB. So..3.

And the US don't have the highest infant mortality rate. It is artificially inflated because they count premature births. Other developed countries don't.

It may interest you to know that polysorbate 80 is in everyday foods such as ice far greater amounts than is present in any vaccine.

HepB isn't linked to any chronic conditions.

Your evidence is still lacking. Thus far, you haven't presented any- just opinions..from other cranks of antivaxxer sites.

Quite the fail.
Jennifer L
2011-12-02 15:00:59 UTC
First of all, the diseases that vaccines prevent are NOT eradicated! Polio, measles, tetanus and other diseases are alive and well, causing serious illness and death in other parts of the world. We live in a global society. People travel frequently all over the world. You may say that you'll never take your child out of the country, but can you guarantee that your child will never be in contact with someone who has taken a trip overseas?

Even chicken pox, which is a childhood illness, can lead to shingles as an adult. Shingles is an incredibly painful and deadly version of the chicken pox virus that often resurfaces when a person is in their later adult years. A chicken pox vaccination as a child can prevent years of chronic pain as an adult.

The CDC recently put out that the drop in parents vaccinating their children is opening us up to a risk of a resurgance in these diseases (which again, are certainly NOT eradicated!). There have been recent outbreaks in measles because kids aren't vaccinated against them.

Seriously, go back and watch some of the documentaries about polio and what the parents of polio victims went through less than a hundred years ago. Do you want to toss the dice for your children?
2011-12-02 08:26:28 UTC
You think whooping cough, meningitis and measles are going to be good for your kids? Why don't you go watch some youtube videos about what they do?

It would be lovely if we could eradicate these illnesses and vaccines weren't needed. Since we haven't managed to do that yet, your child is far, FAR safer being vaccinated than not.


"Coincidentally (or is it?), out of all the first-world countries it has the highest rate of autism and childhood mortality. "

You failed to mention that the high rate of autism is exactly the same in the unvaccinated kids too. You'd think someone so concerned with accurate research would have thought to look into that. Why didn't you mention it? Becuase it didn't fit your agenda?

Or do you really believe that sunspots make people vote Republican?
2011-12-02 08:25:11 UTC
More likely than not your children will be fine. There's more of a chance your kid will die or get sick from a disease you decided not to get them vaccinated for than getting them vaccinated. Don't believe everything you hear/see. Just get them vaccinated, they're young, get it over with. Now they don't have emotions enough to feel what it'll be like when they're older and have the pain/disease you didn't get them vaccinated for.
2011-12-02 09:53:10 UTC
That's a load of bullsh*t. It's actually extremely selfish not to vaccinate your child. Not only are you putting their life at risk from some truly horrible diseases, you put every other child that your child comes into contact with at risk.

Most anti-vaxxers probably believe man didn't really land on the moon, either...
2011-12-02 14:45:50 UTC
Get them vaccinated; I didn't watch the video but if it's about side effects they are pretty rare.
2011-12-02 12:58:15 UTC
I can't watch the video because my computer will not load it, so I cannot comment upon that, but I did send you a few emails on what I think and links and such. There was too much to post here haha. As I said in the emails, I do not believe, after years and hundreds of hours of research, that vaccinating is the right or safe thing to do, and thus have not and will not vaccinate my children. As I also said though, I believe that informed choice is the best thing, and thus that you should research it from both sides for yourself and choose the path that is best for your family. I wish you much luck, and hope that you find the answers you are searching for ^_^ Good Luck!!

P.s. Hehe, I love seeing thumbs down when I tell someone to research and come to an educated informed decision, instead of just saying "well the Dr said its ok so I'll do it!!" I never said not to do it, just that my conclusion after much research, was its not safe and I will not do it. I simply said to make a choice based on research, not word of mouth of people who haven't, most of the time, researched it. So thanks or proving how dumb you are :D A thumbs down means you are against informed choice, good luck with that, hehe ^_^
2011-12-02 08:08:24 UTC
It's garbage. Vaccinating your child keeps them safe from diseases and it's extremely rare to have complications. I wouldn't give the person telling vaccines aren't safe for kids any of my time. Cause they have no idea what they are talking about.
Iggy rocks
2011-12-02 07:50:08 UTC
OMG please dont watch ridiculous anti vaccine sites they are full of crap...the risk of immunisation is so low compared to the risk of the diseases the vaccine prevents!

Whooping cough can kill yoru infant so quickly and the chances of getting it if not vaccinated is so high!

please vaccinate...u will be isolating your child as well...i would not let an child that is not immunised near my son! they are too risky
Katherine W
2011-12-02 07:45:50 UTC
It's garbage. Vaccinate your children. Look up "herd immunity."
2011-12-02 07:48:18 UTC
7kids age 20 to 5mos.... All got vaccinated and all are fine
2011-12-02 08:24:32 UTC
I wasn't sure about vaccinating my kids either. I asked other parents and they said they were waiting till their kids turned 3, so that's what we did. I never had a good feeling about vaccinations anyway and our doctor didn't push it. Three came and went for my oldest child and I still hadn't gotten any vaccinations. It was brought up recently and I realized I had to confront the issue again (having a feeling that something is wrong is not a good enough reason on it's own).

So, I did some research and read up about vaccines and the benefits vs. the potential side affects. What I learned is essentially the benefits (depending on who you ask) are either dubious and unproven (some sources say diseases that had been declared eradicated had actually spiked in numbers after vaccinations had been used) or a godsend to humanity that will benefit not only those who vaccinate but also those who do not vaccinate.

The side affects (depending on who you ask) either completely don't exist other than slight numbness on the site and the very, very, extremely rare case of someone having a deadly reaction, or are a LOT more common than medical professionals let up and are often devastating especially for infants. They can lead to autism, paralysis and death. There are also plenty of cases of "immunized" children coming down with the disease they just got immunized against (either immediately after the shot (as a direct result from the shot) or later down the road when they should be immune but instead are still contracting the disease.

I read several websites describing symptoms that people have had and they all sound very similar. Typically it's about a 1 yr old who gets her 1 yr shots, gets wobbly legs and becomes cranky, can no longer stand up or walk and may even lose some speech. They may or may not recover. If they don't they are diagnosed with autism which the doctor says is completely unrelated (1 yr is when most people are diagnosed with autism they say). Some children have seizures and some die.

I also discovered that the government protects the drug companies by making it so that you cannot even sue them if you have serious side affects from vaccines! (see links) Complications from vaccines are also WAY under-reported and most doctors will not even acknowledge that vaccines are related to problems that stemmed from them.

Another point of interest is that the US uses more vaccinations than any other first-world country in the world. Coincidentally (or is it?), out of all the first-world countries it has the highest rate of autism and childhood mortality. If other first-world countries don't vaccinate and they are doing okay, why do we need so many?

Most people will use fear tactics to try to convince you to immunize by essentially calling you a bad parent for putting your child at risk for disease. Most of the diseases children are immunized for are far from deadly: measles, smallpox, chicken pox, etc. Yes, there is always a chance that complications can occur that could cause death (particularly in infants, elderly and the imune-suppresed), but there is also a chance that immunizations could cause complications that could cause death (esp. for that same group). CHOOSING to give your child immunizations is choosing to take the gamble of subjecting your child to something that could potentially have bad effects (and they may even end up getting the disease despite being vaccinated against it).

Vaccines are LOADED with dangerous toxins and additives that susceptible people could react seriously to, yet doctors don't screen patients well to make sure that it is safe for the patient to be vaccinated. Infants in particular who you would carefully introduce foods to slowly so as not to cause allergies are routinely being injected with extremely high doses of toxic chemicals such as mercury and aluminum. This why infants should not be vaccinated (at LEAST wait till your child older!) See the third link for a list of toxic materials contained in vaccines.

The more I learn about vaccines, the less necessary and more harmful they seem. I began my research with an open mind and no strong bias one way or the other. I didn't blindly believe the "fear mongers" who were against vaccines, but I felt a HUGE lack of information coming from the side of those who argued for vaccines. I think I have enough facts now though to give credence to much of what is said by those who are anti-vaccine. They have the facts to back up their arguments unlike the other side who can only deny that there are any problems whatsoever.

edit: @cathrl69, actually, I didn't know autism is higher in unvaccinated US children also (I did not purposely leave that out). If you can successfully address at least half of the rest of my points I just may have to reassess my stance on vaccinations.
2011-12-02 09:46:51 UTC
No don't vaccinate your children.

Vaccines contain in no particular order: Mercury, Aluminium,Formaldehyde,Anti-Freeze, Urine, Faeces and human or animal embryos. If I came around your house and spread that on your kids toast you would quite rightly have me arrested, but a man in a white coat can legally inject your kids with this without recourse.

If you want to risk SIDS, Autism,ADHD among a multitude of other things then carry on, if you live in America which is vaccine obsessed then you might not have any choice in the matter.

Child protection services will probably kidnap your children and the police arrest you.

Vaccines are flawed science, invented in 18th century england by a country quack called Edward Jenner. To cut a really long story short, he pushed through his vaccines despite the general downturn in infectious disease due to the introduction of sanitary conditions in the city. Country folk rarely saw infectious disease. Despite outbreaks CAUSED by his vaccines, Jenner had friends in high places (do you see a pattern forming here with todays big pharma!) and managed to get vaccines forced on an unwilling population. Between 1857-1859 there were 14000 deaths.Between 1863-65 20,000 deaths and in 1870-1872 a whopping 45,000 deaths despite a 97% inoculation rate in the country. Japan introduced vaccination in 1872, by 1892 there were 166,000 cases of smallpox resulting in 30,000 deaths despite the vaccination programme.Moving forward, Jonas Salk invents the polio vaccine shortly after WW2 with a culture grown on dead green monkeys and trials it in NYC, despite the fact that there were only 13 cases and 1 death per 100,000! By 1959 there were 5000 cases of paralytic polio in NYC. In 1977 Salk testifies before a senate commitee that ALL Polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine.The CDC states alarmingly that the only known cause for polio today is the polio vaccine! Lets move on to MMR. Autism has gone from being almost unknown (1 in 10,000) in 1978 to 1 in 166 in 2000. In all cases of autism it is found the child is completely deficient in Vitamin A. Guess what causes the depletion of Vit A? The MMR vaccine, yet the FDA/AMA still refuses to acknowledge the link between autism and mercury found in vaccines.

Studies found that around 3,000 children die in America 4 days after vaccination and almost half of all SIDS cases(2500-5000) are caused by vaccines.

According to Dr James R Shannon former director of the National Institute of Health: The only safe vaccine is the one that is never used.

Trust me, you're Immune system is perfectly well equipped to cope without toxic poisons like vaccines compromising it.
2011-12-02 18:27:38 UTC

Hep B has no known side effects??? " The US government was forced to ADMIT the vaccine led to the development of the disease!!!" HELLO!! Do you live in a parallel universe where vaccines contain sugar and spice and all things nice?

So what if polysorbate 80 appears in food, and don't get me started on the crap that goes into our everyday food, it still appears in vaccines and there is no safe limit when you're getting anywhere between 12 and 36 different vaccines in varying doses up to the age of 5!

America has the highest infant mortality rate amongst developed nations, thats an irrefutable fact and a fairly obvious one when you think about the state of their health care system. Anyway these statistics come from the WHO world health statistics of 2009, which are pro vaccine.But if you dont believe that go on CNN Health who are hardly anti-vaccine and they say and I quote"American babies are 3 times more likely to die in their first month than children born in Japan" They go on to say "only Latvia has a higher infant mortality rate than the US". This research was carried out by Save the Children, again hardly a bastion of anti vaccination and mentions nothing about premature again your "facts" are dead wrong.

Some more little nuggets of info for you to digest:

Dr Len Horowitz uncovers an interview with leading Merck scientist Dr Maurice Hilleman where he openly admits that vaccines administered to Americans were contaminated with Leukemia and cancer viruses. The transcript of the interview is available at

In 1888 a report by Dr William Parr, compiler of statistics of the registrar general of London and the physician who is responsible for setting up the vital statistics we use today stated the following: Smallpox attained its maximum mortality AFTER the vaccine had been introduced.The mean annual mortality per 10,000 between 1850 to 1869 was a mean of 2.04, whereas after 1871 when compulsory vaccination was introduced the mean death rate was 10.24. In 1872 the death rate was 8.33 and this was after the most laudable efforts to extend vaccination by legislative enactments.

Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes narcolepsy. The Finnish government in acknowledging this link has agreed to pay for life time medical care for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. An unusually large number of narcolepsy cases have emerged in Sweden after the recent N1H1 vaccine.

A recent Rasmussen poll in the US showed that 52% of the population were concerned about the safety of vaccines...and this is in Vaccine obsessed America!

If VAERS is only showing a 10% report rate but still gets 20,000 bad reactions reported per year then we are talking about 200,000 adverse reactions in the US alone.If we extrapolate that to worldwide vaccinations then we are dealing with MILLIONS of adverse vaccine reactions in the world EVERY YEAR and yet you still contend that vaccines are harmless??

This is like shelling peas Rhianna, you set em up...and I'll knock em down.

You haven't eviscerated anybody. Who have you eviscerated?

Dr William Parr? No his simple statistics are as clear as the nose on your face.

I could show more from that period of time taken as just pure statistics with no political or financial slant showing that nearly all infectious diseases of the time were well on their way to erradication long before vaccination was forced on an unsuspecting population.

All you do in eviscerating people is call them cranks, well I could call you a crank. Is that you eviscerated??

Did you read or listen to the transcript of Maurice Hilleman, are you not slightly worried by what he said?? Or is it just another fabrication by the anti-vaxxers as you like to call us.

VAERS is very simple, if you want to call it trends then crack on but it still shows that there are up to 200,000 adverse reactions per year, it only shows 20,000 because dishonest doctors protecting their wealth and the tarnished reputation of vaccines dont report it.

If you think you can "own" me on this debate then you've got another thing coming.

You can quote your fudged data all you want, I deal in reality and walk around with my eyes open

and see the problems caused by vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.

But I'll give you this: You've got the Doctors arrogance off to a tee, you'll make a fine physician.
2011-12-02 07:43:22 UTC
Don't believe it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.