As you say, that video has SCARED you into thinking......
You've replaced logical thinking with emotion and fear. Ignore cranks on youtube.
Vaccines save lives. Nothing in those vaccines are in harmful amounts. Mercury is no longer in the required vaccines and you are exposed to far more aluminium in the environment than is contained in any vaccine.
And Katzeye08? You have been rated down because your "research" is wrong. You haven't made an informed decision; you've made a misinformed decision. All you've "researched" are lies and propaganda. Anyone who claims vaccines cause more harm than good are either ignorant, lying or deluded.
And to the chick above who thinks vaccines cause autism; that link has been debunked ad nauseam. SIDS has actually decreased with the expansion of the schedule: Contrary to what the Antivaxxers claim, there are no studies showing that vaccines cause SIDS. Just because something occurs *after* vaccination does not mean it occurred *because* of vaccination.
Sanitation does little to halt the spread of airborne pathogens. Take chicken pox for example; this vaccine was introduced in the 90s. It lead to a steep decline in rates of chicken pox. What significant improvements in sanitation were made then? Anytime vaccines are introduced, those disease plummet.
The OPV is no longer used in the US. The IPV is used.
Much of the increase in autism can be attributed to broadening on the definition.
Even if an autistic child is deficient in vitamin A, that don't mean vitamin A deficiency causes autism. The MMR does not lead to depletion of Vit.
Vaccines aren't "toxic poisons".
There is no antifreeze in vaccines. Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. 2-phenoxyethanol is found in some vaccines. While both part of the glycol ether family of hydrocarbons, they are entirely different. You've been lied to by the antivaxxers.
Edit: Er, no they didn't. Overwhelming data from numerous studies show no link.
VAERS is there to pick up trends. It's not designed to establish causation.
Serious adverse reactions are more likely to be reported.
No live animal cells are injected into your body.
Mercury isn't in toxic amount- the dose and type matters.
Your own body produces more Formaldehyde on a daily basis than is present in any vaccine. It's not carcinogenic in that amount.
Again, sanitation works for cholera and diseases like that. It does nothing to halt the spread of airborne pathogens. Measles is endemic here in the UK because the uptake dropped. We are a developed country.
You fail.
Edit: Your evidence is lacking. You are demonstrably lying. Vaccines work. Vaccines are far safer than the diseases they prevent. Overwhelming evidence support this. It's not just the evidence that disagrees with your position- basic science does too. Get an education.
You haven't proved anything with the CDC
Wakefield? Yes I am familiar with him! He committed science fraud. He had undisclosed conflicts of interest. *his results were never replicated in larger studies* this means he was wrong.
Saying there is no safe dose for mercury is a scientifically vacuous statement. Water and oxygen can kill you in excess.
You don't understand how science works. People check results you know.
And you're a germ theory denialist? Wow. When people reject reality to this extent, there is no point. You clearly cannot be reasoned with. You haven't "seen the light" you've been duped. You blindly believe everything you've been told by the lying antivaxxers.
Edit: Err, I've presented evidence. May I recommend an eye exam?
"Well the last time I checked water and oxygen weren't poisons"
It is in *excess*. I could give you an overdose of water and O2 and kill you. Excess water would cause a fatal electrolyte imbalance. Google Hyponatremia.
And no, amongst his many claims, Wakefield claimed that the MMR hadn't gone through enough testing (which is false), he also claimed the single vaccine is safer (again, false). He ignored all current data showing the safety of the vaccine.
The presence of the virus in the gut does not mean the MMR causes autism.
The only vaccines the US gives that we don't routinely here in the UK are chicken pox, rotavirus and HepB. So..3.
And the US don't have the highest infant mortality rate. It is artificially inflated because they count premature births. Other developed countries don't.
It may interest you to know that polysorbate 80 is in everyday foods such as ice far greater amounts than is present in any vaccine.
HepB isn't linked to any chronic conditions.
Your evidence is still lacking. Thus far, you haven't presented any- just opinions..from other cranks of antivaxxer sites.
Quite the fail.