2011-12-09 23:53:12 UTC
An example of this is the ''Santa Claus doesn't exist' school tells stunned kids'' News.
And why do parents get so emotionally driven to sadness and even refuse to celebrate Christmas when their kids learn (or even hint) Santa's nonexistence. Such as when kids tell their parents about Santa's nonexistence they threat their kids into believing they won't give them presents.
Most parents believe that children are the sufferers in the Santa Claus doesn't exist gig but children actually don't really care that the mysterious Claus doesn't exist and actually feel quite proud of forgetting about Santa. Through parents usually are emotionally struck and even threat their kids with gifts when they tell them who REALLY buts those presents under that tree. (Even in some cases to the point of not even wanting to celebrate Christmas anymore, even though it's not really about the presents.)