hi there
This is a summary of responses from recent discussions on the UCB Parents mailing list.
Most parents started allowance at about first grade age. They said, before that, their children didn't understand what money was for. Most said there were no specific chores tied to allowance, although most also said their children were expected to perform certain tasks such as keeping their rooms neat, picking up their toys, getting ready for school on time, helping with dinner. Many parents said their kids had ways to get money besides allowance (and in some cases, instead of allowance) such as birthday gifts & report cards, and by doing extra chores like cutting the grass, babysitting, washing the car, etc. Many parents said their children save all or part of their allowance, and some had rules about saving a part of allowance and money gifts. Most parents had no restrictions on how allowance could be spent as long as it complied with existing family rules about sweets, war toys, and so on. Allowance amounts seem to increase substantially for children over 10.
The responses are below, sorted by ages; in some cases you will see repeats from the parents who have more than one child. Here is a breakdown:
age amount/wk
3-5 0 or $.25-$1
6-7 0 or $1-$3
8-10 0 or $1-$4
11-12 0 or $2-$5
13-14 0 or $5-$7
15 & older $10
We pay $5/week to our 11 (almost 12) year old daughter.
The allowance is not tied to chores, but can be revoked as a consequence of certain undesirable behaviors (such as lying about whether or not she did her homework).
also must be aware of how the child spends the money kids these days have to be watch. it just being a caution loving parent.
REMEMBER rules are rules .
be wellbe safe god bless