Eh, there are lots of "strict" parents. Their kids get spanked or punished in some other way -- over and over and over and over...
It doesn't work very well, and there are loads of ways to raise well-behaved children without punishment, without being harsh, without being mean, without _fighting with one's children_, which is (1) ridiculous; the adult has all the power, there is just no need, (2) a terrible example of human relations to model for young people, (3) not good for maintaining the sort of close nurturing relationship with one's offspring that's so critical to maintaining a connection in the teen years.
"What's Wrong With Strict Parenting?
Research show that most people think strict parenting produces better-behaved kids. However, research studies on discipline consistently show that strict, or authoritarian, child-raising actually produces kids with lower self esteem who behave worse than other kids -- and therefore get punished more! Strict parenting actually creates behavior problems in children."
Good strategies:
"Something Better Than Punishment"
"Building a Positive Relationship with Your Child"
"Am I Spoiling My Child?"
"Helping Young Children Behave"
I also recommend watching "Mary Poppins" if one is completely clueless as to how to keep kids in line without being a jerk about it. You can't see her yelling or hitting or something, right? And yet... Brisk, chipper efficiency crossed with love makes one's "no" more meaningful than "no -- *spank*."
My daughter is _wholly_ unpunished; I get a constant stream of compliments on her behaviour from friends and strangers. I have recommended the monographs above to others and had "Okay, things are totally different around here now, for the better" from parents who've followed the advice.
"Maybe it's because alot of the people on here haven't grown up yet..."
I'm pushing forty. As you get older, you relax a bit, generally, and priorities shift and one is not so easily excitable. It seems from this vantage point that the younger parents are more anxious about behaviour issues and thus more inclined to punish and be harsh (and this is actually backed up by some statistics).