2010-05-22 07:49:09 UTC
I think that the following things have effected me the most:
I don't always feel like I am recognized for the work that I do and I don't get a paycheck reinforcing that my work has value. Therefore I feel a sense of unimportance and dependency. Both self esteem killers.
I spend my day performing tasks that require no intelligence to perform. Washing dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, chasing a toddler around. There is nothing mentally stimulating about my day and sometimes I feel like a scullery maid.
I miss the social aspect of working. Since I can't have a mentally stimulating conversation with my 16 month old, I feel lonely most of my day, and most of my friends are out of state. Lets just say that a FB addiction has developed.
I feel unattractive. I used to dress in cute clothes and leave the house feeling confident and good. Even if I only went to work that day I felt like I at least looked nice. Now that I'm home I usually don't go anywhere and I don't have much time to get myself ready, at least until she naps in the afternoon. I usually spend my day in sweats or worn out jeans getting food thrown at me, milk spilled on me, crayons drawn all over me and when the day is over I feel like the personal part of me is gone and I'm just a disheveled Mommy in messy clothes.
I feel disrespected for being a SAHM, mostly by the comments of people that I don't know well or strangers that I don't know at all. I know that their opinions shouldn't bother me, but they do. It seems like so many people think that stay at home moms just sit and eat bon bons all day. You hear it all of the time online and sometimes on the radio or tv. I feel like even though I'm on call 24/7. Taking care of the house, cooking, laundry, chasing my kid all over the place cleaning up poo and throw up, there are people who think that I just stay home and do nothing. Like I have no purpose, no ambition or that I'm lacking the intelligence to do a 'real' job. It sucks, and sometimes I fantasize about smacking them in the face.
Anyway, that's how I'm feeling. Can any of you relate? How do you cope when you're feeling down, or what do you do to prevent it? Thanks!