My husband helps with the housework on the weekends, when he is not working. During the week its up to me. He does help with her when he gets home, thank goodness. After a full day of her bossyness, I sure can use it. But sometimes he can just ignore her when she is screaming, so I feel like its just me at times.
I feel for you that he doesnt pay any attention to your child, and you may feel sorry that she doesnt pay attention to him, but I feel he has to make an effort to play with her, change a diaper, even if he did just get home from work...after all he is a parent.
Good job raising your baby!
Mine tends to latch onto me as well, even while cooking dinner she wants to be held. Most of the day long she wants me to stand up and hold her. She will yell at me for sitting down. oh the wonderful terrible 2's! Just wait for that! ;)
I do think they shoudl help a little when they get home. I am sure they have worked a full day, but so have we! Our lunch break is IF they have taken a nap, then to me that is my clean-up time. Thats what I had told my husband before.