A minimum wage increase would be good for workers (and the local economy), in theory, but really bad for businesses AND workers in many industries in reality. If businesses have to pay more to their employees, they'll need to cut hours to keep labor to a level they can afford, which means some people may lose their jobs and/or more workers will work less hours.
As for it being the time to raise the minimum wage, it's doubtful. The economy is bad pretty much everywhere. The good thing about a 'stimulus' of a minimum wage increase is that lower and middle class folks actually spend their money because they need to in order to survive. They put it out into the community and it helps to improve local business, revenue, etc. Again, though -- that doesn't do much good when businesses will have to lay off, fire or cut hours to compensate for a required wage increase.
These cutbacks with minimum wage increases were happening even when the economy was in better shape. I was working at a food service location in 2006 (I think) when we went from $5.15 to $6.95... We had to let three people go and everybody but management got their hours cut.
I think the lowest wage I've earned from an hourly job was either 4.25 or 4.35. It was construction, but I was really young and soon got bumped up to $8.75 at 18. Fat loot for a kid, especially 15 years ago...
There are three or four states that have a minimum wage below $7 an hour (some as low as $5.15/25). Not many individuals can figure out how to live on ~$150 / week, let alone couples or families. While I think raising the minimum wage would ultimately be bad, something needs to be done...